No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 232: A Cute and Busy Wife

Chapter 232: A Cute and Busy Wife

After the conflict with the demihuman leaders, we headed to an uninhabited area of the forest to form a temporary shelter.

I formed a proper training camp that was isolated with [Anti-Rasen] barriers to prevent spies, then we split into two groups. Yue will train with Shea while I train the rabbits.

The bunny girl thought that this was the brat's revenge since it's obvious that I prefer Shea's body, and while it's true that Yue wants to hit the bunny girl, she's also worried that Shea won't be able to withstand my training.

I taught Shea some basic martial arts and let Yue blow off steam by beating up the noisy bunny a bit.

Although I do not allow acts of violence or discrimination within my harem, during training it is not uncommon for some of my wives to experience something close to death as my ideology is to get used to death in order to be able to hold on to life.

Some of my wives say that my training is over the top and should be called torture, but women like Saeko and Mikumo agree with my thinking.

While Yue and Shea spent their time fighting, I was faced with a severe headache in the form of bunny-eared pacifists.

Training the rabbits turned out to be a real headache as their brains are full of rainbows and love. It's like being at a Bob Marley concert, but without the marijuana.

I offered to put the training aside and that I am willing to take them to a safe place where they can be farmers, but these pacifists are not as idiots as they seem.

The danger the tribe experienced made the rabbits decide to become strong to protect themselves as a close family.

Since they insisted on wanting to be strong, I decided to use those family ties to make them elite soldiers.

When building an assassination squad there are two main approaches; Crazy and Methodical.

The training for Crazy-type soldiers is based on making people lose all trace of empathy and become killing machines without fear of death, it is even possible that they develop a sexual desire for sadism.

For this type of training the basic method is to make a child kill his own parents, another way is to make a kind person take care of a helpless animal for several months and then force the person to cruelly kill the helpless animal.

This type of training is used by guerrillas and drug trafficking groups that kidnap people from poor communities to turn them into psychopaths capable of killing their own families and friends.

Although this approach can create cruel soldiers that destroy everything in their path, there is a flaw that the soldiers will be impulsive, disobedient, and sadistic thus serving only as cannon fodder.

Instead of Crazy Soldiers, I prefer to use the Methodical Soldiers approach.

This training is more complex since it is not enough to give knowledge of assassination tactics and handling of weapons, it is necessary to train the soldier's mind so that he is able to think rationally even if he sees his family die.

Methodical Soldiers lack the intimidating presence of Crazy Soldiers and are also not as destructive so they are not suitable for intimidating the enemy.

Instead of crazed beasts, Methodical Soldiers are rational and obedient machines, which I prefer since it's a pain to have impulsive subordinates.

Sadism can be flashy, but excessive cruelty is just another face of stupidity, which is why I prefer indifferent soldiers.

Regardless, I had to slightly modify the psychological training of the rabbits as Shea will get depressed if her family turns into a bunch of emotionless machines.

What I did was I captured several monsters, then I had a monster in a cage next to a girl from the rabbit tribe.

The only thing that prevented the monster from killing the rabbit was a rope tied around the monster's neck, but with each passing second, the rope began to break.

The rabbits outside the cage had to use small knives to stab the monster to death before the innocent girl turned into chewed meat.

What surprised me was that the girl herself did not cry out for help, but instead, she asked for a knife and she also stabbed the monster.

The girl was injured and almost lost an arm, but she finally managed to kill the monster with the help of the rest of the tribe.

For a week I had the rabbits train with similar methods where emotional ties were the greatest incentive and a single mistake would mean the death of a member of the tribe.

Instead of making them lose their emotions, I made the rabbits closely value family ties through short breaks where I allowed them to eat delicious food and spend time appreciating flowers as they love nature.

It can be said that instead of ruthless killers, I turned the rabbits into a group of yanderes capable of destroying the world in order to protect their tribe.

Although it was an endless headache to train these pacifist idiots, I am satisfied to see them hunt monsters with perfect coordination.

Each rabbit is a cog in a perfectly coordinated machine so they know when to attack and back up to prevent a rabbit from dying.

Although deaths are inevitable in war, these rabbits understand that reality and therefore strive to improve.

Sure, not all rabbits were talented soldiers, but there were a few surprises.

While the main group of rabbits was hunting a two-headed bear, two bears appeared to help their companion.

The rabbits recoiled at the sight of the bears, but they did not look frightened but rather expectant.

As the two bears approached, one of them stepped on a rope setting off a trap.

The bark of two trees peeled off showing small pipes from which arrows were shot.

None of the arrows hit the bears, but the arrows had fine silk threads which surrounded the bears.

Spider silk was not the strongest, but it was highly flammable.

As the bears tried to free themselves from the webs, they activated another mechanism that set the web on fire, and in an instant, the two bears were covered in fire.

The monsters' fur was resistant to sharp weapons, but the fire caused their lungs to begin to burn as they screamed in extreme pain.

When the fire seemed about to spread through the forest, a large amount of a strange tar-like substance fell on the bears.

The bears died as the tar put out the fire and turned both bears into stone statues.

I put my hand to my chin. – "Not bad, but if there had been three bears then they would have managed to break the threads before the fire was activated… Also, tar has a strong smell so creatures with strong senses of smell will feel that there is something unpleasant and they will be careful"

I heard the sound of a pencil writing at high speed.

Next to me was a rabbit girl who was taking notes on my observations.

This girl has no talent in combat, her stealth skills are poor, and she has no interest in fighting directly, but her talent for traps is amazing.

Although she is young and lacks better resources, her creativity is interesting and even System Goddess said that this girl has a decent talent for creating traps. The fact that a perfectionist like her says that just shows how talented the rabbit girl is.

The girl looked at me expectantly. – "Can I use magic minerals? Peko"

I smiled wryly. – "First you must perfect the traps based on basic physics, then I will let you use magical materials"

This girl is Pekora Usada, apparently, she belonged to another rabbit people tribe but after a monster attack that destroyed her tribe, she was adopted by the Haulia tribe.

(Author's Note: Usada Pekora from Hololive)

Although she is a bit of an odd girl and can be quite shy, she becomes too energetic when it comes to architecture and building complex traps.

I sighed. – "Fine, but no explosives, the last time they almost exploded in your face"

The girl's eyes sparkled. – "This time I will be careful peko!"

…I still can't get used to her strange verbal tic…

"Although I wanted to investigate more about the so-called dynamite..." - Pekora sighed sadly.

I sighed and handed her a glass bottle of petroleum-like liquid. I got this from Orcus' dungeon and it's a hundred times more flammable than oil on Gaia, this little 300-milliliter bottle is comparable to ten kilos of napalm.

I put various restrictions and the bottle is a storage device so there's no risk of this girl killing herself in an accident, but I'll still see to it that she doesn't destroy the workshop I built for her.

This girl's talent for terrorism only makes me reaffirm that going by appearances is idiotic, no one would think that a cute girl with bunny ears would have the hobby of developing explosives.

For now, I'm going to train the rabbits for a couple more days and then I'll head to the forest dungeon to send the information to Seraph, I just hope that woman isn't freaking out from stress.



(Seishirou Tsugumi Perspective)

Almost two weeks have passed since Luis disappeared and it is becoming a headache to take care of the group of women with serious mental problems...

Damn Luis! Stop sleeping with psychopaths!

I've always known that Luis has a certain taste for violent and dangerous women, when we were dating I always felt jealous that he seemed to have more fun interacting with Rebecca than with me.

At least Luis was honest and before we became a couple, he told me that he and Rebecca had a physical relationship and if I felt uncomfortable with that, I was free to separate from him.

Luis has always been an idiot, but sadly he is the idiot I love…

(Author's Note: Rebecca Lee aka Revy of Black Lagoon)

At that time I was very worried about the idea that Luis might leave me, and not because he could stay with Rebecca, but because it seemed that Luis always put a wide gap with other people as if he was prepared to be betrayed.

Sadly he was right...

Rebecca almost caused the death of his family while I tried to capture him as an animal...

I still feel guilty about it even though Luis has told me that he understands my actions and doesn't hold a grudge against me.

Luis is an idiot, but I can't help but love him...

Still... Why does he associate with mentally unstable women?!

"Are you okay? You look tired" – Ojou-sama approached me to give me a leather canteen.

We are currently in one of the training grounds inside the castle.

Luis had the queen allow him to customize this place to make it an appropriate place for martial arts training.

Before leaving, Luis left us personalized training for each person who was willing to listen to him.

I am now taking a break as I have just finished the basic moves of a martial art called Full Contact Karate.

Luis mentioned that he discovered this martial art on his journey to another world and it has the potential to allow a human to be able to face a God.

Although it is an impressive martial art, the requirements for training are so heavy that if I don't follow the training regimen to the letter, my bones will break to dust.

Seriously, Luis needs to stop using suicidal methods, I'm worried about his sanity...

I sighed. – "Ojou-sama, it is important to replenish fluids during training, but getting the body used to replenishing fluids during combat will only reduce resistance during a real combat"

Ojou-sama sighed bitterly. – "I can't get used to training while I'm dying of thirst… I don't understand how you don't faint from dehydration"

"It's just a matter of making the body get used to it" - I smiled and handed Ojou-sama a towel to dry her sweat. – "Humans are weak because we fear pain, but when one is able to ignore pain, it is possible to use the full potential of the body"

Ojou-sama sighed and used the towel to wipe her face. – "Even so, it is a nuisance to feel that my body is about to break at the end of each training… The tea to relax the muscles that the idiot made is almost finished, I hope he comes back soon… It's not that I miss him or worry about him!"

I sighed heavily, Ojou-sama fell into the hands of that perverted idiot.

Although Ojou-sama argues a lot with Luis and has some feelings for Seiji, the fact that she hasn't seen her fiancé in a long time while Luis helped her train since we came to this world has made Ojou-sama talk constantly from my stupid husband…

Luis is stealing his own fiancee….

I am very worried about Ojou-sama's reaction when she finds out that Luis and Seiji are the same person.

What makes things more complicated is that there is a girl who developed a hobby of making Ojou-sama angry.

"What are you talking about? Is the gorilla being a tsundere again?"

Talking about the devil…

With a smirk, the heiress of the Tachibana family approached us while her bodyguard walked behind her.

Luis not only gave the lady from the Tachibana family medicine, but he also gave her a training method so that she could improve her physical constitution without affecting her already weak heart.

Luis called it the 'Kushinada Breathing Technique', a style of training focused on strengthening the internal organs through breathing and meditation.

Although Miss Tachibana has only trained for a week, her vitality is already comparable to a professional athlete.

Miss Tachibana has started asking me a lot of questions regarding Luis, but it doesn't seem to be because of some kind of crush, but she wants to better understand the type of person Luis is so she can negotiate a change in the agreement since she doesn't want to marry with Luis.

I don't think much about this since I know Luis and I know that he has some plan to make this girl fall in love, I can only sigh while I question myself for falling in love with a womanizing idiot.

Ojou-sama frowned, but then sneered. - "What's happening? Do you need someone to change your diaper since your assistant is busy and you can't do anything yourself?"

Ojou-sama began to imitate my husband's sarcastic attitude… Luis stop corrupting Ojou-sama!

What will I tell Ojou-sama's father when he sees that his daughter now has the attitude and vocabulary of a gang member?

Well, we're a gang so maybe he doesn't think this is bad...

Anyway, Luis is so troublesome…

Miss Tachibana narrowed her eyes but kept her elegant smile. – "I just wanted to see if the gorilla wanted to eat since I am concerned about the welfare of animals in danger of extinction, but I see that it is useless to try to rationalize with a gorilla"

Ojou-sama was red with fury, but she managed to keep her cool. – "Calling a lady a gorilla is rude behavior and a clear lack of manners so I am not going to lower myself to your level"

"…" – Miss Tachibana's mouth trembled, she is obsessed with the idea of showing the behavior of an elegant lady.

I smiled slightly, Ojou-sama is learning to control her own temper, it's nice to see her mature, although the fact that she uses Luis's style to make other people angry is worrying me...

"What are you doing?" – A girl with green hair approached us. – "Stop wasting time, we have to prepare our things for tomorrow's trip"

"Mion is right" – Ojou-sama sighed and looked at Miss Tachibana bitterly – "Let's leave this for now, I don't have time to argue with you"

Miss Tachibana calmly nodded. – "Well, I hope you have luck"

Both women managed to calm down so we left the training ground to get our things ready.

The initial group that went to the dungeon continued to fight monsters to level up.

This world follows the logic of a video game where killing monsters gives experience, in this way we level up which increases our statistics making us stronger.

Sure, stats aren't everything.

The inhabitants of this world give too much importance to the levels so they neglect the techniques and strategies.

In order not to make the same mistake and to remember that it is important not to be overconfident, Luis explained several things to us about our home world, but due to lack of time, he could not explain everything supernatural about our world.

As for why we haven't gone to the dungeon yet, it's because I had to organize various problems.

After Luis's disappearance, a conflict began as the teacher from the other group tried to force the king to send a rescue squad to the abyss where Luis had fallen.

The king refused saying that it was just a waste of time since Luis surely died.

The teacher was furious and depressed, but she managed to stay out of it for the sake of her students.

Although she is not good at combat since she obtained a utility-type class that gives her skills related to agriculture, she became very popular since the kingdom is short of food due to the war, in addition to her charisma and appearance made her very popular among citizens and nobles.

I managed to talk about it with her telling her that I know Luis very well and I am sure that he is alive so it is best that people with strong skills focus on rescuing him.

I don't know what Luis did, but the teacher seems to have subtle romantic feelings for him since she looked sad at me when she found out that I am one of Luis's girlfriends.

In the end, the teacher gathered the students who didn't want to fight and started visiting the farming towns so as not to get involved in the war.

The problem is that the nobles saw the teacher's growing influence so they wanted to send handsome knights to seduce her.

The teacher is a naive woman so she didn't see through these obvious plans, but a girl offered to accompany the teacher to take care of her and the other girls that Luis asked me to protect.

The only thing that worries me is that, although that girl seems kind and friendly on the surface, she is the most dangerous among the group of crazy women.

I don't know what Shion is planning and I used a communication device to tell Luis about the situation.

Luis talked to Shion and warned her not to kill some specific women, but outside of them, Shion could do whatever she wanted as long as there was no evidence left.

(Author's Note: Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

Sometimes I wonder if Luis is attracted to crazy women, or if crazy women are attracted to Luis…

While Shion and Rena take care of the non-fighting girls, the rest of us will head to the dungeon to form a second fighting team.

We were supposed to go to the dungeon a week ago, but I delayed the trip to make sure the girls had the strength to protect their own lives, Luis entrusted these girls' lives to me so I'll do my best for them to survive in this fantasy world.

In addition to everything, Luis asked me to keep an eye on the leader of the first combat group, apparently, that boy is too impulsive and can do something stupid.

If necessary, Luis sent me a stone knife with which I can kill that boy, but Luis was very clear that I can only kill that boy with the stone knife since other methods will only create problems.

I know that Luis knows things that I still can't understand, so I'll just pay attention to him and I'll be on the lookout to kill that boy if he causes problems...

The other option is to give the knife to the redheaded girl.

Akane showed a dangerous talent for stealth kills and if it wasn't for the fact that she is now Luis's wife, I would rather kill her as she is too dangerous.

Now I can only sigh and pack my things.

I just hope Luis is safe...

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