No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 258: Harem King

Chapter 258: Harem King

(3rd person perspective)

The ROSE bar was the headquarters of the Red Thorns Society, a medium-sized gang that had a decent prestige in the past and although it was a long way from the power of the big triads, it still had a decent amount of authority in the city.

The prestige of the Red Thorns Society was more of a memory of the past because the current situation of this group was more similar to any gang with some simple businesses.

This situation was due to the mismanagement of the previous gang leader, Situ Mingze. That man had ruined the prestige of the gang due to excessive spending on worldly pleasures such as alcohol, drugs, and women.

A couple of years ago that man fled because of the large number of debts he accumulated between bets and women, so his daughter, Situ Qiangwei (Rose), had to take charge of the gang.

Rose proved to be a cunning and talented woman so in a short time she managed to stabilize the gang and established the ROSE bar as her base of operations.

Despite everything, human effort and ingenuity have their limits.

Rose was unable to recapture the glory of the Red Thorns Society and she had begun to resign herself to the idea that her gang would be a simple bar that receives some illegal orders.

Fortunately for her, this situation changed a few months ago with the arrival of an impressive man who caught Rose's attention from the first time they met.

The man was handsome, his aura was outstanding, and the calm in his gaze showed…

[System Notification: User has deleted unnecessary information]

Rose had met a man named Yang Chen and was captivated by his strength as he was what she needed, a powerful individual capable of facing storms and dragons without fear.

Rose didn't know how strong Yang Chen was but she was an elite fighter herself and she had never managed to land a single blow on him so she speculated that Yang Chen was on par with the army's special forces which caught Rose's attention.

At first, Rose was only interested in Yang Chen because of her desire to have a strong fighter in her gang, but over time, she began to develop feelings for that man.

Rose did not understand her own heart as Yang Chen never treated her as a lover, not even a friend, the relationship between the two was that of mere acquaintances having casual sex.

Despite this distance between them, she Rose was not discouraged and she felt that in time she would manage to get closer to the heart of that cold and indifferent man.

At least that used to be Rose's hope, but now she could only wonder if she would be able to see that man who looked at the world with indifference again.

The reason for Rose's bleak feelings was a plain-looking man in traditional martial artist's attire who was casually sitting across from her.

This man had walked into the bar and casually sat down like any other customer, the only thing that stood out about his appearance was his wardrobe resembling those of martial artists in historical drama movies.

Despite his not-so-impressive appearance, everyone in the bar felt suffocated by his tyrannical presence.

The man did not ask for a drink but asked to speak with the leader of the Red Thorns Society.

Immediately the bar staff was anxious out of concern that the man was an envoy from the big triads as Rose has been pressuring drug dealers to stop their acts on student grounds which has caused several conflicts.

Rose did this as Yang Chen helped her deal with situations beyond her control which made her more reckless, but now she was scared.

Rose had felt the suffocating presence and left her office to see the unwanted guest, but being in the presence of this man, her survival instincts screamed at her not to anger this man, no, it was better to describe him as a monster.

The staff members were kneeling on the ground as they gasped for breath, the man had shown no hostility but being around him was too suffocating for normal humans.

The man hadn't attacked the people and just stood there with a friendly smile as he watched the men struggling to keep from losing consciousness.

The man was distracted by the beautiful woman's appearance which lessened his suffocating presence allowing people to breathe.

"You must be the owner of this place, nice to meet you" - The man kept a friendly smile which gave a feeling of discomfort since his presence was as oppressive as a hurricane. – "I am not here to cause problems, I just want you to answer some questions"

Rose struggled to nod, she felt that if she refused, her life would be destroyed as easily as a human can crush an ant.

"First question" - The man kept his friendly smile while her eyes traveled over Rose's body making her feel uncomfortable. - "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"…" – Rose's mind went blank for a moment.

She recognized the man's lustful gaze as she often received such gazes, but while she only felt indifference towards other men, the man's gaze gave her some relief as it meant that she would not be killed immediately at the same time that made her uncomfortable since her heart was attached to Yang Chen.

The man raised an eyebrow. – "I don't think it is such a difficult question to answer"

Rose wanted to say yes, but she didn't have a formal relationship with Yang Chen and was afraid of lying to the man with abilities beyond humans so, in the end, she shook her head as her mouth was unable to utter words.

"Oh, I see" – The man's smile grew and he made a respectful bow like the ones seen in martial arts movies. – "I introduce myself, I am the Harem King, a small practitioner of martial arts"

Rose didn't know what to say to such a strange introduction so she kept quiet.

"Actually I'm looking for the traces of the one they call Pluto since I heard that he is strong..." - The man smiled like an impulsive teenager even though he seemed to be 20 or 22 years old. – "But well, finding such a beautiful woman is more exciting"

Rose had no idea what the man was talking about, but she had a strange feeling that the man was looking for Yang Chen.

"Hey, would you go on a date with me?" – The man smiled as if he wasn't aware of how terrifying his presence was.

Although the man's appearance was average and his face was easy to forget about his features, just being close to him without passing out required all of Rose's willpower.

There was a long silence in the bar as she Rose didn't want to accept the date, but she also didn't want to reject the man for fear of making him angry.

The man looked disappointed as if he had taken Rose's silence as rejection. – "I see… Well, then I will continue looking for Pluto to kill time… I think the name he uses in his mundane identity is Yang Chen…"

Rose's body trembled at the mention of that name which the man noted.

"Oh, so you know him by that name" - The man smiled excitedly. - "Where can I find him?"

Rose was terrified as the man's harmless smile seemed to hide an apocalyptic beast capable of devastating the world. She did not want such a monster to kill Yang Chen, she did not even think for a moment that he would be able to defeat this monster.

The problem is that Rose also valued her own life and she didn't want to die causing the man's fury.

Rose's mind was in chaos from fear, desire to live, love for Yang Cheng, and other thoughts colliding inside her head.

The biggest problem is that Rose didn't know where Yang Chen lived and had no way to contact him, she could only see him when he visited the bar.

Actually, Yang Chen lived quite close to the bar, in a poor neighborhood of the city.

Yang Chen was seeking a life away from the war in a calm and peaceful environment, not because he had become a pacifist or tired of war, but because his mind has been losing control of his destructive impulses born from the legacy of Hades.

These violent impulses were one of the factors why Yang Chen was considered one of the most dangerous men in the world, but there was another reason why every government in the world had a non-aggression agreement with the mercenary who possessed the power of God of Death.

The main reason why Yang Chen was so feared despite not being the most powerful supernatural being was that he had a special Authority that allowed him to exercise supernatural abilities in the human world without being restricted by the Laws of the World.

Until now, no one knew why Yang Chen could do this and many speculated that it was due to his heritage as Pluto (Hades), because of this, many supernatural organizations were looking for him to obtain the God Stone, an artifact that allowed him to a mortal obtain the inheritance of a god.

Actually, it is that everyone was wrong, the gods were the most restricted entities in all of Gaia since they had signed an agreement with the Will of the World, however, Hades had perished decades ago and his soul was destroyed leaving only the core of his abilities which were implanted in a human with a compatible soul.

This caused Yang Chen's abilities to be unrestricted as the Oaths and Contracts had disappeared with the death of the original Hades.

While Hades wasn't the strongest Olympian god, the fact that his abilities weren't restricted was key to the plans of Zeus and Beast ......................…..

[System Notification: Can't get more information due to information restricting skills. Using the skill 'Stand: Free Me From Hell' can break the restrictions but will draw the attention of Higher Entities]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has prevented the user's identity from being detected by the Will of the World 'Alaya' and the Will of the World 'Gaia']

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



(Luis perspective)

"This skill is a bug! I demand a nerf!"

"Senpai's mind turns into meat liquefied when using this skill so it's technically a suicide skill"

"Ummm, looking at it like this then it's a relatively balanced skill..."

"Are you alright little brother?"

I sighed internally. – "I'm fine, I'm used to this level of migraine"

My expectations when researching the ROSE bar were non-existent, I really didn't think I would find such eye-catching information in this place.

Ordering the ideas I discovered the following:

1) Yang Chen inherited the powers and authorities of Hades after the god's death.

That god died in such a way that his mind and soul disappeared so Yang Chen is not a reincarnation but a substitute so he is not restricted by Oaths or Contracts.

It is a similar case to Ortro, she inherited the ability to destroy souls from the original Ortro, but she did not get the memories, personality, Contracts, or Oaths.

2) Yang Chen is the main piece in the plan of the king of Olympus, Zeus.

3) Zeus is working together with U-Olga Marie (Beast VII).

4) Gaia is alive.

Too much problematic information…

I looked at the woman in front of me.

To create a new identity, I followed an idea from Navi, becoming a libertine and perverted cultivator who only thinks about women and fights, I even adopted the Taoist name 'Harem King'.

It's infinitely stupid, but it works since growers often adopt stupid names based on their achievements and reputation.

For now, I will pretend to be a cultivator who lived in seclusion all his life so I don't know the world so my stupidity will be justified as ignorance.

This will attract the attention of the government and other cultivators, but they will only see me as a stupid brat.

Although it's good that people think I'm a lustful and impulsive idiot, System Goddess suggested that I show that I have the strength to destroy every idiot who dares to bother me, so it will be easier to gain authority and benefits from cultivators.

Thanks to [Reader's Perspective] I got a rough idea of Yang Chen's strength so I can face him to increase my prestige.

I can't kill him as that will draw the attention of troublesome entities, but hitting him a bit is fine.

Additionally, I didn't get to see all of Zeus' plans, but it is something that involves the Olympian gods, U-Olga Marie, and two of the Four Dogs of the Apocalypse (Ortro, Cerberus, Garm, Fenrir).

What strikes me the most is that Gaia is still alive and it seems that Alaya doesn't know this.

Anyway, as always, one step at a time.

Rose hadn't managed to answer my question about Yang Chen's location to which I sighed. – "It seems that you are not going to tell me"

Rose panicked to which I shook my head. – "Don't worry, my heart can't bear the idea of killing such a beautiful woman, besides, I'm not going to kill that man, I just want to trade a couple of blows to buy our strength"

Rose still didn't know what to answer since I'm using the 'Martial Arts' Concept so my current presence is that of a warrior capable of destroying the world with just my fists.

For my current identity, I will pretend to be a cultivator who restricts his own cultivation so as not to break the rules of the supernatural world, but at the same time, my martial arts make me capable of destroying any supernatural opponent.

Basically, I will show that I am more dangerous than Hades but also easy to please through worldly pleasures.

I sighed in disappointment and stood up. – "Since you do not plan to tell me or have a date with me, then it makes no sense for me to be here, it was nice meeting you"

Rose continued to stare at me silently as her instinctive fear prevented her from moving.

I left the bar and waited a moment as my presence drew the attention of various groups.

It is currently night and at this time there are only gang members and drunks in this area of the city.

People who looked at me immediately ran away as my presence strikes terror into the human heart, I am practically a lion in a rabbits cage.

Secret service groups began to watch me from a distance, there were even a couple of cultivators who happened to be nearby, another way of saying it's a convenience of the plot.

My presence is flooding the poor area of the city so strong entities can sense me, for example, Yang Chen.

Although Yang Chen and Rose do not have a formal relationship, there is a close relationship between the two, so he will react violently when he feels that a dangerous entity is in front of the residence of one of his lovers.

I only had to wait a few seconds when I suddenly felt an aggressive and hostile presence rapidly approaching.

I looked in the direction of the hostile presence and smiled. – "Oh, I thought I would look for you so I appreciate you coming on your own"

"…" – Yang Chen looked at me silently as his eyes turned red and his power began to emerge.

The agents watching us started to get nervous as they noticed that a fight between two monsters might break out inside the civilian area so they started preparing a barrier to send us to a mirror dimension where we couldn't harm the civilians.

Sadly for them, Yang Chen was impulsive and didn't even speak, he directly tried to attack me in the face while his fist was filled with divine energy.

In the Buddhist sect, I obtained some techniques after devouring the minds of various cultivators so I smiled like an innocent child and used a Buddhist palm technique. – "Golden lotus palm!"

Ignoring the extreme disgust I feel for shouting the stupid name of my attack, my palm collided with Yang Chen's fist.

This technique relies on force control to nullify the opponent's violence so there was no explosion, but instead, Yang Chen's force dispersed creating a gentle breeze of air.

I squeezed Yang Chen's fist and smiled like a child excited to find a new toy.

"Oh, you are strong" – My smile was cheerful. – "But not too much"

Before Yang Chen could react, I grabbed his face and then lifted him up to hit his head on the ground.

Yang Chen's head was stuck in the concrete, but his body is strong so he was unharmed, only his pride was hurt.

Yang Chen's fury grew and he lost his self-control.

[System Notification: The protagonist 'Yang Chen' recognizes the user as an unforgivable enemy. The title 'False Antagonist' has negated the effects of Plot Armor]

His body was covered with a black aura that represented Hades' authority over death to which I just smiled.

"This will hurt a little" – I smiled and used the Buddhist palm again to hit Yang Chen's chest.

The impact shook all of Yang Chen's organs as I subtly used [Anti-Rasen] to temporarily suppress his consciousness.

In the eyes of the public, I knocked out Yang Chen with one punch without using cultivation energy even though I am a cultivator, in other words, my physical strength is enough to take on a God.

I looked at the unconscious Yang Chen and sighed. – "I thought it would be stronger, what a disappointment…"

I wiped the dust off my sleeve and put my hands behind my back to leave, but just then a woman approached.

"Sir, wait a minute" – A beautiful woman in special forces clothing approached me as she struggled to suppress her survival instincts warning her to flee.

She's a member of the special forces and her strength is comparable to Marika's bodyguard which is decent, the fact that she can talk to me without stuttering shows her strong willpower.

"Huh? What happen?" – I showed confusion and then smiled. – "Oh, I see, would you like to have a date with me?"

Monika didn't need to interfere with special forces communications, my hearing is too good for what I heard from this woman's comlink.

Technically I didn't break the rules of the supernatural world since I didn't use supernatural abilities so they can only judge me by legal means, although trying to arrest me can bring trouble since they have to check my temper first.

She was ordered to talk to me to see if I am hostile or if it is possible to talk with me, so they can make a plan of action.

She did not feel disgusted by my stupidities and she kept calm, she is quite professional. – "Sir, I need you to come with me to talk, although you did not start the fight, it is not allowed to fight in public areas"

"Seriously?" – I pretended to be a brainless idiot. – "I did not know… Modern society is complicated"

"Sir, you seem to be unaware of how our society works, so if you come with me I will answer any questions" - The woman bowed.

"Ah, you don't need to be so respectful" - I smiled nervously and awkwardly. – "I am just an ordinary person who knows a little about martial arts…"

"*Dies by cringe*" – BB made choking sounds in my mind.

I totally agree, I feel disgusted with myself.

The woman felt that my intimidating presence diminished so she must think that my presence is something that I emit unconsciously and the best way to diminish it is to distract me.

The woman smiled and extended her hand to me. – "My name is Cai Ning, a member of the Yellow Iron Brigade"

[Name: Cai Ning

Origin: My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Categories: Woman. Secondary heroine. Special Forces. Cultivator (Spoiler alert). Yang Chen's Harem (Spoiler)]

I smiled and shook her hand. – "I am Harem King… although on second thought I still don't have a wife… ah, this is embarrassing…"

Cai Ning began to converse with me as my tyrannical presence diminished.

In the talk I said that I spent my whole life training on a mountain with my grandfather, he passed away a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to see the world since I have never interacted with other people.

Although I know the rules of the human world where I shouldn't use supernatural abilities against normal humans, I'm not aware of the workings of society and my own strength, in fact, I think I'm weak so I want to face strong warriors to measure my strength.

Cai Ning now thinks that I am an idiot with too much power so now I will be marked as a target that must be kept under surveillance.

After a while, I said that I already have some things to do and I should go, but then I will look for her to continue talking, I also showed that I am a complete idiot since most of the time my gaze was focused on her breasts.

Cai Ning didn't try to stop me, she handed me a cell phone after teaching me how to use it and told me to contact her when I settled my issues.

I nodded happily like a boy who has his first girlfriend and left the place.

The cultivators and special agents didn't follow me since I mentioned that I can sense them and I don't like being watched.

Although all my actions showed that I am a simple person and easy to deceive, my brute strength makes people dare not antagonize me for now, they will first seek information about me while making plans to deal with me.

If they can't recruit me, they'll try to eliminate me, and if they can't eliminate me, they'll try to bribe me so as not to cause trouble, similar to Yang Chen's situation.

With everything ready, I returned to Lin Ruoxi's company while Envy returned to my personal world.

I now have an identity to start the chaos between the cultivators and the government.

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