Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 149 Friends



"Let us talk your name. I should at least know the name of the person that saved my life," Ning Xiaozhi changed the topic.

"Sorry for my lack of manners. It's Ye Chaoxiang," he said.

"Ye Chaoxiang. Cool name," she said with a light smile as she repeated his name as if she was memorizing it.

"What about yours?" He asked in return.

"Oh. My name is Xiaozhi. Ning Xiaozhi, but I would prefer if my friends just calls me Xiaozhi. At least we are friends, right?" she asked

"Are we? I mean... do you want me to be your friend?"

"Of course? Who does not want to be friends with their knight in shining armor?" She asked the obvious.

"Knight in shining armor?" He raised his brows at her.

"Uh huh. Is something wrong with that? Do you not want to be a knight to a pretty princess like me?" She asked.

"Hiss. Are you flirting with me right now?" Ye Chaoxiang tilted his head to his left a little as he asked.

"Is it working?" She questioned back, her face now brighter than before.

"You... You are very bold for princess," he chortled and sipped his tea.

"I never said I was timid, did I?" She smiled as she admired his own smile.

"No. But I doubt if you were this bold when I carried you to that pharmacy store," he said.

Ning Xiaozhi's eyes widened. Her face began to heat up.

"That was.... Well every girl would feel embarrassed if a guy carries them like that and that too in public," she defended herself.

"Yeah. I know."

Then silence came down like a curtain over them. Ye Chaoxiang had finished eating and his coffee was almost done but he still felt reluctant to gulp the remaining content and leave.

For some reason, he liked being with her. He enjoys her company. Just once that he has had an easy going conversation with a woman that he is not related to and it does not involve sex or work. He shook his head at his own realization.

Ye Chaoxiang sighed and finished the remaining coffee in the cup. He then looked at back at her only to find her looking at him. He furrowed his brows in amusement.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked.

"No, nothing," she snapped back.

"Ahem. Let me help you with the dishes at least before I go," he said and picked up their plates and cups before moving to the sink to wash them.

Ning Xiaozhi eyes followed him till the sink and watched as he washed the dishes. So elegant and hot in everything he does. Even the way he eats and lifts his cup to his lips speakers volumes of his life style.

After her was done, he wiped his hands and went back to the place he sat.

"I guess u have to go now," he said.

"Oh alright. Let me see you off then," she said and followed him to the door, opened it and he stepped out.

"Do not forget about my treat at the restaurant for saving me," she reminded him.

"I definitely will not. But instead of the place you work, why don't we just go somewhere else?" He asked much to her surprise.

"I just figured that it would be kind of awkward if we ate at your work place," he quickly cleared up.

"Yeah. You have got a valid point there," she agreed.

"Hmm. See you whenever you are ready to treat me to..." He paused as he did not know what she would be treating him to.

"To dinner. But I do not have your number or know your place to let you know about the time and place," she reasoned.

"Oh right. Here. Just put your number. I will call when I get home so that you can have mine too," he passed his phone to her. Ning Xiaozhi's fingers swiftly danced in the keypad of his phone as she input her number. She passed it back to him and he saved it as Xiaozhi.

"Alright. I will see you next time for dinner then," he asked.

"Yeah. Our first date as friends," she smiled cheekily at him making him smile too.

"Good night Xiaozhi."

"Good night Chaoxiang," she waved as he left. When the both of them were out of each other's sight, they sighed and smiled stupidly. Ye Chaoxiang jogged back home while Ning Xiaozhi went to take a shower before going to bed. Tonight was her best night so far. That is apart from the part where those for hooligans troubled her. The rest was simply fantastic.

Finally, Ye Chaoxiang got home. He himself went to take a shower and got ready to call his little princess. But wait. He promised to call HER. Sitting in front of his opened laptop, he called Ning Xiaozhi. It rang three times before a sweet pleasant voice rang out.


"Hey. It is me, Ye Chaoxiang," he said.

"Oh hey. You are already at home?" She asked.

"Yeah. Not quiet long. It should be about ten minutes now since I arrived," he answered and switched on his laptop.

"Oh that quick? Are you leaving nearby or you took a can?" She was surprised at the speed. From the timing which is already thirty minutes to nine, her left her place when it was like five or ten minutes past eight. So it took him twenty-five or twenty minutes to get to his own apartment. So it is either he lives close by or he took a cab.

"Not really. I kind of jugged back home. My house is like four junctions from yours and I have long legs," he explained.

"Oh I get it now. So this is your number," it was more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah it is."

"Okay. I am going to save it after the call ends," then she paused.

"Good my knight in shining armor," she teased him.

"Hmm. Good night my bold princess."

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