Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 170 Lai Fus Favour

Chapter 170 Lai Fu's Favour

"So you are finally going to do the Dungeon Takeover now?" Yun asked and Jin shook his head and showed her a message on his phone.

"Oh Lai Fu, that general store boss of Fresh Price? He is coming in the morning to give you the freshly printed of coupon booklets?" Yun asked Jin and he nodded his head, only to have said store owner knocking on his door, which could be seen shown on the Dungeon Maker interface. Speak of the devil!

"Guess he is already here" Jin took a look at his watch and noticed that it was already 8.30am earth time so he exited the Dungeon Maker to greet Lai Fu.

"Ah, Jin, great timing. I thought I was a little too early." Lai Fu said as he weirdly saw Xiong Da hand-standing upside down beside the shop waiting to come in too.

"Boss, why did you make me wait? I have to go fish to get my spiritual force up!" Xiong Da got down from his upside-down stance gracefully, which was truly unexpected for someone who cultivated the Hungry Hippo Style. Jin then realised Xiong Da was utilising his chi more than usual and the chi he emitted was stronger and denser than before. It's possible that it could even rival a new Grade 4 cultivator in terms of chi density.

Lai Fu was a little shocked when he heard the word fishing. "You serious? You can actually fish here?" Lai Fu asked Xiong Da and he nodded his head.

"Haven't you heard? Boss Jin has a new fishing service instance, in addition, the fish you catch can be eaten straight away. Sure, there was some weird types of fishes that appear occasionally but his AI Chef Roro is able to do such an amazing job that sometimes I wonder if Chef Roro is just a master chef in the bear suit." Xiong Da said as he walked into the store and greeted Yun.

"You allow your customers to walk in even though it is not opening hours?" Lai Fu got even more confused but Jin quickly shook his head to try and clear up the misunderstanding.

"No, he is a special case since he asked for some help with his cultivation. While I am not an expert, he apparently trusts me and my team a lot so we decided to give him a chance. We are glad that we did since it looks like he is improving too. Speaking of which, I remember I owe you a training too." Jin spoke and Lai Fu was a little embarrassed.

"Erm, instead of the training favour, do you mind if I go into that fishing instance?" Lai Fu had actually overheard the conversations of Jin's dungeon supplier and recently overheard the news of being able to fish in his shop when the customers were shopping for basic groceries at his store. Lai Fu didn't want to do it this way and sacrifice potential training but in order to confirm the hearsays he had eavesdropped, he decided to propose this deal. Besides, he actually hoped that he would get into the fishing instance more than getting training.

"Oh? You are interested in the fishing one instead? Erm okay sure. I have several prices in the submenu but since I owe you for acting like a jerk, I shall offer you the most expensive option." Jin said and Lai Fu became a little excited.

"You can fish without restraint for the entire day...okay, let me rephrase. You can fish without restraint during the opening hours today." Jin realised he did not wish to propose to Lai Fu the same offer that was given to Xiong Da. Sure, he owed Lai Fu a favour, but that did not mean he had forgiven Lai Fu for what he had done.

"What can I catch in there? Prawns?" Lai Fu asked and Jin laughed.

"Sure, but they are at least five metres long," Jin said, which made Lai Fu confused.

"It's fine, you will understand once you catch something. Do you have professional gear? If you do, you can bring those in." Jin did not wish to say much as he wanted to focus on the coupon booklets that were beside him but Lai Fu was too excited.

"...Umm…. Let's say I bring in a boat... can I fit that in your instance?" Lai Fu averted his gaze a little as he asked that question.

"Judging from your question, you are seriously going to bring a boat in? Your storage ring can do that?!" Jin knew that most storage rings were not able to carry such a large object unless you had an extremely high grade storage ring. Wild rumours said that you could even bring an island around with you if you had a Grade 19 or Grade 20 storage ring. However, no one even bothered to produce such a ring because the materials and processes required to build such equipment were too costly even for a billionaire.

"I actually do...just a small boat though," Lai Fu humbly whispered and nodded his head frantically.

"Okay, if you say so, I should be able to allow it. The lake should be large enough for you to row your boat around." Jin said that and Lai Fu coughed a bit.

"Anyways, thanks for the- Waaa?" Suddenly, Lai Fu went to his knees and prostrated in front of Jin. This made Jin extremely shocked and he was beyond astonished. Why did Lai Fu, such an egotistical proud person, kneel in front of a person that was technically his business rival?

"Wait, wait, Boss Lai Fu, please get up! What are you doing?" Jin panicked once he recovered from his shock and quickly tried to get Lai Fu to stand back up. It was a good thing that it was early in the morning since he could not imagine what kind of ruckus or rumours would travel around if they saw Lai Fu acting like this.

"Boss Jin… I loved fishing! I still do actually, and in fact, to tell you the truth, I was a fisherman before I became a general store owner. However, I have not been able to participate in deep sea fishing for a very long time because my wife does not allow me to do so. If your fishing instance is as good as everyone says it is and it lets me enjoy fishing once more, I will be in your debt."

"Boss Lai Fu, please! You have not even entered the instance, do not do this! You are not making any sense at all." Jin pulled him up and he saw that Lai Fu was on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry! It's just that the thought of fishing again after so long made me really emotional. Please do not mind me. Oh, and before I forget, these are your coupon booklets. They are approved and ready to go." Lai Fu wiped his tear and quickly passed the stack of coupon booklets to Jin.

"Maybe I should ask Shen Si Fang about the details instead." Jin thought to himself as he received the stacks of coupon booklets.

"I saw the booklets you made! They were really fancy and the deals will definitely help our shopping district in the short term. Now I understand why you said you wanted a week's worth of profit." Lai Fu said to him as he happily passed Jin the remaining booklets.

"So, are you coming in the afternoon for the fishing instance?" Jin asked once he received all the coupon booklets from Lai Fu.

"Erm, perhaps tomorrow. Do you mind if I bring some friends along? I think… they might be happy if they heard I am going to be fishing again." Lai Fu asked Jin again but he shook his head.

"They can join you but they will have to pay for it. I am only allowing you to go in for free because I owed you. Also, are you sure you are okay to ask your friends to come with you? You seemed a little out of yourself when we mentioned fishing. Plus, you have not tested it out yourself to see if you really like the instance." Jin said with some concern. Though he knew he did not have to care, especially if Lai Fu was bringing in more of that sweet sweet moolah to his shop by inviting his friends, for some reason he felt an obligation to help Lai Fu.

"Yea sure, just show me the menu, I will tell them the -OH MY GOSH SO EXPENSIVE!" Lai Fu nearly vomited blood upon seeing the price and only just realised how much he had saved when Jin said he was allowing him to fish for the whole day free of charge.

"That is why I asked." Jin sighed but Xiong Da, who had been talking to Yun, overheard almost everything and added his comments into the conversation. "Trust me, the fishing instance is worth it! If you don't believe me, I can even bet 1000 Yuan that you will like it."

"You are willing to go that far?" Lai Fu thought for a while and guessed he would just call his friends since he had nothing to lose. After all, his portion was sponsored by Jin.

"Okay, tomorrow then." Lai Fu agreed with Jin and as he went off, so did Xiong Da.

"Looks like it's time for me to prepare the sure win lottery prizes before the shop opens! Yun, you mind doing me favour?" Jin beckoned Yun to follow him into the Dungeon Maker once more.



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