No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 246: Chaos Before The End

Chapter 246: Chaos Before The End

(3rd person perspective)

In the multiverse, there is a vast number of organizations with different beliefs, abilities, races, and ideologies.

Some of these organizations span the size of a small planet and really have no relevance in the grand scheme of things, on the other hand, large organizations consist of the accumulation of multiple realities and universes, or in short, multiple Worlds.

The strongest groups in the multiverse are divided into 5 organizations:

Paradise: The faction mainly focused on entities with Positive Karma such as deities, angels, Heroes, light elves, etc.

Although not all the entities of this group are kind and merciful, this organization is in charge of regulating the damage caused by evil and chaotic entities, which has accredited them as the heroes of the multiverse, a title they have earned because they are the first to help Worlds in danger.

Immortal Eternal Heaven: Morals, Karma, and techniques are irrelevant in this group as there are different sects for each type of mentality so they accept any entity as long as it is a cultivator.

Although it is relatively easy to be accepted by this group, the constant competition for resources and the bad temper of the cultivators make this group get into constant conflicts both internally and with other organizations.

Seekers of Truth: In this organization, strength or a specific race is not sought, only knowledge matters and how far one is willing to go to discover the truth of things.

They are the most complex group to understand since they only interact with other organizations to buy resources, but at the same time, they are the most peaceful group because they avoid conflict with other groups.

Even so, they are not friendly as many of their experiments have caused the ruin of millions of worlds which has caused them to conflict with Paradise.

Free Agents: It is a recently created organization and they have a small number of members, but in less than a century they have managed to gain prestige as they are mainly made up of veteran Heroes who decided to live in freedom, protagonists who escaped the Path of Destiny and do not want to have a boss, system users who got tired of being hounded like animals, and other entities who decided not to join other groups.

This group works as a mercenary organization and any organization can hire them.

Until now this group has had many problems to grow, but the potential of the members is something that has caught the attention of large organizations so no one has destroyed them due to the curiosity of the leaders of Paradise, Hell, and Seekers of Truth.

Hell: In this place, strength is everything, so they accept any race without discrimination, although there is no law or order here.

This group has several of the most dangerous and strong entities in the multiverse, but competitiveness and lack of teamwork are what prevent them from growing as an organization.

Hell has no official leaders because the big entities are in a constant war so the balance of power changes all the time.

Until now there are three factions that have managed to maintain power for several millennia, 'Sins of Order', 'Horsemen of Chaos', and 'Followers of Lucifer'.

The Sins of Order are an unusual group of powerful demons who came together to create a civilized society where weaker demons had the opportunity to grow and evolve without the fear of being eaten by other entities.

This group has been a headache for other organizations since in a short time they have gathered thousands of powerful demons who are willing to work as a team.

Similarly, the Followers of Lucifer faction are a relatively peaceful group as the leader of the group seems to prefer the use of Contracts over violence.

Although they are a peaceful group, no one dares to underestimate them since, if someone dares to break a deal, the entire group will invade that person's World to eradicate all traces of life.

Finally, there is the faction of Horsemen of Chaos, a group of psychopaths obsessed with causing suffering and destruction.

This group is the most dangerous as they are totally unpredictable and fear nothing, not even the absolute destruction of their souls.

The best example of this is that as soon as a Dimensional Gate appeared in Hell, only they decided to attack without caring that this might be a trap.

The Buddhist sect in Eternal Heaven Immortal had been overrun by millions of demons in a matter of minutes.

The Laws that protected the Sect managed to prevent the high-level demons from invading the sect, but the demons that managed to enter were enough for the monks to be brutally slaughtered.

Cultivators from other sects had provided reinforcements as this situation involved the safety of the entire Eternal Heaven Immortal.

The demons that had invaded the sect were a violent and disorganized group so they couldn't use war tactics, but it was that very violence that allowed them to fight even if it cost them their lives.

It should be mentioned that not all the inhabitants of Hell belong to the race of demons or devils, but the name 'demon' is normally used to describe all the inhabitants of that organization.

Cultivators were different from demons, they prioritized their own lives so most of them ran away when their lives were in danger.

While most of the demons invaded the Buddhist sect, some of them moved to fulfill another goal.

Most of the leaders of the Horsemen of Chaos were violent, temperamental, and warmongering entities, but among them were entities with great intellect.

One of the leaders of the Riders had heard information about the appearance of Azathoth so he sent several subordinates to prepare a large-scale ritual with the blood of cultivator monks.

The entity's plan was to use the souls of the cultivators to open a second Dimensional Gate which was not limited by the Laws so that the leaders of Hell could invade the sect.

That leader did this because............…..







[System Notification: A Higher Entity has detected the skill 'Reader's Perspective'. The skill 'Mythomania' prevented the entity from discovering the identity of the user]

[System Notification: The consciousness of the entity 'Ezquezeltro' has been destroyed. It is no longer possible to extract information with the skill 'Reader's Perspective']

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



(Luis perspective)

I sighed tiredly and looked at the demon on the ground.

His body still exists, but his soul is severely damaged while all traces of his consciousness were totally destroyed, even the records of his existence were erased so I can't continue collecting information about Hell.

"That skill is to OP, it needs a nerf" – Nyaruko complained as she ate some popcorn.

"That skill is interesting, but it makes me dizzy" - Abby sighed slightly dizzy so I patted her head making her smile.

"To think that senpai's skill could break through the Laws of Hell to get information…" – BB smiled expectantly. – "At this rate, we can invade the privacy of other entities even if they are on the other side of the multiverse… This is exciting~"

I sighed, this girl can't live without causing trouble...

As the demons invaded the sect, I stayed hidden and looked for opportunities to capture injured demons.

The first 100 demons were idiots without information so I didn't get anything by eating their minds, luckily I found a powerful demon that fought against Haachama and ended up severely injured so I captured it and took it to a pocket dimension created by Abby in order to extract information.

The demon's mind had a strange seal that would destroy the demon's mind at the slightest sign of mind control or mind reading, even using the abilities of an Outer God would be useless as the demon's memory would be wiped out before it could absorb the memories.

This setup is awesome so I had System Goddess make a copy of it to try and mimic it.

Since this was unusual I decided to use another approach.

[Reader's Perspective] not only records a person's thoughts, emotions, personality, skills, and structure, the main function of this skill is to generate a context to what is happening so that I can see the recorded information making it possible for me to see the past of people and places.

Using this skill was that I was able to see everything that the demon has experienced in his life, then that information was processed and summarized in a narrative to give me the context of what happened.

Thanks to this I was able to learn some secrets of Hell, information that is even unknown to large entities such as Auriel, Abby, or BB.

To power up that skill, Nyaruko, BB, Abby, Ortro, and Ray helped me power up [Reader's Madness], then I used the [Fraud] concept to power up [Mythomania] to cheat the Laws that cover Hell, in addition to that, I can deceive the perception of Higher Entities.

I was only found out by the entity from Hell since I started to investigate its private information.

Although I couldn't get all of its information, I was able to extract small bits of information, now I just have to organize those bits to get to know that entity better.

"Ugh, my head hurts…" – A girl's voice caught our attention.

"You stole senpai's phrase" – BB pretended to be angry while her teasing smile was obvious.

"Daoloth?" – The girl looked at BB with surprise, her eyes filled with joy and she quickly approached BB with enthusiasm. – "I knew you were alive! Hey, the cultivators are having a party! Let's go there, it'll be fun!"

The rumor that Daoloth and Hastur's chaotic personality had collaborated to destroy many worlds seems to be true...

Although Haachama had won the battle against the demon general, she had been knocked unconscious as she had previously fought against a squad of 200 well-organized cultivators.

By the way, the troops from Paradise started arriving while Seraph sends me hundreds of messages every minute.

My system is not the same as social networks so I can see the messages without Seraph knowing it from what I saw that she sent a rescue squad to look for me. That woman is adorable.

The chaos has been so great that the shitty monk lost his concentration when he saw his disciples being killed by the soldiers of Paradise, the psychopaths of Hell, and the Ancient Ones.

It is very dangerous to lose concentration against an apocalyptic enemy.

When the monk lost concentration, one of Azathoth's tentacles managed to hit him causing the monk to lose both arms for trying to protect himself.

While the monk will be able to recover from physical injuries, Azathoth's attack severely damaged his soul so that the monk's overall strength was permanently damaged.

Azathoth earned a reward.

Because of this I ignored Nyaruko's pleas and prepared a plan to save/kidnap Azathoth.

My original idea was to wait until Azathoth was close to falling into a deep sleep, then I would send her a message so that she would agree to receive a space mark from Abby which hid a Contract.

This way Azathoth would become my slave so it would be easier to suppress her power, then I would take her to my Core of Existence and return to Arifureta.

Nyaruko warned me that Aazthoth is capable of destroying Contracts through brute force, but that doesn't bother me since I only have to regulate her Madness with [Anti-Rasen].

BB told me about Azathoth's personality and she's basically a tragic girl in need of affection so I just have to help her control her own destructive power so I can have my own weapon of absolute destruction.

That was the original plan, but there was a change thanks to the demon lying motionless on the ground.

I couldn't figure out the demon leader's intentions, but I figured out part of the plan.

Azathoth is one of the most powerful entities in the multiverse, but her inability to control her own Madness makes her an entity that can only be defeated through strategy rather than brute force.

Azathoth's greatest weakness is sleep, she has been hibernating most of her life because that is the only way her own power doesn't destroy her body causing her great suffering.

This is not a secret so the big factions have prepared various methods to put Azathoth to sleep in case of being attacked, the problem is that the current fury of Aazthoth has made most of the emergency plans useless.

In order to overcome this chaos, the cultivators decided to spend precious resources to make a powerful spirit formation.

System Goddess told me the name of the formation, but it's a stupidly long name so I'll just say that it's a formation designed to put Azathoth to sleep.

As soon as she falls asleep, her mind will be brought to a pleasant sleep that she won't want to wake up from, so cultivators can do whatever they want with her without fear of her waking up.

The leader of the demons seemed to have predicted this since the demon I captured had the necessary materials to modify said spirit formation.

When Azathoth falls asleep she will not be sent to the cultivator prison, but she will finish the demon basement.

Basically, this turned into a contest of who can kidnap the crazed creature.

Although I have no proof, I am certain that Paradise also seeks to capture Azathoth.

"Ready!" – System Goddess smiled at me with euphoria as she held a red gem full of tiny symbols that seemed to come out of a satanic ritual. – "The Heart of the Dreamthief will activate when the Eternal Sleep Transcendental Nine Lotus Formation can suppress Aazathoth's consciousness, I changed the coordinates so that entity will be sent to the Rasen Dimension instead of Hell"

I sighed. – "I appreciate your hard work, but I insist that it is stupid to use stupidly long names for every cultivation thing"

System Goddess looked down sadly. – "Can't you just congratulate me? I had to use some heavenly treasures from my personal vault to get this artifact modified…"

I sighed internally, sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by depressive brats.

I walked over to her and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. – "Thank you for your help, later I will give you something special as a thank you"

Luckily she's not as tsundere as BB so she just looked away as she played with her fingers like a schoolgirl in love.

"…I would like the soul of the next system user you capture" – System Goddess acted like she was a girl asking her boyfriend for candy.

"To think that at this point souls are used like Valentine's Day chocolates…" – Tsubaki sighed forgetting that she was mad at me and she won't talk to me for a week.

I sighed wryly internally and headed towards BB.

"You two seem to get along" - I smiled wryly as I heard both girls happily chatting about destroying entire civilizations for fun.

"BB explained to me how things work" – Haachama nodded with a cute smile. – "I have no problem joining your group since I find it fun, I just have one question, is it mandatory to be a loli and dance in your underwear?"


"What the hell did you tell her about me?!" - I held the head of the damn girl.

"Senpai is going to break BB-chan and not in a sexual way! Senpai stop, my body is still unstable and your strength has increased! You're really going to break your cute kohai on me!" - BB cried out in mock anguish.

My lip trembled. – "Don't make me use Sadism…"

"I give up" – BB raised her hands submissively.

I sighed and let go of BB, then looked at Haachama tiredly. – "I am not a pedophile, just be yourself"

"But you didn't have sex with lolis?" -Haachama tilted her head in confusion.

"..." – I sighed. – "They are of legal age while I am still a teenager, legally I am the victim"

"Legal loli is still loli" – Haachama's smile grew. – "Senpai-lolicon-san~"

….. Oh God, another BB… I should have let her die at the hands of the cultivators…

"Don't worry" – Nyaruko came over to pat my shoulder. – "Most otakus are lolicons even if they deny it so you are not alone, also remember the most important thing, it is only illegal if they discover you~"


Only Abby is decent...

"Maybe it's thirty centimeters... I have to check..."

I looked at the brat who was lost in fantasies that I don't want to know about.

I'm surrounded by degenerates...

I hope Azathoth is less of a problem than these women or I'm going to kill the asshole who unfolds my story...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' recommends that the user start sharpening the knife]

… Shit.



Author's Note:

It may seem like Azathoth isn't as strong as she should be, but think of it this way:

At the end of a cultivation novel, the protagonist becomes the equivalent of a God capable of controlling the universe.

Now thinks that thousands of those fully developed protagonists have to team up to fight a single entity, what's worse, they can't kill the entity and their maximum effort can only put the entity to sleep.

That's Azathoth~

Finally, a hug.

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