No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 254: Little Kitsunes

Chapter 254: Little Kitsunes

(Senko perspective)

I sighed with conflicting feelings as I ate a rice cracker.

It pains me to admit it, but that kid's cooking skills are completely superior to mine, although I think it's nice that a child has so much dedication to the kitchen, today's young people are only interested in using that thing called a cell phone, it's so sad...

I sighed again and ate another cookie. This is really delicious...

My moment of peace was interrupted when the door was flung open. – "Sen! Don't be selfish and give me another cookie!"

I sighed, I shouldn't have let her try the cookies the child gave me.

"Sen! Please!" – My superior at work started crying like a little girl.

I sighed. – "Okay Shiro-san, here you go"

"Yay!" – Shiro-san grabbed a cookie and began to eat happily.

I only have two cookies left, I have to visit the child to ask for more, although I am worried to see him…

We have seen each other very few times and from time to time we use a spirit link to share messages, but I can feel that his feelings have grown and that worries me.

That child is nice and it's cute how hard he tries, but at the same time, it's worrying that he seems like an adult frustrated with life instead of an energetic young man getting to know the world.

I want to help him enjoy life, but at the same time, he worries me about how quickly his attachment to me is developing.

When I was given the task of contacting him, I was only told that he was a rookie Hero who made it back home.

Seeing him, I immediately knew that the situation was more serious than I was told. He is a good boy, but his heart is clearly traumatized by the war.

Then I thought about it and realized that my superiors planned to make the child feel attached to me since he is a Hero with enormous potential as well as being the new heir to one of the most important families in Japan.

I was very angry when I noticed this because that child has already been through a lot of pain and does not deserve to be treated like a tool, he deserves a quiet environment where he can relax and feel loved.

Also, my heart is already waiting for someone.

Despite everything, I can't refuse this task, my boss Sora-sama was pressured by deities with higher prestige so I can only lower my head and obey.

Sora-sama is kind and offered me to take this task herself, but I refused, at least I want to protect the child's heart from becoming a weapon.

Although I wish to protect Japan, I will not sacrifice the happiness of such a kind child.

Now I am in a dilemma that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

If I don't accept the child's feelings, I'm going to hurt him, and while that won't necessarily hurt him for life, it will leave him vulnerable to another woman showing up and easily manipulating him.

That child is a little pervert with many mistresses, but still, he has a vulnerable heart and his desire for women may be due to his need for affection…

The more I think about it, the more I want to help him.

"Sen, hey Sen" - A finger began to press my cheek. – "Can I have another cookie?"

I sighed. – "I'm sorry Shiro-san, I don't have any more cookies"

I'm sorry Shiro-san, but the last two cookies are mine.

"What?!" – Shiro-san paled as if she had seen the end of the world. – "We have to get more! Where did you get them?!"

"It's a secret" - I smiled slightly, the food that the child makes is wonderful.

"You have to tell me!" – Shiro-san started shaking my shoulders. – "We are friends, you cannot be so cruel to a friend!"

I laughed a bit which eased my worries.

Sadly the friendly moment ended as we received a message from our boss, there was an incident in the city and most of the Guardians will be busy so the attendees will have to take care of the defenses of the city.

Shiro-san and I left the Spirit Residence and began to patrol the area looking for problems with the defense system that protects the city.

"Hey Sen, you have to tell me where you got those rice crackers, they're delicious" – Shiro-san was salivating.

I sighed and took out a handkerchief to wipe Shiro-san's mouth. – "We have to concentrate on work"

Shiro-san sighed. - "I'm hungry…"

"Later I'll make you curry" - I smiled with slight amusement at Shiro-san's childish behavior.

"Your food is delicious, but those cookies are even more so" – Shiro-san sighed.

"Oh, then I won't cook for you again" - I shrugged and continued checking the defenses.

"Just kidding! Sen, it was just a joke!" – Shiro-san panicked. – "You know that I cannot cook and without you, I will starve!"

"We can not starve, we are almost immortal" - I smiled with a bit of irony.

"Then I will die of depression!" – Shiro-san made a pitiful expression like a beggar.

"Shiro-san, you are supposed to be my superior, you should act as my role model" - I sighed.

Shiro-san smiled nonchalantly. – "Friendship is more valuable than ranks, and since we are friends it is normal that you make me eat"

I sighed with a smile, I just can't be mad at her.

Shiro-san was about to say something, but he immediately stood in front of me as he clapped his hands together causing a torii gate to appear behind us at the same time as two paper talismans appeared in front of us.

"For a humble creature your reflexes are decent, but it is too ignorant of you to think that something so insignificant can stop this senior"

The talismans couldn't block a sword-shaped energy attack that came out of nowhere, but Shiro-san managed to use her hand to hit the attack, though it made her hand bleed.

Shiro-san gritted her teeth and held me to enter the torii gate, but the gate broke before we could enter.

"Pathetic creatures, you are courting death!"

I'm not good at fighting so I couldn't react to what was happening, I could only see that Shiro-san hugged me while a man in cultivator clothes used a sword to cut Shiro-san's back.

I panicked at the sight of Shiro-san's blood, but I couldn't help her as a foot hit my body throwing me several meters with Shiro-san.

"We have to hurry before the Guardians can react, don't leave witnesses"

I couldn't concentrate on what was going on around me, all my attention was on trying to slow down Shiro-san's bleeding, but my broken ribs make it difficult.

"You may feel honored to die under the sword of the Divine Dragon Immortal Sword, Long Gao."

I looked up and noticed that everything around me had changed, the sky was dark and the buildings had disappeared.

The cultivators must have used some barrier to isolate this place so they could eliminate us without leaving evidence, which explains why Shiro-san couldn't use her skills to escape.

There were a total of 8 cultivators, among whom was an older man holding a sword that was about to cut us.

Thanks to Sora-sama I am similar to an immortal entity, but that is only to avoid death by natural causes, the truth is that Shiro-san and I can still be killed.

I felt great pain and sadness for not being able to protect my friend, I will not be able to meet again with the man I have been waiting for, and my biggest regret, I will not be able to take care of that kind child...

Maybe it was because I felt like this was my last breath, but I felt a warm feeling in my chest.

"A barrier? What kind of energy is this?"

The sword stopped an inch from my face.

I didn't notice when a card appeared in front of me, but I recognized it, it was the same card that the child gave me.

I remember that he gave me this to call him if one day I was in trouble, but I didn't think that the card was a defensive device...

"It doesn't matter, this barrier isn't that strong" – The man frowned and was about to attack again, but then everything turned red.

No, the world hadn't turned red, the man's blood had stained the barrier preventing me from seeing what was happening.

"You bloody bastard, you dare to attack the senior Long Gao! The Long family will not forget this! Beg for your life and swear allegiance to the Long family or all eight generations of your family will be killed!"

I could only hear cries of anguish and pain.

The cultivators seemed to be using their techniques to face an overwhelming enemy.

"Shut up fucking idiots!"

I know that voice...

"Young man, stop right now the Long family will not forgive you!"

That was the man's voice, it seems that he didn't die even though he lost a lot of blood.


The screaming and noise of the fight stopped suddenly, though I can still hear soft murmurs of pain.

The barrier that protected us began to disappear, letting me see what happened.

We're still inside the isolation barrier put up by the cultivators, but the cultivators were now on the ground with their bodies in a terrible state, I really don't want to see that, or I'll have nightmares...

Fortunately, my view was blocked by the chest of a boy who hugged me.

"Thank God you're alive" - The kind boy hugged me very carefully. – "You should have called me immediately, the barrier could only resist four attacks from that asshole, after that your life would be in danger…"

I felt a nostalgic sense of security and warmth.

"You must not say rudeness" - I smiled unconsciously, I don't even know when it was I started to shed tears.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful" - The child stopped hugging me and smiled at me with affection. – "I am glad to see you Senko-san"

I'm sorry Kuroto-san, I think I can't wait to find your descendant, my heart began to accept this child...

"Ahem, very cute and all, but seriously, I'm hungry" - Shiro-san's voice interrupted my moment of emotional self-discovery.

I looked at Shiro-san who smirked at me...

"Shiro-san!" – I rushed to hug my friend. – "Your wound!"

"I'm okay" - Shiro-san smiled and showed her back which had no injuries. – "Your boyfriend healed my wounds while he hugged you, seriously, sometimes you can be very distracted"

Now that I notice it, my body is no longer hurt.

I sighed in relief. – "I am glad you are well Shiro-san"

"Eeehh~ you didn't deny that he's your boyfriend~" – Shiro-san started making fun of me.

"Ahem" - I looked at the child. – "Thank you for saving Shiro-san and my life, I owe you"

"Don't worry, as long as you're okay I don't need anything else" - The child smiled at me kindly.

He is very cute, although I like his true appearance more than his current appearance with black hair.

"Senko-san, I'd like to spend time with you, but first I have to deal with these sons of… ahem, people" – The child smiled bitterly.

"Hey, you're quite strong, these cultivators are comparable to Bishamonten-sama so it's surprising that you defeated them so quickly" – Shiro-san approached the child and waved his hand. - "You are a hero? Why did you cut off their limbs? Wouldn't it be faster to kill them? Do you have something to eat? I'm hungry"

I sighed. – "Shiro-san, don't bother him, he must be tired from the fight"

"It's fine" - The child smiled and took out a cookie to give to Shiro-san.

Oh no…

"You're the one who gave Sen cookies!" – Shiro-san's eyes lit up as if she had seen a treasure, although technically he was. – "What do you want in exchange for you feeding me?!"

The child smiled wryly. – "Although I can give you some snacks, my food is for the people I love so I cannot take care of you all the time"

This cheeky child is indirectly saying that he loves me…

"No problem" – Shiro-san continued to shake the child's hand. – "You are Senko's boyfriend so I can also be with you… What is that called? Harem? Yes, I think that's it."


"Would you really get into a polygamous relationship just for food?" – The child looked at Shiro-san blankly.

"Your food is better than Sen's, you are strong and you saved my life" – Shiro-san kept smiling. – "I don't see the problem ~ Also, Sen knows how to judge people so I trust her judgment"

I sighed. – "Don't pay attention to her, Shiro-san is very carefree and she doesn't know what she says"

"You're supposed to support me!" – Shiro-san yelled at me like an aggrieved child.

The child sighed. – "Senko-san, I hope we can meet more often, but I really have to deal with the cultivators, this attack may involve a bigger problem"

I nodded earnestly, this matter should be handled carefully as it could be the beginning of a war between the supernatural forces of two countries.

The child approached me and took my hand to put on a silver bracelet. – "Senko-san, as long as you have this with you I will always help you no matter what happens, and please, call me as soon as something dangerous happens because I do not want to lose you"

I felt my heart race and my face heat up. – "T-Thank you, I will be more careful"

"What about me?!" – Shiro-san, please interrupt…

The boy sighed. - "Are you serious?"

"Of course!" - Shiro-san smiled. – "Do not think that I am an easy woman, it is just that you have everything I am looking for!"

"I can cook good food and am I strong?" – The child sighed.

"Yes!" – Shiro-san smiled proudly.

"…" – The child and I looked at Shiro-san with irony and weariness.

The child didn't answer and just looked at me, he seemed to care a lot about my opinion, he's so cute.

I smiled slightly bitterly. – "I cannot control your life, you must make your own decisions"

The child seemed worried. - "But…"

"No but" – I crossed my arms and was firm. – "You must make your own decisions, do not let others decide how you should live"

The child seemed to be in a dilemma so I sighed and motioned for him to get down.

When the child bent down I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. – "Choose how to live life and I will support you, that is my duty as a wife and mother"

This child needs proper guidance so I will be a wife and mother to support him with all my heart, it is the least I can do.

"….." – The child looked at me in disbelief. - "Wife?...."

I nodded without hesitation, I have no reason to doubt.

"Senko-san!" – The child hugged me and carried me. - "Thank you!"

"Stop! This is shameful!" – I yelled with embarrassment, although this is kind of nice.

"I also!" – Shiro-san climbed on the child's back.

In the end, the child accepted Shiro-san and gave us several cookies, he even gave me fried tofu which is my favorite.

Before we said goodbye, he promised me that he would give me a wedding ring the next time we met. I like his assertiveness.

I think he accepted Shiro-san to calm her down since he treats her like a little sister instead of a wife, but Shiro-san seems happy with it so everything worked out.

Although I would like to help the child, or rather my husband, these matters are beyond my power and he is the administrator of this territory so it is his responsibility to solve this.

My husband broke a jade amulet and the barrier disappeared allowing Shiro-san to take us back to the residence of the divine messenger foxes.

Although I am a little sad to leave, now I feel a sweet feeling running through my body.

I have to make an effort to help my husband, he deserves to enjoy life.



(Luis perspective)

"Senpai lolicon strikes again! 2x1, well-done senpai! Every day you fall deeper into this pit called degeneration!"

"You are the hero of the lolicones, hey, I have the coordinates of some worlds with lolis in case you are interested, it will be fun to see you capture the lolis of Blac■ Bulle■, although the damn author did not finish that story since he opened his own restaurant… Now I think about it, I'm hungry, make me beef ramen"

"Mother and Wife! Ahahahahahahahaha! The lolicon-furry-incestuous idiot got his ultimate waifu ahahahaha!"

"I'm not in the mood for stupid things" – I spoke with annoyance and approached the eight cultivators who were dying on the ground.

I cut off their limbs, extracted their meridians, broke the sources of their abilities (Dantian), destroyed their nerves, and made them unable to commit suicide, now they can only speak when I allow it, but they can never cultivate again.

During the war in Eternal Heaven Immortal, I obtained many cultivator corpses so now I know the anatomy of cultivators thoroughly.

Although they are similar to humans, the circulatory and nervous system is different to improve the flow of vital energy.

This energy flows to a point below the navel and is refined in an additional organ called the Dantian, then that energy becomes cultivation energy which has various names such as profound energy, Qi, the energy of heaven and earth, etc.

Basically, a cultivator is a machine that refines oil into gasoline, then uses that same gasoline to run.

"Are you going to let them live to torture them for harming your loli kitsune?" – Nyaruko asked curiously.

"Lolicon..." - Abby snorted to hide her jealousy, she grew fond of me very quickly.

"Torture is a waste of time, it's better to kill quickly" – I approached the cultivators and took out a storage artifact.

This artifact was one given to me by Mr. Ichijo to capture supernatural criminals alive.

"These morons are much weaker than us, but by general standards, they are elite warriors, even in Eternal Heaven Immortal they would be considered basic disciples" - I locked up the cultivators away after looting all the valuables. – "If they die, the sects and foreign government will have an excuse to attack us and Japan is not ready for a fight with a world power"

"Then what will you do senpai? Will you let them go and forget this incident even though two of your wives were in danger?" – BB had a big smile.

"One of these idiots is the heir to an important family" – I went to the Ichijo residence. – "I am going to negotiate to distract the idiots who planned this, so it will be easier to attack their bases"

"Are we going to China?" - System Goddess sighed.

"Yes" – I arrived at the Ichijo residence. – "The heroes incident will turn into an earthquake where several students tragically died so the school will have to suspend classes for a couple of weeks, that is enough time to fix this shit"

When I attacked the cultivators I used [Reader's Perspective] to get information.

Losing an Administrator is equal to weakening a country's national power, moreover, the other 7 cultivators are guardian deity-level elites in Japan.

Why would the Chinese government take the risk of dropping 8 atomic bombs on Japan?

This wasn't an attack by the Chinese government to eliminate Mr. Ichijo or the Seiji heir, this was the fucking whim of an asshole whose father has money and power, an asshole named Ning Guodong who wants to kidnap my wife Lin Ruoxi.

It was all a coincidence, a fucking coincidence.

These morons would have invaded Japan even if the Arifureta incident hadn't happened.

In Japan, the main Guardians are the deities and these cultivators have specially designed artifacts to counter divine energy.

There are still ninjas, youkai, ghosts, and other entities so these cultivators could be defeated if they were surrounded, the problem is that it would waste a lot of resources which would weaken Japan's supernatural power.

Additionally, these cultivators specialize in stealth and spatial manipulation so if Lin Ruoxi was not in the Ichijo residence, she could be kidnapped without other Guardians noticing.

Lin Ruoxi has beauty and money, but her identity does not justify this attack since the goddess that sleeps inside her is a secret that only I know for now.

The real reason they were willing to do this was that the cultivators had no respect for Japan's forces and decided to do as they pleased.

By the way, the asshole who caused this is the son of China's minister and Lin Ruoxi's half-brother, although he may not know the latter.

"Senpai is so handsome when he's angry~ ♥"

"Nyaruko is prettier"

"Don't talk damn yuri girl!"

"My poor little brother is worried because of a bunch of disgusting garbage… My little brother suffers so much because of this disgusting world…"

"Angry friend? Kill?"

"Luis, I'm serious, stop adding psychopathic women to your head, this place is chaos"

The voice of reason is getting tired of the chaos in my head, poor Tsubaki...

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