Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 50: Battle of Changban

Chapter 50: Battle of Changban

Du Fei raised a hand, Leader Lei Fei, I want to ask, is it possible for me to not participate?

A snort came from the side, Wang Huans.

He was also a famous Chinese professional gamer, though ranked lower than Xin Xiaowei. His specialty wasnt in gaming skills, but in the looks department.

He stood 1.6 meters tall and black as soot, with a face akin to the surface of the moon, not to mention acne. He was such a sorry sight that no one dared to look at him straight.

I am the number one horse in the business, most hideous nationally, the worlds Ugly King.'(T/N: wang literally means king) This mockery accompanied Wang Huan everywhere he went.

Lei Fei smiled, Of course. It is everyones decision to participate or not. However, you should know that your status as in-house tester will be revoked.

Nah, losing your life cant compare with being a tester. Someone said.

Yeah, it just cant.

Its just not worth losing your life over it.

The people voiced their opinions and everyone seemed to have reached a consensus.

Thunderstruck Enterprise pursues great rewards alongside great dangers. That is why any gamer participating in the Three Kingdoms Battle of Changban instance will be given 1 million as reward.

And thats not all. regardless of performance, any player joining will receive one bottle of our companys longevity pills.

Longevity pills? Eating it will extend our lifespan?

No way, thats impossible!

Lei Fei gestured for silence. People, Thunderstruck Enterprise researches these odd instances and you think a small longevity pill is hard?

Lei Fei raised his voice, And finally, the player with the best performance will not only receive 20 million in reward, but our company will fulfill any one request.

Any request?

Wang Huan said, Even making Lin Jing mine?

Lei Fei smiled, Trifling matter. Not just having a famous singer, even becoming one is an easy task for Thunderstruck Enterprise.

The people succumbed to shock.

Wang Huan nodded.

Those who want to quit stand on the left, and those who enter stand on the right.

The team split in two, with Du Fei joining the right side after much deliberation.

Lei Feis words held great allure that most chose the right, while the left side only had five people.

Great! I declare this testing officially started.

Lei Feis finger let out a tongue of flame and suddenly flew at the left side group. His move was strikingly similar to the famous character Kyo Kusanagi from the King of Fighters game Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi. 

The five abstaining players didnt have the time to even shout as the flame engulfed them and turned them into ashes.

This elicited screams from the right side.

Lei Fei was calm as ever, even sporting a smile, I am different from that useless brother of mine. He trained a decade in my clans martial art yet couldnt even reach the peak of Enhancing Stage. I, on the other hand, am in the 3rd layer of Spirit Driving Stage.

Enhancing Stage, Spirit Driving Stage?

All the gamers were confused.

In cultivation, the higher the stage the stronger the power. It seems I need to explain to you the difference between them.

Lei Fei held his hands behind his back, Cultivation starts from the Mortal Stage. Once you trained to the ninth layer, you can enter the Enhancing Stage. Here, your body far exceeds a mortal in power and can use some simple magical art.

Going further is the Spirit Driving Stage. This stage truly shows the difference between a cultivator and a mortal. You can use Dantians spiritual qi to infuse your arts with a hundred times more power than a Enhancing Stage cultivator!

My brother, Lei Yan, could burn a block of wood, at best, with the Conflagration Technique. Me, I can melt steel.

Lei Feis features evoked pride. The same fire but different stages revealed a huge gap.

Lei Tian had three sons and one daughter. He valued his third son, Lei Bie, as having the greatest talent, but in fact, the fastest in cultivation was the daughter, Lei Chun. 

And in second place wasnt Lei Bie, but Lei Fei.

Above the Spirit Driving Stage is the Qi Condensation Stage. This stage focuses on the quality of ones spiritual qi, turning it material. Further along we have a legendary stage, True Qi Stage. A cultivator in this stage can manipulate the elements and attack from a thousand miles. Those ancient personages called immortals belonged to this exact stage.

None of you have yet to step into this path of cultivation, but my company developed the Starscape game. Inside, your bodys spiritual qi will naturally rise and, with time, you will become stronger. Furthermore, some instances have cultivation methods. If luck is with you and you find any, you may have the chance to reach my level.

Alright, with explanations out of the way, it is time we enter.

Lei Fei had the same expression from before.

Bloodthirsty and cruel. Set out!

Wang Huan was the first to go in at his order.

Lei Fei waited for every one of them to enter before he followed.


Run, here he comes again!

Oh no, Xu Huang(T/N: one of Cao Caos general) is heavenly wounded!

General Cao Hongs line is broken!

At the Battle of Changban, Zhao Yun in a white robe and silver armor rode a white horse while holding a spear. He rained havoc among the numerous army of Cao Cao. 

He was a lone rider in the middle of thousands of enemy troops yet none could block his spear.

With every thrust, his spear unleashed a powerful qi wave ten meters high, sending ten soldiers to their grave.

After three strikes, there was no enemy soldier standing a hundred meters around him. 

Only allowed on


Hundreds of arrows whistled in the air. But a meter form Zhao Yun, they formed a veritable wall as they fell on the ground.

A bloody white robe on a bloody white horse, Zhao Yun struck fear into Cao army everywhere he treaded. 

The scale of this world was unlike the Cang Qings abode. Although mist delimited them both, the span of this world was on another level.

Lei Feis group wore Cao army gear. In this instance, Zhao Yun was without equal in his heroism, but he was alone. It was fine as long they avoided him.

Remember, dont get close to Zhao Yun. Scatter and find cultivation methods, Azure Blade(T/N: one of Cao Caos swords), Heaven-reliant Sword(T/N: the other sword of Cao Cao), gold coins, and anything of value!

Lei Fei conveyed his order and charged among the ranks of soldiers.

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