No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 234: A Scientist With Wings

Chapter 234: A Scientist With Wings

I pulled out a sofa from my Rasen Dimension and sat down.

Kon took her female and handed me a cup of coffee while a woman with wings looked at me with weariness and resignation.

"So..." - Daedalus sighed heavily. – "You recently became an Outer God, other outer gods are looking for you since you are something like a cure for the dementia of the outer gods and if that were not enough, one of your lovers is Daoloth, one of the most hated entities in the multiverse…"

"That's rude" – BB pouted. – "I am harmless and I do not deserve to be treated with so much hate, besides, my name is BB-chan"

Daedalus sighed with extreme fatigue. – "If someone knows this then Lady Seraph will not be able to protect you from the fury of the leaders of Paradise, it is even possible that Hell, Paradise, Eternal Heaven Immortal, and the Seekers of Truth will unite just to kill you…"

System Goddess sighed empathetically and patted the pitiful angel woman's shoulder. – "Give up, now you are on the suicide boat so just try to do your best to prevent your soul from being totally destroyed in the future"

Daedalus sighed again. – "When I became Lady Seraph's slave I thought I managed to escape death, but apparently my death is already a fact…"

I smiled wryly. – "Well, we will be safe as long as this information is kept secret"

I made this woman sign multiple Contracts and put multiple barriers on her mind and soul with [Anti Rasen] and [Reader's Madness] so even an Outer God won't be able to explore her mind for secrets.

I made this woman sign multiple Contracts and put multiple barriers on her mind and soul with [Anti Rasen] and [Reader's Madness] so even an Outer God won't be able to explore her mind for secrets.

Although I kept it a secret that I'm a system user, the fact that I'm trying to form an organization that unites the Outer Gods is already enough information for the big organizations of the multiverse to try to assassinate me.

With everything going on in Paradise, I realized that no organization in the multiverse is stable.

The selfishness, greed, and boredom of the Higher Entities make them idiots who are not worth trusting.

Where there are interests there will be politics, and where there is politics there will be corruption, therefore I cannot trust ambitious entities, it is better to trust impulsive idiots with easy desires to satisfy.

Nyarlathotep enjoys collecting anime stuff and trying new food.

Yog-Sothoth enjoys visiting new worlds and sightseeing without the need to get involved in the plot.

Daoloth (BB) enjoys teasing others so she is the second most troublesome Outer God, but she can control her destructive impulses as long as she can tease me. She's a headache, but at least we can negotiate.

I can support Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep's hobbies as well as give them the cure for madness attacks, that should be enough for them to do me a favor or two in case I get in trouble with powerful entities.

In general, the Outer Gods have the most mundane and simplistic desires, but it is precisely this that makes them dangerous since the temporary fun of an Outer God can cause apocalypse in hundreds of worlds.

"There is no point in complaining" - Daedalus sighed with resignation. – "If you die, I will also die, so I will do my best to help you with whatever you need…"

System Goddess smiled wryly. – "You remind me of myself when I met him and now it turns out that I am one of his wives, I even began to enjoy this lifestyle"

"I see" - Daedalus looked at me strangely as if she thinks I'm some kind of pervert who sleeps with any beautiful woman who gets in my way which is a strangely accurate analysis.

I sighed. – "In case you are wondering, no, you are not required to be my lover, but there will certainly be a difference in the way I treat you if you are just a slave"

"I didn't even say anything..." - Daedalus's mouth trembled.

"Your expression shows your thoughts" - I shrugged.

Daedalus sighed and didn't want to continue talking since she seems to be bothered that I can see her emotions and thoughts so easily, she seems to prefer dense and stupid men who don't know how to read the environment.

"Anyway" – I finished drinking my coffee and then Kon poured me another cup. – "Explain your skills so we can cooperate more easily"

Daedalus nodded.

"To begin with, my Concept is 'Innovation', it's a utility-type Concept so my combat strength is very weak, I actually hate physical labor and that's why I use this artifact" – Daedalus pointed to the robot she used as a vehicle. – "Although I do not have unique skills, I can handle all energies in small amounts, I can also analyze all kinds of mechanisms, materials, and anatomical structures…"

"Finally, my specialty is the production of artifacts based on science, although I usually mix different energies in my inventions to power them" - Daedalus scratched her cheek with slight concern.

In the multiverse, science is one of the most underrated things due to the power of mystical skills and arts like alchemy.

Alchemy can use all materials and energies to create artifacts while skills are the basis of the power of each Higher Entity.

That's why Daedalus is worried, the fact that she is a 'Scientist' and not an 'Alchemist' may make her a subject of ridicule among entities based on the development of knowledge, even now System Goddess had a slightly mocking look.

I sighed and gave System Goddess's cheek a quick pinch. – "Do not forget that your Concept makes you a joke"

System Goddess looked down in embarrassment. – "Sorry, I forgot how stupid it is to be blinded by pride…"

I smiled slightly. – "Fine, it is not bad to be proud of your own work, but despising the skills of others will only make you lower your guard, and underestimating others is equal to suicide"

"Cultivators are conceited idiots, it's their nature" – BB smirked.

System Goddess sighed. – "Bad habits are hard to forget…"

I sighed and focused back on Daedalus. – "Actually I am glad that you focus on science, you are exactly who I need"

Daedalus looked at me silently and then tilted her head in confusion. – "Excuse me, I think my ears are failing, could you repeat the last part?"

I made an effort not to smile wryly, I wonder if Seraph knew of the clear need for acceptance that this girl has and that's why she sent her to me since it would be easier to relate to a woman who would easily fall in love with me...

I approached Daedalus with a serious expression, and without romanticism, but with sincerity, I said what she seemed to have wanted to hear for a long time. – "Although I know the uses of alchemy and other artifact production techniques, there are aspects of science that are very valuable and that is why I value your skills and knowledge, in fact, I have some research based on science where I will need your help"

With no elaborate romance, sense of protection, and warm feelings, what Daedalus really needed was for her knowledge and abilities to be recognized, in other words, she needed her work to be appreciated.

Unlike System Goddess who considers herself a prodigy in alchemy and spirit formations even if other people do not recognize her talent, Daedalus is the opposite, she does not see herself as a prodigy and therefore needs recognition to be able to feel that her effort is worth it.

Daedalus looked down and tried to use her hands to hide her face, she seems to feel ashamed that others see her cry.

I walked over to her and patted her on the shoulder as she cried softly.

"Incredible… It took him less than two hours to make her fall in love…" – System Goddess exclaimed in amazement.

Fortunately, I used [Anti-Rasen] to isolate the sound, this moment should not be interrupted as it is the key to winning Daedalus' heart.

"Friend is great" - Ortro nodded while eating a cookie.

"Bullshit no Jutsu in all its splendor…" – Arisa sighed.

"Hey Listen! Pay me idiots! I told you that the dog would seduce the new woman in less than a day!" – Navi became a compulsive gambler… He disgusts me.

"Tch, I underestimated senpai's protagonist power" – BB sighed and handed a bag of candy to the flying idiot.

"Muahahahaha don't underestimate the Harem King! My stupid partner is invincible when it comes to seducing emotionally fragile women!" – Navi gloated keeping the women's food.

That idiot learned how to create a small space pocket, it's only 2 cubic meters, but the idiot uses it to store food...

I had to comfort Daedalus for almost two hours, this woman seemed to have many frustrations and regrets stored deep in her heart, she even told me her story between tears.

She apparently lived in a quiet Earth-based world during the modern age.

She used to be an earthling human, but with technological advances, human genes were improved, turning them into a race similar to the angels of religious beliefs, in fact, they called themselves Angels.

Because the genetic enhancements made them practically immortal, the angels stopped procreating and built a great flying city where everyone lived in peace since things like politics, social classes, and ethnic differences had disappeared.

Over the eons, the angels grew bored to the point of mass suicide.

To help the angels, the best scientist among the angels, Daedalus, built an artifact called 'The Rule', a technology capable of fulfilling any wish.

The angels were happy, but after a couple of millennia, more than 90% of the angels committed suicide due to the boredom of easily fulfilling all their wishes.

In a desperate effort, Daedalus used The Rule to restart her universe and thus give new landscapes to the angels, later the angels created humans to see them evolve and thus have some entertainment, but over time the angels began to envy the humans since they could do what angels could not, dream.

In that aspect I understand the angels, even the Outer Gods need to dream to achieve mental stability… I prefer not to think about the fact that I am unable to sleep and dream.

Daedalus managed to create a machine where the angels could transfer their consciousness into human bodies to supplant them and thus enjoy a mortal life because life is more valuable when it has an end... Thoughts with which I do not agree, but whatever.

Everything was going well until disaster struck.

Daedalus described with terror the colonization of Higher Entities, or in her words, the apocalypse.

Paradise found the world of Daedalus so they sent a group to recruit them, the problem was that the leader of Synapse was not Daedalus, but an arrogant angel named Minos.

Minos was not willing to be the servant of other entities so he started a war between Synapse and Paradise.

Synapse had powerful technology capable of restarting the world in addition to being able to use the Laws of the World to protect themselves and there were even two angels who managed to ascend to become Higher Entities, Daedalus and Minos.

Despite everything, Paradise managed to triumph after 100 years of war.

It is important to mention that this world was divided between the idealist faction and the racist faction, so this was not the action of a villain, but the work of a colonizer.

The angels were defeated, resources and technology seized while the inhabitants were enslaved.

Yes, there are slaves in the idealist faction… The idealists are so moralist that they have double moral.

At that time, Seraph was already infiltrated by the racist faction and although she couldn't get the Synapse Island or 'The Rule', she managed to get the most valuable resource of that world, Daedalus.

For hundreds of years, Daedalus has been Seraph's assistant and although the scientist has not been mistreated by Seraph, Daedalus has a deep fear of the members of Paradise since she witnessed many angels being killed.

The tragedies of the multiverse are too many, I have no doubt that Auriel has her hands covered with the blood of innocent people in the name of the greater good. In the end, only the benefits matter.

I sighed as Daedalus hugged me, she now looked like a little girl looking for her father's care.

I had to sit back on the couch to get the woman on my lap to let her cry herself out.

After much crying, Daedalus was finally able to calm down.

Although her expression seemed embarrassed for crying like a helpless child, she also seemed touched by the care I gave her without showing disgust for her childish attitude.

I smiled slightly as a way to comfort her, then took out a handkerchief to wipe away her tears. - "Do you feel better?"

"Thank you" - Daedalus nodded and she was silent for a while as if she wanted to say something, but at the same time, she felt insecure about doing so.

I waited in silence as she collected her thoughts.

Daedalus finally made up her mind so she sighed and got up from my lap to go to her floating robotic seat.

Daedalus activated several complex mechanisms that could even get the attention of SystemGoddess.

Even with my perception, I can only say that this robot is a simple floating seat with nothing special. That's why I was surprised when I suddenly felt space energy emanating from the robot.

This woman was able to use technology to design something capable of fooling my senses and the analytical skills of System Goddess...

I looked at System Goddess and she seemed to want to disarm the robot to understand how it works so I made a gesture for her to calm down.

After a few minutes, Daedalus sighed and looked at me seriously. – "You were willing to reveal to me that you are an Outer God so I will show you my secret… These are my angeloids, powerful weapons capable of facing some warriors from Paradise, but most importantly, they are my daughters…"

With a spatial fluctuation, three women and two brats appeared with angelic appearances, although the revealing clothes seem unnecessary to me.

The five women seemed to be asleep as they stood, but what surprised me was that I felt strange traces of souls in these women.

These souls weren't something I had seen until now, they felt a bit strange, it was like they were artificial...

Daedalus pointed to a girl with a very well-developed body, pink wings, and short pink hair with dark tips. – "She is Queen Uranus, also known as Ikaros, she is my most powerful creation… I designed her to be a weapon of mass destruction, but I would appreciate it if you could see her as a person and not as an object"

According to my instincts and her energy, she has planetary-level destructive power, it's even possible that she can reach the power to destroy three planets...

Daedalus pointed to a girl with Shizuka-sized breasts, white wings, and blonde hair. – "Her name is Astrea, she specializes in close range combat and in individual fights she is my strongest creation… Although she is actually a clumsy girl who needs a lot of patience and care…"

Also on the planetary destructive level...

Daedalus pointed to a brat with blue hair and transparent wings. – "Her name is Nymph, she is the weakest of the group since I prepared her to be my assistant during the programming and equipment repair, she is also the girl with the greatest emotional capacity so I hope you can be patient with her since she is a little… well, I think the word is tsundere…"

City-level… She's not that impressive in combat power, but her utility sounds interesting.

Daedalus pointed at the second brat who was dressed as a little nun. – "This little girl is Chaos… She is another weapon of mass destruction and unfortunately, her programming was altered so she is mentally unstable, but deep down she is a good girl…"

Another planetary-level, moreover, with [Reader's Madness] I can see intense destructive desires flooding this brat's mind… She will get along with Kaede and Shiro.

Daedalus sighed and finally pointed to a pretty girl who was the only one with a real soul. – "She is Zeta, although due to certain circumstances she assumed the name of Kazane Hiyori… She is my friend and due to the war with Paradise, she underwent reconstruction surgery to become an angeloid… Hiyori is very strong but she hates violence so I hope you can not make her fight too much"

Planetary level… I suddenly got the military strength to unify Japan… The Guardians will be a problem though…

Daedalus looked at me with a bit of nervousness and concern. – "When the war reached a point of no return, I deactivated these girls and stored them in a pocket dimension… They are my family and I did not want to see them become the puppets of those who took my friends from me…"

I waited in silence while Daedalus regained her composure.

She took a deep breath and spoke to me with seriousness and a subtle hint of hope. – "Since you are an Exterior God, it means that you are not totally affiliated with Paradise so I will trust you… Please, take care of my daughters"



I can feel my titles kicking in because Daedalus falls under the 'Milf' category....

I suppressed my ironic laugh, Seraph gave me such a wonderful gift that I will have to thank her...

I sighed and walked over to Daedalus, took her hand, and activated [Dissociative Identity] to change my Concept to 'Fraud'.

I looked at Daedalus seriously. – "I swear by my existence that as long as I live, I will protect you and your family"

A chain of silver light surrounded my hand for a second and then disappeared causing Daedalus to look at me in disbelief.

In her eyes, I have just sworn an Oath so if I break my word, my Core Of Existence will be broken so this is a promise I must keep at the cost of my life.

"W-Why? Why did you do that?" – Daedalus looked at me with a mixture of anxiety and emotion.

I smiled slightly bitterly. – "Trust must be earned and you earned mine, for me that is worth more than any treasure"

"Gross, senpai is being cheesy…"

"Hey Listen! Stop the bullshit and stick your dick in her!"

"Luis... It would be nice if you said those things sincerely... Although it's still cute when you're romantic"

I'm glad the sound barrier is still active...

Daedalus hugged me with tears in her eyes. – "Thank you for trusting me…"

I hugged the woman, ignoring how uncomfortable it is to be in front of five women who sleep standing up.

The angeloids seem to be in a state of forced hibernation, it seems that they also do not have the ability to sleep and dream.

On the other hand, I am very curious about the method Daedalus used to make artificial souls, with the help of this woman I can finally make souls for android women like Monika and her sisters.

When Monika has a soul, she will be able to stay in my Core of Existence so from my mind she could use her hacking abilities to start controlling the technology on Gaia without being discovered by the Alaya or other organizations...

I must thank Seraph for this, now that Daedalus is with me then many of my plans can move faster, especially since Shiguma is having difficulties in the construction of Gurren Lagann and Daedalus can be of great help...

The phrase 'Behind every great man is a great woman' is correct, even better when there are several magnificent women.

Yes, having a harem is nice.



Author's Note:

To begin with, the angeloids are stronger than in the anime Sora no Otoshimono because I love that anime and in fact, that series is the only one that I have complete in maga...

Ahem, fanboy aside, this may raise doubts about Luis's strength so I'll summarize it:

Luis with "good" skills (Hero Concept, Gurren's right arm, and Auriel's blessing): Country.

Luis with "bad" skills (title Outer God, support from Ortro to destroy souls, black blood, and skills based on mental problems): Continent.

Luis with all his skills at the same time and using the Concept Martial Arts: Planet

Anyway, just to remember, Luis is no longer at the level of fighting protagonists like Luffy, Naruto, or Deku, he can already start facing situations of world destruction.

To make a comparison, Luis is at the level of Tiamat from Fate GO, an entity that without specific enemies and terrain benefits cannot be defeated.

Yes, Luis is an OP cockroach and he is technically the weakest of the Outer Gods...

Finally, a hug~

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