Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 142 Shameless



Gosh! Why did he have to kiss her for so long and that too with people obviously and shamelessly staring at them. She prayed in her mind that she would not become the new topic of gossip in the company tomorrow.

"Hey... Please keep this a secret. My girlfriend is very very shy."

She heard Feng Yisheng tell the spectators behind her. She felt as if the ground should just open up and swallow her whole. But since it was impossible, she squeezed into his big frame to hide herself.

"If you keep burying yourself into me, I would think you want something much more than the kiss we shared earlier on. If you can't wait for us to get a room, my car is big enough," he whispered.

That was it. Bai Ming could not take it anymore so she stepped hard on his feet. She was careful so as not to use the pointed end of the heels to step on him. That would have been brutal. After that she rushed away from him and went to wait for him in the car instead if enduring his teasing.

Feng Yisheng followed after her.

"You should have waited for me to be a gentleman and open the door for you," he said as he started the car.

"I would have waited so that you would tease me further? No way. Besides, you are no gentleman at all," the turned her head to look out the window.

"You can't say that to me. I am a perfect example of gentlemanliness," he said with his chest pumped up with pride.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble. A real gentleman will never steal a kiss from a lady and in front of people too," she attacked him.

"Well not if that lady obviously enjoyed the kiss. If not for the need of air, I bet she would have loved it if we had continued," he responded. There was no way he would loose in a battle like this.

"You- you are so shameless," she blushed.

"I accept the compliment and I also accept victory over this matter. You owe me another kiss," he declared.

"You are such a bully. I am going to tell Aunt Sue that you keep on bullying me," she pouted.

"Sure go ahead. But do not forget to include the reason why I bullied you. You can say it like this... ahem," he cleared his throat and made a turn on the road.

"Aunt Sue, Yisheng is a bully. I mistakenly hit his hurt shoulder and we kissed for almost forever to gain his forgiveness.... There. That will simply explain everything that led to the bullying," mimicked her voice.

"Pfft hahahaha. That is not what I would say," she laughed at his mimicry.

"So now it is funny." He said. But he could not hold himself from also laughing. To think that they would joke about something like a kiss. These two are really something.

After laughing, they sighed and the car fell into a comforting silence. The two if them stared at the road as he drove them to God knows where.

"Aha! Before I forget to ask, where are we going to?" She turned to look at him.

"To eat dinner. I really missed eating with you so I drove down to your place of work. That was when I saw you coming down after about ten minutes. Then I called you and you know what happened afterwards," he said.

"You waited ten minutes? Why did you not just call me so that I would quickly come to meet you?"

"I know you were busy. So... Besides, I love waiting for you," he admitted.

"Stop being cheesy. I was trying to prepare a good presentation for a task I was given to handle. I was so engrossed in it. I am sorry for making you wait that long," she explained and apologized.

"There is no problem with that. I am proud to have a hard working girlfriend. Let me pamper you tonight, hmm?"

"Alright Mr Boyfriend."


Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang stayed an extra hour and thirty minutes after closing hours. When she finally left her office, the whole place was quiet. Before she knew it, Shane pulled up in front of her.

"Hey sis," he smiled.

"Shane? What are you doing here?" She asked as she got into the car.

"I will be your knew driver from now on. I begged that old man to allow me to continue driving you and Little Jin to work and school. So voila," he spread his armbout a little. "Here I am," he said.

"That is so cool. Quick let us go home before we get a call from mum and boss Jin," she said and Shane immediately accelerated into the road.

"So, how did your day go?"

"It was good but stressful. I went to three long meetings and read through so many files. I thank God for the break. I would have broken down from all the brain work if there was no break," she told him.

"But I thought you would have been used to all these things by now?"

"I am. But today was different and I would be lying if I said was prepared for it. I need to go through my schedule before I begin to work for the day," she sighed as she massaged her temples.

"Yeah, you should. Mum and brother Shin made a huge feast tonight to celebrate little Jin's first day at his new school," he said.

"Really? How was his first day there? Did he look excited when the driver brought him home?" Her face kit up at the thought of it.

"He did. I think he prefers this school that the other. He kept on rambling about the fun things they had in the playground and his teacher and also how he enjoyed the lunch mum packed for him. I bet he can't wait to tell you all these things."

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