Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 344: Obsession

Chapter 344: Obsession

You threw out those supreme gears as bait for the rest to kill each other, only for you to swoop in and take care of the rest, right?

But what I dont get is why would you, a God Emperor, want to have us die like this when you could just do it with a snap?

No matter what Li Mo and Du Fei said, the Underworld Emperor just stood there.

Hes the Underworld Emperor? Du Fei cried.

Underworld Emperor waved, and a black palm fell from the sky at the two.

Li Mo tried to move away, but he found himself rooted.

The other was the Underworld Emperor, albeit acting oddly, but a God Emperor nonetheless.

How could anyone take on such an attack?

Be it the current or the past Li Mo, neither had the power to resist.


Li Mo was regretting it. He was too impulsive. He wouldnt have done this if he knew the other was Underworld Emperor.

There can only ever be one living emperor at all times. With even the last emperor, Emperor Jiang, dead, the Underworld Emperor cant have survived. This has been an unbroken law of the world. You are not the real Underworld Emperor!

Li Mo was more and more certain of his guess the more he watched the unmoving Underworld Emperor.

Underworld Emperor simply rooted Du Fei and Li Mo then stopped.

Mito ran over, Do you see my masters power? Facing master means death. T-theres only one hope for you, serve master!

Mito shouted, Kneel, offer you soul mark and my master will spare you!

Li Mo and Du Feis backs had never been straighter.

Was this a joke? How could a true man balk under fear of death? Besides, Li Mo and Du Fei would never had come here if they were cowards.

Y-you Mito panicked.


The black palm pressing on Li Mo and Du Fei was gone. 

The Underworld Emperor was still unmoving. With his Eye of Truth, Li Mo saw everything. Endless life spiritual qi entered the Underworld Emperor, coming out as death qi

Li Mo charged.

You cant attack my master! Mito shouted.

Li Mo ignored him as he slashed.

Underworld Emperor stood stock still and his health bar was cut only a bit, despite the four strikes.

Du Fei came upon the immobile Underworld Emperor as well. 

The two hacked and attacked him for ten minutes, while Underworld Emperor just stood there taking it.

Mito wailed, Master, master, the Underworld is about to collapse if you dont do something!

Who dares ruin my Underworld? Underworld Emperor shouted and a terrifying power pressed on Li Mo and Du Fei.

F*cking snow people! Du Fei cursed.

Mitos words awoke the Underworld Emperor.

Li Mo shouted in a rush, No one is destroying the Underworld!

Li Mo felt the pressure fading slightly.


Li Mo arrived with quick steps to Mito and slashed. But the man was an illusion.

Ignore him and strike the Underworld Emperor!


The two went back to attacking Underworld Emperor.

Mito shouted again, but Underworld Emperors reactions were too faint. It wasnt long before Underworld Emperors health was at half.

You two, dont


Mito kneeled before the two and kowtowed.

Speak! What the hell is going on? How did the great Underworld Emperor become like this? But think before you answer or I will kill him if I hear untruths. Li Mo waited for Mito to speak.

Mito cried as he looked at Underworld Emperor, Underworld Emperor died a long time ago. He has no soul. His corpse still moves because of a hint of intent.

Go on, dont stop. Du Fei wasnt as patient.

Underworld exists because of my masters intent. If you kill him, the Underworld will be gone forever. Reincarnation will no longer be possible. ALthough right now

Only allowed on

I know that, but why is he like this? Li Mo wanted to know why the almighty Underworld Emperor ended up here.

Mito wiped his tears, Since forever, every emperor pursued eternal life. Before master became an emperor, he believes the way to achieve it is through reincarnation. For the souls of the departed to enter the Underworld then use Heavenly Emperors supreme divine power to be reborn in the real world. This was also a way to life forever.

Mito sighed.

Speak clearly, man. Stop crying and keep going.

Du Fei gave Mito an attitude adjustment and the later said, To create the Underworld, my master and Heavenly Emperor entered seclusion for fifty thousand years. A pity that when the Underworld could absorb the souls of the dead by itself, and after great effort the two absorbed the soul fragments of 28 God Emperors in the Underworld, the Heavenly Courts misfortune struck. Heavenly Emperor died, Heavenly Court collapsed and my masters plan had been crippled. The Underworld can absorb souls of the dead but cant reincarnate them

With how a century here is a year outside, master entered seclusion for a million of years to finally create the Cycle of Reincarnation. He used it on the Heavenly Emperors soul fragment to reincarnate him

Heavenly Emperors soul fragment

That stirred something in Li Mo.

My master succeeded. He had reincarnated Heavenly Emperors broken soul. It was the first ever reincarnation in the world.

But in the end, he succeeded, and also failed. Heavenly Emperor was brought back but he had no memories

Mito sighed.

To complete the Cycle of Reincarnation, master entered seclusion for another million years. If not for my master suffering, the Underworld wouldnt have become like this.

In his seclusion, a red shadow struck, scattering his soul. 

If not for master cultivating the Cycle of Reincarnation Sutra, not even his obsession wouldve remain.

Master died, leaving behind a tread of his obsession that protects the Underworld. Because this is the only hope at reincarnation!

After the attack, the Underworld had many holes and Gates appear from time to time. As a result, this world belonging to the dead was filled with living beings. This is a violation of the Underworld and if it continued, the Underworld would collapse. For the sake of my masters plan, I chose to protect it on his behalf.

If you want to kill someone, kill me. But spare my master!

Mito prostrated.

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