Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 296: Akita Ohara

Chapter 296: Akita Ohara

Burn her, burn her!

Shan Shou lived in a tiny village. From the moment of her birth, her parents saw her as a freak, and burned her at the suggestion of the village chief.

The result was a bonfire that lasted three days and a completely healthy baby among the ashes. So her cold and heartless parent abandoned her in the mountain and let fate decide.

The just days old ignorant and weak baby didnt die. Her True God Physique kept her alive through spiritual qi, not needing to eat or drink.

Shan Shou grew up in the mountains and at six, she was found out by humans. But the one who found her was by no means good. He took her for a savage and sold her off.

The trafficker put Shan Shou in a pigsty to sleep and eat with pigs. This was how she spent her next five years.

The man wanted to sell her in a heartbeat, but found no buyer. Savages existed even in modern day, but they were hardly worth anything. And who had the time to raise a savage just for the heck of it? Not to mention the man wasnt too bright either, not going through the proper channels. So he was stuck with Shan Shou.

Until one day, when the man found a customer, Mo Yu.

Mo Yu saw her strength the minute he laid eyes on her. He bought her and raised her. He taught her the necessary skills all so shed be his muscle.

Mo Yu always cursed and kicked her, but for Shan Shou, it was worlds apart from wandering the mountain alone or living in a pigsty.

Mo Yu treated her as a tool, yet she saw him as kin. This was also why she lost it the minute he died.

He had beaten her and cursed her but, to her who didnt know the warmth of a mother, took him as showing his love.

Li Mo took back his hand and canceled the flames.

Shan Shous skin was burned by the crystals fire, even with her True God Physique. 

Mo Yu is dead. What will you do now?

Shan Shou looked at Li Mo.

I dont know. She slowly answered.


Think it over. Once you know, I will let you go.

Li Mo left God Prison.

Back to Du Fei, he smoothly took his new post. Akita Ohara vehemently refused, but what could one person do against the coming tide?

Miss Ohara, Mr. Thunder had received your letter pertaining your refusal of Mr. Du Fei as the new leader and will give you a reply soon.

Verry soon. And brief. Half an hour later, Akita Ohara got her answer. She was stripped of her authority and the Japan division was now under the China divisions control.

In this election, the biggest winner was Du Fei. He only came to compete for the position of leader of China division, but with Shan Shou killing Akita Jiro, Du Fei replaced him.

Li Mo went to Investiture of the Gods world. Ye Xiaolu was currently cultivating under Sacred Maiden Glamour. Although one couldnt bring back what they cultivated here, the advancement in levels brought about new insights an invaluable experience. As Ye Xiaolu continued to progress, when she returned to reality, her path would be free of obstacles. 

I feel this world is perfect for me.

In a cave on a mountain behind Green Water Palace, Li Mo met Su Daji.

Su Daji had always been in seclusion. She learned a great deal of things. The real her, the fake her, past, future

After careful rumination, she decided.

To stay in the Investiture of the Gods world.

Li Mo had no objection. When it came to a persons choice, one could only advice and never control it. 

Lil Mo, meet your maker!

Li Mo left Su Dajis cave and heard Ye Xiaolus shout. She was flying on a golden light. She was hellbent on revenge. 

Ye Xiaolu was quite the genius. In just a few years she advanced again to the peak of eight level, a breath away from ninth.

Even Sacred Maiden Glamour said Ye Xiaolu was the most outstanding genius she had ever met, bar none. 

Glamor Strike!

Immortal Killing Strike!

Soul Destroying Blade!

Ye Xiaolu piled magic treasures on top of Li Mo, with not a few of them of insane power and renown. Not even Li Mo could get out alive if hit by any of them.

Faced with such an onslaught of magic treasures, he hid in the God Prison.

Come out I say!

As Ye Xiaolu was raving, Li Mo shot out and slapped her head.

The strike sent her soul reeling.

Li Mo then dumped her in the God Prison.

Slapping was heard echoing among the cells as Ye Xiaolus ass got a thorough tanning, amidst her endless cries of pain.

Stop, I give, I give!

For real?

Honest to god. There wont be a next time, I swear.

Like hell Id believe you.

Li Mo was vicious, using the leftovers from refining God Prison to make a necklace, then put it around Ye Xiaolus neck.

Whats this? Ye Xiaolu tried taking it off, but the increasingly smaller it got made it particularly difficult, not to mention painful.

God Choker, a cut above even what that Sun monkey had.


Li Mos finger lifted, and the chocker tightened, making Ye Xiaolus face go purple and stuck her tongue out.

Li Mo released her, and Ye Xiaolu panted.

Son of a she-dog! Her temper reared its head again. She worked painstakingly hard on cultivation just so she could get back at Li Mo. The only thing she achieved was to fail splendidly at that

Even if I get to the tenth level, youll still find a way to beat me. Son of a bitch! Thats it, Im done!

If you do reach the tenth level, this world can no longer hold you.


What was that? Want to do it again?

Ye Xiaolu flipped him off.

Stay here an cultivate under Sacred Maiden Glamour. Dont think its pointless. It will be of great help to you. You cant take this strength back, but all those magic treasures, immortal pills, and other things can be taken.

How can I not listen now? Son of a bitch!

As long as you keep in mind.

Li Mo pinched her squishy cheek.

Only allowed on

Japan, Mt. Fuji.

Akita Ohara kneeled before an old man in a kimono with a lowered head.

Jiro died for nothing. True God Physique is the strongest body in the world. Only a power beyond the limits of this world can destroy it. But he didnt die at his enemy, he died from ignorance, from underestimating his opponent.

The old man sighed.

Ohara, forget about the leader position of Thunderstruck Enterprise Japan division. We want more than mere empty titles.

Akita Ohara nodded.

Tell me, do you want revenge for your brother?

I do.

Come with me.

The old man waved, and a Gate flashed.

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