Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 321: Zheng Lin

Chapter 321: Zheng Lin

The gear in this world wasnt defined by level, but quality. There was 1st grade or white, 2nd grade or green, 3rd grade or blue, 4th grade or golden, 5th grade or purple, 6th grade or orange, 7th grade or red, 8th grade or prismatic, and 9th grade or divine.

The player base level in St. Laurent City was around 40-50, with golden gear being mainstream. This gear made it easy for one to have free rein in the city.

Zheng Lins gear went beyond what a newbie should have. Clad in blue pieces, he was quite conspicuous around the Holy City. The one thing he fell short in was level. But that could easily be rectified in time.

Only allowed on

Zheng Lin, youre back!

How did the hunting go?

People crowded Zheng Lin the minute he showed.

Mobei Province base leader Fei Yanlai hinted to Zheng Lin, but the man never even register her presence.

Zheng Lins eyes swept the crowd and took dozens of white and green items out, earning no few gasps. 

Among all people here, Zheng Lin was the only one with the strength to go hunting. He was the sole source of gear for them. In a way, one could say he was their hope.

Someone complained, Thats Vice-chief Li.

Zheng Lin glanced at Li Mo but didnt go talk with him.

This world is different. What of him, or Lan Yue? If not for Zheng Lin being strong enough, what difference does it make here and now?

If not for me risking my like to get this gear for you, what would become of you?

Silence was his answer.

The real world and this world were completely different. This one came close to those mmorpgs games.

A newbies stats were as low as they got. Monsters had the level and power advantage and once they killed a player, the person would have his stats cut in half, permanently. Just one death was enough to cripple him.

Of all players hiding in this forest, the great majority of them experienced death. This was the major cause of losing their ability to hunt monsters. 

They all waited excitedly for Zheng Lin to come with gear, the only means to compensate for the lost stat points.

The world is different and is unknown if we can return. Here I have no one to depend on. Be it Li Mo or Lan Yue, neither can help me. I, Zheng Lin, can only help myself.

And you, who do you depend on?

Words left them.

Zheng Lin glanced at Fei Yanlai then the rest, Yesterday, I asked if Fei Yanlai would become mine. hHe said shed consider it. But today I chanced mine.

Zheng Lin raised a blue piece up high.

The crowd was amazed.

Blue gear was 3rd grade, below golden gear, but just one piece could raise ones stats by the dozens. In other words, that single piece allowed even those dying twice or trice to go out hunting.

Who wants to become my woman? Ill give this gear to her!

Zheng Lin made sure to look at Fei Yanlai when he said that.

In this world Fei Yanlais looks hadnt changed, neither her name. She was easy to spot.


Me too!

Brother Lin, I will!

In seconds, three women threw themselves at him, for the blue gear.


Zheng Lin laughed, gauging the candidates and picking the most beautiful among them.

Looks changed in this world, but one thing didnt, values. One who looked pretty in the real world stayed around the same in this world as well. Ugly there was ugly here. 

This piece is yours. From now on, youre my woman!

Zheng Lin gave the piece to the beauty called Ye Li. 

Come with me.

Zheng Lin pulled her on his gray horse and left. 

A blue piece will get me out of being a cripple.

Anyone can hold his own with it.

Whats the point talking about it.

The people discussed, sometimes pointing at Fei Yanlai.

Fei Yanlai was Mobei Province base leader and Zheng Lin was under her, back when he was a nobody. Fei Yanlai only knew of his name then.

But now she knew him in person as well

Listening to the comments, Fei Yanlai felt regret.

Bi Yunxian said, Vice-chief Li, we are in a precarious situation. Zheng Lin is our only hope out of this. Please dont let his attitude get to you.

Li Mo chuckled.

Was Li Mo that petty to mind trifles?

Did Clauder kill you all?

No, it was Clauders Milky Way Guards.

Fill me in on the details.


Bi Yunxian began relating what happened after coming to this world.

Everyones experience in beginner village was the same, but that change when they entered Holy City. The moment they got here, they got an order from Clauder.

Each person was to turn in a silver coin daily, or 10 iron ores of 100 quality minimum. This was the only to get the adventurer proof from Clauder. 

Of course, no one listened. Under Lan Yue and Du Feis leadership, they all went hunting outside the city. But less than an hour into the hunt, they were attacked by the Milky Way Guards.

The Milky Way Guards were Clauders men, of which he had more than two thousand of. The team that accosted them wasnt large, but all were outfitted with golden gear.

The five guards attacked the thousands of men from the coalition between Experts Alliance and Du Feis team and annihilated them

Only five-six people survived thanks to their gift. Chief Lan Yue and Sir Du had it worst, killed five times then thrown in prison on East Street.

Bi Yunxian sighed, We have no choice but to mine for Clauder every day. But even if we were to mine day and night, we will never meet his demands.

All we had to work with are poor mines. Only by going to monster defended rich mines can we get the ores he wants.

And without the adventurer proof to hunt, the Milky Way Guards will find us and we will be even worse.

While Zheng Lin has a stealth type gift and can hide from the guards search.

I see.

Li Mo nodded and walked away.

Vice-chief Li, where are you going?


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