Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1900 Tyrant Or God

"You're wrong. We're not cockroaches... We are a wildfire that burns in the crystal veins buried deep underground."

Under the pressure of Meng Chao's power, the bones in Gu Shaoyu's body made cracking sounds, and blood kept seeping out of his seven orifices and pores. His face was extremely pale, but his smile grew even brighter. There was a sense of joy in his voice when he said, "Even if you, a tyrant butcher, brandish the Grim Reaper's scythe and kill many of us, your endless blood will never extinguish our never-ending fire!"

"Shaoyu, you disappoint me!"

Gu Shaoyu's smile finally sparked Meng Chao's anger a little. 

With a crack, the joints in Gu Shaoyu's hands and feet were broken. His four limbs were then bent in opposite directions in an unnatural manner.

He twitched in pain and arched his body like a cooked shrimp.

Yet, he sealed his lips tightly and did not let out a single scream.

Meng Chao snorted coldly. A ripple appeared in the air and formed a Giant Spirit Divine Palm. It grabbed Gu Shaoyu by the throat and pulled him toward Meng Chao.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Meng Chao stared at his favorite student and right-hand man with a disappointed expression as he asked through gritted teeth. 

"Of-Of course I know."

Gu Shaoyu's throat made a gurgling sound. It sounded like the groan of a drowning man or the laughter of vengeance. "I'm doing what you, a tyrant, have done countless times.

"In the past, didn't you deal with the nine great cultivation families like this? Didn't you do the same to anyone who disobeyed you and tried to challenge you inside and outside Dragon City?

"Poisoning, assassination, arson, kidnapping, slander... As long as anyone or any force interfered with your plan, you would use the most insidious, crafty, and insane schemes to uproot them.

"Weren't all of us, the 'Battle God Palace disciples' carefully trained by you to do your dirty job and act as killing machines?

"How is it? Since we're just tools for murder, our performance today should be satisfactory to you, right? Haha, hahahaha!"

As he laughed maniacally, the joints in Gu Shaoyu's limbs were crushed by Meng Chao's Void Hand. 

His forearms and calves had lost all support. They were now swaying in the air along with his wild laughter.

It was as if he was unwilling to be a puppet anymore and had taken the initiative to break the strings.

"Don't compare me to the nine great cultivation families!"

Meng Chao said coldly, "The nine great families are a bunch of short-sighted, selfish, and greedy rats. Everything I do is for my compatriots, my homeland, and my entire civilization!

"Allowing the Dragon City civilization to be controlled by the nine great families will only lead to eternal damnation.

"I am the only truth and answer for this civilization. Anyone who tries to stop me or oppose me is an enemy of the entire civilization. Of course, they should be eradicated mercilessly. Is there a problem with that?"

"The problem is, you've gone mad, Tyrant."

Gu Shaoyu panted and spoke with difficulty, "I admit that the nine great families and the nine mega corporations under them had all kinds of problems. There were also plenty of selfish and short-sighted people in the nine great families.

"However, the nine great families can never unite. They compete with each other, hinder each other, and balance each other out. No one can dominate.

"To ensure an advantage, the nine great families must consider their interests in all aspects. No matter which family makes a mistake, the other families will attack them and right their wrongs.

"It's the only way that the Dragon City civilization can ensure power is distributed and balanced. Only then will it win the Monster War and continue on its wobbly path.

" But now, not only have the nine major families fallen apart, but many of the small and medium-sized forces that were on your side in the past have also been ruthlessly eradicated by a tyrant like you because they vehemently opposed you on a certain policy.

"In the entire Dragon City, more than 95% of the industries and fields are firmly controlled by the Superstar Company. The Dragon City civilization has become your private property.

"Hehe. You keep saying that the nine major families are nine tumors attached to Dragon City. If they continue to suck blood from the inside of the civilization, they will seriously hinder the civilization's development.

"Little did they know that Superstar Company has already expanded into a malignant tumor that's even larger and more terrifying than the nine major families in the past. It's a cancer that's eroding the civilization of Dragon City!

"Back then, if one of the nine great families made a mistake, the other eight families would oppose it and seize the opportunity to snatch its market.

"If the nine major families make a mistake at the same time, all the small and medium-sized enterprises will unite under the Azure Alliance. Together with thousands of ordinary citizens, they can still fight and balance the situation.

"But now, if a tyrant like you makes a mistake, who can question, oppose, stop, or challenge you?"

Meng Chao grinned. 

His teeth sparkled under the illumination of the blazing fire, and they appeared exceptionally sharp.

"I won't make a mistake," he said matter-of-factly.


"All humans make mistakes."

Gu Shaoyu's nerves had been burned by the extreme pain. The muscles in his face relaxed, and he calmly said, "Perhaps you've made countless mistakes. Perhaps you've made a grave mistake that's enough to destroy Dragon City. It's just that no one has noticed it yet. Perhaps, those who have noticed it have been destroyed by you in advance. 

"If you've really never made a mistake from the beginning to the end, from the distant past to the endless future, then you are no longer a human, but a high and mighty god."

Meng Chao's eyes twitched. 

In a sense, with his super prediction and the ability to destroy the world, he was indeed gradually breaking away from his human self. He was striding toward a higher dimension of life.

Gu Shaoyu saw through his thoughts.

The young man, whose face was covered in blood, laughed involuntarily.

"I see.

 "It turns out that a tyrant like you, like all the tyrants in the past and present, has been deformed and inflated by infinite power. You've lost yourself and no longer regard yourself as a human being but as a lofty, omnipotent god!

"Hehe. Those who are 'not one of us' must have different intentions. If you really are a god, the Dragon City civilization will not be ruled by you because you are not of our kind at all. How can you think from mankind's perspective and fight for all of us wholeheartedly then?"

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