Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 144 Hot Doctor To The Rescue



Few hours earlier.

Ning Xiaozhi left the restaurant after their closing hours. She made sure all the doors were closed and all before the left the restaurant and hailed a cab. She decided to stop at the street before hers. She just wanted to cool off and enjoy the cool breeze.

After walking for a while she sat down on a nearby bench to rest her feet. She took of her shoes and massaged her aching feet. Standing and attending to customers is no joke.

The street was quiet and lonely which she loved. She did not think about anything happening to her as this street was safe because of the CCTV cameras installed.

But who would have thought that there were still some thick skinned people here. She saw four guys that were also strolling on the quiet street. Af first she thought that they would just walk pass her, until one of them came and sat beside her on the bench.

"Hey beautiful," he said. Ning Xiaozhi just ignored him and wore her shoes. The man smiled at her attitude and spoke again.

"Come on now. Do not ignore me. Come and have fun with us," he said as he threw his hands over her shoulders.

Ning Xiaozhi stood up from the bench to leave as she did not like their presence around her. As she took two steps away from the bench, another guy blocked her path. He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Where are you going huh? Do as he says and have fun with us. Don't you want to chill with the big boys?" They surrounded her.

"Let go of me. I do not want to chill with any of you. So step aside," her firm voice rang out from their midst.

She was not liking the outcome of the situation. We're they not afraid of getting caught on the cameras installed. And secondly, she these guys

are huge and scary. There is no way she will be able to handle them. If it was just one, then she would not be scared. But she was not going to show her fear. It was one thing she had learned from watching movies.

"Oh so bold. Just be good and come with us. We will just play a little game," another guy said.

"Yeah. You are going enjoy yourself and so will we. It is a win-win situation," the first man said and held her arm. Looks like he is the leader.

"I said let me go," she forcefully yanked her hand away from him.

"Feisty now are we? Haha," he chuckled darkly as his eyes full of lust scanned her from top to bottom and bottom to top.

"We were being nice earlier. Do not blame us if we change our friendly ways now," he warned before he shouted two words that scared her to get core.

"Grab her!"

He has already given his signal so two of the guys were quick to hold each of her arms firmly before she could make a move and run away. She struggled to move but their grip only tightened more. There was no escaping their tight clutches.

'Damn it,' she cussed inwardly at her present predicament. She should not have stopped here. If only she could see the future, Ning Xiaozhi would have allowed the cab driver to drop her at her door step. So much for wanting to enjoy the cool breeze.

"You can't run now sweetheart. It is time to have fun," he said and licked his lips eyeing her like a piece of meat he was ready to devour.

Just as he was about to touch her, she used her heels to step very hard on one of the men's foot causing him to loosen his grip on her. Taking that as a cue, she quickly released herself from his girl and used her purse to hit the other one on his nose.

"Aahh!! My nose," he shouted and held his nose in pain.

Her actions were very quick and unexpected. It shocked the men. Even she herself was surprised at what she had done to two big guys like them. Before they could recover, she dashed to the opposite direction, where the cab had dropped her off.

But who would have expected before she could run far, she tripped and fell. Luck was not on her side today, was it? Ning Xiaozhi winced at the stinging pain of her twisted ankle.

"F*ck. Why do you have to twist yourself now? You should have waited for me to get far away from those guys," she cussed.

Just then she heard the laughter and snickering of the guys behind her. She quickly stood up and wanted to run again but they surrounded her again. Every opening she wanted to escape through was blocked by either of the men with their hands spread out on both sides.

"Not so fast b*tch. You escaped before but you can't now," the leader said and grabbed her her hair.

"Aahh. Let me go. That hurts you idiot. Let go of my hair," she cried out.

"You know it will s not nice to hurt a lady," a voice rang out from behind them.

All of them turned to looked at the intruder that had the guts to disturb their affair. Ning Xiaozhi was surprised to see that it was the hot and handsome doctor from the hospital and the restaurant. She heaved a sigh of relief while the other men sneered at Ye Chaoxiang's untimely presence.

"What do want you asshole?" One of them asked in annoyance.

"Hi," Ye Chaoxiang ignored them and waved at Ning Xiaozhi with a light smile on calm face.

"Hey. Please help me. Please help- hiss," she winced as she felt her hair behind clutched tightly.

"Shut up b*tch," the leader scowled.

'Did that idiot not hear when I said it is not nice to hurt a lady? Or does he have a very volatile memory?'

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