Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 334: Hero

Chapter 334: Hero

Soon after leaving the Viper Mountains, the vipers were replaced with monsters made entirely of mist. 

Taking it from Ji, these mist monsters were typical in the huge maze.

Ye Li slashed and the mist body scattered for a bit, then came back together.

Ye Li attacked again and saw the health bar above it was almost empty. Ji stepped in with her Holy Light. The mist monster wailed and vanished.

Physical attacks could damage it but never kill it. Only magic did.

As they kept going towards the huge maze, the sky darkened.

Ye Li asked, Why is the sky dark all of a sudden?

No one knows why but its always been this way. Ji replied, Ive never been here in person and only heard about it.

Ji had been in this world for three centuries but the areas hed been to were limited to Viper Mountains only. Just like Li Mo and Ye Li, this was his first time here.

The gray mist monsters grew in numbers. Li Mo tried it once and not even Venom Kiss could kill them.

Only light magic was these monsters weakness.

The more Li Mo looked at them, the more he found them similar to wraiths.

The trio went on for a few dozen miles and came upon a ten kilometers wide black vortex. That was the entrance to the huge maze.





As the party slowly made their way over, zombies burst out of the ground. They were of different races as they surrounded the three with their claws and open maws.





As their number increased, there were soon a thousand of them.

Is this also a feature of the huge maze?

Ye Lis teeth were clattering.

Ji was puzzled, Dont know. Never heard of this. From what I know, the maze doesnt have this type of monsters.

Somethings wrong! Ji shouted.

What is?


Thousands of zombies began their attack before he could answer.

Li Mo brandished his short blade with Poison. Venom Kiss was useless on those mist monsters but on zombies, one eruption took fifty down with it.

But the next second, those same zombies got back up and lumbered towards them as they growled.

Jis magic was very effective on them, but his damage was just too low. Besides applying the finishing touches, it was otherwise impossible for him to kill a single zombie.

You guys hold on while I deal with the source!

Li Mo used Flurry, waving his short blade as he charged through.

His attack and defense values were absurd. The zombies had some attack power as well, but a far cry from his defense.

Li Mo breezed through them.

Ye Li shouted seeing him go.

Brother Mo, why are you leaving?

Ji released his magic, bathing an area in light. It did no damage, but at least the zombies were slowed.

He said to hold. He clearly isnt running away, so why so scared?

If he runs, were dead.

He wont. He isnt that kind of man.

Ye Li snapped, Like Yang demons even know how to use their heads.

Our intuition is far sharper than our heads. It tells me he is a person you can trust absolutely.

The trust I speak of is that in life and death situations!

Li Mo barreled for a thousand meters and stopped.

What stood ahead was a humanoid covered in black robes. Thanks to his Eye of Truth, he was able to find everything about it.

Li Mo saw thousands of black lines coming out of him and into every zombie. He was the one pulling the strings.

He was the one making the zombies attack. And killing him would solve all problems.

I am Dipper Galaxys guardian, Archfiend Mage. You will pay for killing our Merfolk!

The black robed person said coldly and pointed. Four Tauren zombies burst from the ground.

Li Mo charged with Poison activated.





The four zombie Tauren stomped and the tremor unbalanced Li Mo and fell. 

The Tauren zombies kept at it, and Li Mos health bar kept dropping. By the looks of that Archfiend Mage, he had no intention of stopping. 

He wanted to shake Li Mo to death!


Then, the Archfiend Mage lifted his arms and four black balls appeared behind him, zooming in on Li Mo.

Only allowed on


The four attacks exploded on Li Mos body, taking a good chunk out of his health. 

Li Mo frowned. He understood now why a hero could make a galaxy into a superpower.

This is a heros power.

Archfiend Mages power is incredibly high!

Li Mo calmed himself and availed himself of the instant the tremors had yet to start and jumped five meters away. Doing it one more time, he was finally out of the tremors range.

The four zombie Tauren kept on stomping, while the four black spheres behind Archfiend Mage hovered there as Li Mo was out of range.

No one can escape me!

Archfiend Mage snorted and his hands moved.

Back mist came from beneath his feet and reached a hundred meters around in an instant. Then a thousand, then ten thousand 

Ten thousand meters around was plunged in darkness.


Zombies came out of the ground, high-level ones. Not just Tauren, but there were even dozens of Nine-headed race zombies.

Li Mos face fell.

Tauren zombies were bad enough, but now he had to deal with Nine-headed zombies as well?

Nine-headed race was a tough creature. Their trait was unity, making them practically unbeatable on the same level of cultivation. One was hard enough to deal with, but he found himself surrounded by dozens. The odds did not look good at all. 

Archfiend Mage is so frightening

Hold on

What am I thinking?

Looking at Archfiend Mage with his hands out and blackness creeping from below gave Li Mo an odd feeling of familiarity.

Why do I find this person so familiar?

Reincarnating through the worlds, where life and death are governed by fate, six paths lay!

Li Mo shouted as the dozens of Nine-headed race zombies approached.

The Archfiend Mage shuddered and the zombies stopped.

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