No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 226: Fall into the Abyss

Chapter 226: Fall into the Abyss

As we proceeded through a tunnel, Kouki used a powerful skill to take out a monster, but this caused the tunnel to shake so the knight leader reprimanded him as this may have caused a cave-in.

Between the cracks caused by Kouki's attack, I saw a trace of energy on the ceiling connected to a magical formation.

"It's a spatial movement formation" – System Goddess deciphered the trap. – "If someone touches the crystal on the ceiling, a spell will be activated that will send the people in the tunnel to an area deep in the dungeon"


Kaori noticed the jewel on the ceiling. – "What is that crystal? It's so bright and shiny…"

"Oh, that's a grant crystal, and one of the big ones, that's rare" - The leader of the knights looked at the crystal with some apathy. – "It does not have any special abilities, but it has a beautiful shine so it is very popular among the nobles"

"It's beautiful" – Kaori smiled without greed, just with sincere appreciation.

"Well, that was the last enemy" - The leader of the knights sheathed his sword. – "We are done for today, let's go back"

An idiotic-looking boy smirked at Kaori as he pointed at the crystal. – "I will pick it up for you"

"Hiyama-kun…" – Kaori seemed uncomfortable since she doesn't like the idiot's lustful and greedy look.

The idiot began to scale the wall taking advantage of his stat boosts and climbed towards the crystal.

That idiot is classified as a secondary antagonist so his actions must be an essential part of the plot.

"Idiot! Don't act on your own!" – The leader of the knights noticed the idiot, but it was too late.

The idiot took the crystal activating the magical trap.

I allowed the space magic to transport us to another area of the dungeon while everyone panicked.

Suddenly we appeared in the middle of a stone bridge that crossed a deep abyss.

The bonds of destiny that guide the plot indicated that I must go to the depths of the abyss, so now I must generate an accident to go to that place without raising suspicions...

"Luis look at that!" – Shizuku yelled at me pointing to a black circle at the end of the bridge.

"Basic Summoning Circle" – System Goddess spoke bored. – "That thing can only summon a paper tiger or a toothless dragon"

"A what?" – I asked blankly.

"Ahem, I mean, that thing can only summon a weak creature" - System Goddess scratched her cheek awkwardly.

I sighed internally. – "Seriously, stop using metaphors, it is a headache"

System Goddess smiled awkwardly and nodded. - "I'll try"

The magic circle activated and a gigantic magical beast appeared, but despite its dangerous appearance, that thing was too weak.

"Children… Get away and run…" – The leader of the knights spoke anxiously.

"Wait Meld-san! We will help you fight!" – Kouki yelled like an impulsive protagonist.

So the leader of the knights is called Meld... I'll forget about it in two paragraphs so it doesn't matter.

"Idiot! Do what I say!" – Meld shouted furiously and drew his sword. – "It is a behemoth! Even the strongest group that ventured onto the 65th floor couldn't even scratch it! You have to run away while I distract it!"

The students were terrified so they tried to escape, but on the other side of the bridge, another magic circle appeared which summoned a troop of skeletons causing the students to panic.

"Calm down everyone! They're just traum soldiers from the 38th floor!" – One of the knights prepared to fight. – "We can defeat them if we join forces!"

The students got motivated and started fighting the skeletons while the knight leader, Kouki, and I stood in front of the behemoth.

"Divine Court!" – Kouki used his best skill, but he didn't hurt the monster.

"What are you doing?! Runs!" – The leader whose name I no longer remember yelled at Kouki while he ignored my existence.

His highest priority is to protect Kouki as he is seen as the hope of humanity because of his hero job.

Kouki was a stubborn idiot and insisted on staying to fight.

I got so bored that I wanted to yawn, but luckily Hajime showed to be a good subordinate as he walked up to us interrupting Kouki's stupidities.

"Amanowaga-kun, let's retreat for now!" – Hajime approached us with an anxious expression. – "It is chaotic out there! We need you, leader!"

"Hey Listen! Your bitch chose another leader!"

This imbecile...

Even though I'm stronger than Kouki, most of the students won't listen to me so certainly, Kouki is a better leader right now.

Hajime managed to convince Kouki to help the students by saying that he has an idea.

"They're ignoring senpai…" – BB pouted.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm going to fall to the bottom of that abyss" - I mentally shrugged.

Kouki left to help the students while Hajime looked at me seriously and concerned. – "Aniki, I need you to distract the behemoth for a moment… I'm going to use transmutation on the bridge to catch the monster's limbs and it will be easier to attack it with long-range magic"

I smiled and patted his shoulder. – "Look at you, you finally grew balls"

Hajime's mouth twisted bitterly.

"Leave this in my hands" - I smiled like a reliable older brother and stood next to the leader of the knights.

Even though this man doesn't want to sacrifice me, he knows that I won't die easily so he just nodded and used all of his magical energy in one attack. – "Wind cut!"

A blade of wind hit the monster preventing it from moving forward, but the monster was too strong and he managed to withstand the attack.

When the monster tried to charge at us with its bull horns, I rushed forward and used my sword to use Bang's martial arts, 'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist'.

With the tip of the sword, I hit the right horn of the monster changing the trajectory of his attack so that he hits the ground.

The stone bridge was very sturdy so it just shook without breaking, but this gave Hajime a chance to get close to the monster to use his transmutation skill on the bridge.

I stood in front of Hajime to protect and justify my fall into the abyss when this plan goes wrong.

Hajime managed to modify the bridge so that the stone would catch the monster's limbs.

"Ready!" – Hajime shouted as the monster was immobilized.

The leader of the knights gave the signal for the long-range skill-wielders to attack the monster.

The magic started to bombard the monster, but there was a problem, since Hajime possesses less than 40% of the plot armor, the monster broke the stones too quickly and his huge claw almost crushed Hajime.

I rushed towards Hajime and made an upward vertical slash with the sword.

My attack prevented Hajime from being crushed, but I pretended that the monster's force put great pressure on my body causing my right arm to break.

In the distance, I heard screams of horror as my arm bone was visible, but I ignored this and threw my sword at the monster's right eye preventing it from attacking.

"Aniki!" - Hajime yelled in horror seeing my broken arm.

I didn't reply and grabbed his shirt collar to throw him towards the knight leader, at the same time I put a lot of force into my right leg causing the stone bridge to weaken.

The students with magic attacked the monster taking advantage of the fact that the skeletons were defeated, but I noticed my ticket out.

I increased the pressure on the bridge causing it to start to break and then ran towards the students as if I was trying to run away from the monster.

At that moment four idiots smiled cruelly at me and took advantage of the rain of magic to attack me instead of attacking the monster.

I pretended to be shocked when four magic attacks hit me at the same time as the bridge collapsed causing me to fall along with the monster.

I saw Shizuku, Hajime, and Kaori scream in horror as they saw me fall into the abyss.

Kouki didn't attack me, but the idiot had a satisfied smile when he saw me fall, although to his bad luck this was noticed by Shizuku.

I started falling down the abyss as the monster turned into magical energy particles, he seems like he was programmed to disappear if he leaves the bridge.

As I fell into the abyss I noticed that the magical energy was generating a current of air to lessen the force of the fall. It looks like this was set up as one of the tests for this dungeon.

Even though the plot shows that this is the right path, overconfidence equals suicide so I immediately prepared all my fighting skills.

[System Notification: The skill 'Dissociative Identity' has been activated.

Concept: Protagonist > Martial Arts


- Increased skills related to combat

- Effectiveness bonus on actions related to martial arts

- Increased impulsiveness and desire to fight strong enemies (Effect negated by the 'Obsession' stat)]

This concept doesn't give me any luck bonuses or plot armor, but this is my best Concept for combat, plus I already have enough plot armor for now.

On top of that, I summoned my newest weapon.

In the world of magic, there were witches and one of the reasons why the Inhumans had lost the war against the humans was because a witch had betrayed her sisters.

It is not worth mentioning the name of that woman since her soul was turned into food and ceased to exist.

Unlike Ortro who destroys the existence of an entity, when Tsubaki eats a soul, she only devours the negative energy so she is actually purifying the souls.

The traitorous witch's soul was given to Tsubaki allowing her to evolve into a 'Death Scythe', the strongest weapon in her home world.

Due to the influence of my 'Adaptability' Concept and the system, Tsubaki didn't evolve into a normal Death Scythe, instead, she became an adaptive weapon that can devour other weapons as long as those weapons don't possess consciousness.

Tsubaki's first food was the reward I got after coming back from the magical world where I met Rushia, something called 'god slaying swords'.

The skin on my arms began to give off a smell of burning flesh as chains clung to my flesh like the bindings of a sinner in hell.

In my hands appeared two short swords slightly curved and rough looking but intimidating. These swords had slight tooth-like protrusions ideal for tearing flesh, the weapons of an executioner rather than a hero.

[System Notification: The entity 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' has been transformed into 'Blades of Chaos ']

[Blades of Chaos: THIS IS SPARTA!!... But no hair

The weapons of the executioner of the gods. Wielding these swords is a threat and insult to the deities.


- Executioner: When killing an entity with these swords, the soul will be forced to enter the cycle of reincarnation losing special skills and Destiny Energy.

- Butcher: Reduces healing skills.

- Atheist: Additional damage against entities with the concepts 'God' and 'Deity'.

- Enemy of Eternity: Additional damage against entities without the 'Death' Concept.

- Genocide: The more blood is spilled, the sharper the swords will be. The effect is canceled when you stop killing for a period of two hours.

- Fury of the Spartan: Fury gives a bonus to physical strength.

- David: Additional damage against larger enemies. Damage increases based on size difference]

I covered the right sword with [Rasen] and the left sword with [Anti-Rasen] while using my perception to analyze any possible ambush.

When I reached the bottom of the abyss I was disappointed to find no danger, there were only monsters a little stronger than the ones on the surface.

I sent a mental message to Tsugumi explaining what happened. When the news of my disappearance becomes known she will be able to take care of Kosaki, Nana, and other girls who have become fond of me.

Tsubaki replied that she would take care of everything for her but that I owe her a huge favor since my plan is only known by seven people and this will give her a lot of headaches.

It's so nice to have a wonderful wife who helps me take care of my other mistresses...

I followed the path indicated by the thread of destiny and got bored finding nothing special, though I still made sure to collect all the magical materials even if they were of little or no value.

I wonder if on my list of mental disorders I also have kleptomania, or maybe it's just my mindset born of poverty… Whatever.

System Goddess was checking the materials I was collecting. – "Well, this is not very useful, but even a fly is still meat"

"Please, stop using Chinese sayings, at this rate I'll speak like you" - I sighed internally.

"These are ancient teachings among cultivators" – System Goddess shrugged. – "Although it is true that China has many customs of cultivators… Maybe it would be good if we visit that country to look for heavenly treasures and jade-skinned beauties"

"Whenever you mention jade skin I think of women with green skin..." I sighed. – "Although later I will have to fix the matter of Lin Ruoxi so maybe it is not a bad idea if I learn the customs of the cultivators"

System Goddess's eyes showed emotion. – "You will finally walk the path of the Dao?!"

I rolled my eyes. – "No, cultivation is too restrictive, I prefer to focus on martial arts and Madness"

System Goddess sighed in disappointment.

"Ne, senpai" – BB smiled mischievously. – "Cultivators are dogs that wag their tails at the sight of strong people… If senpai shows overwhelming power it wouldn't be difficult to make all the waifus with no personality kneel down and beg to be inseminated by senpai~"

"Hey Listen! Use Mythomania to make the Rasen look like cultivation energy! When you show your thick and powerful energy, all the bitches will want to lick your member!" – Navi shouted with joy.

… The idiot is developing creativity…

"…" – System Goddess sighed. – "It is painful that I cannot deny the words of the fairy who does not fear death… It is true that if you show overwhelming power then the cultivator sects will kneel before you, but from my own experience, I know that using tyrannical methods will only cause great storms in the future… My teacher died from overconfidence"

I got bored of walking and Seraph still hasn't answered me so I wanted to know something. – "You mentioned that there is a great possibility that your teacher was a reincarnated from the country of China and that after he died there were signs that he would return to China"

System Goddess nodded. – "My teacher mentioned things that only existed in modern Chinese society such as a story called Journey to the West and poems by Chinese poets…"

"I didn't know what China was when I was a cultivator and I only noticed these similarities when I started traveling to other worlds, so I'm sure my teacher was from China, but since his corpse was totally destroyed I couldn't analyze his dimensional records so I don't know if he comes from Gaia or from another world where there is a version of China" – System Goddess spoke without much interest.

"Don't you want to see your teacher again?" - I smiled wryly knowing the answer.

"He adopted me because he saw my talent in alchemy and spirit formations, however, he was disappointed with my lack of talent in cultivation so we were never close" - System Goddess shrugged. – "Unlike me, his other disciple was a talent blessed by heaven so my teacher treated her like a daughter… In fact, she fell in love with my teacher and I think she is still looking for him so they can be together"

I kept killing every monster I found. – "What if your teacher and I have a conflict of interest?"

"Food..." - Ortro murmured when he saw the meat of the monsters.

I smiled wryly and put away the corpses of the monsters. According to the laws of this world, this meat can increase stats so I can make a banquet for Tsugumi and the other women to take advantage of the laws of this world.

"My teacher gave me protection and resources so I owe him a debt of gratitude" – System Goddess sighed. – "I would appreciate it if you would kill him quickly without humiliating him, he was a very proud man and he preferred to die rather than be humiliated"

Well, it doesn't matter, the multiverse is infinite and the probability of finding her teacher is less than 0.0001%

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' tiptoes silently so as not to be noticed]


"...." - System Goddess sighed heavily. – "I can give you a description of all my teacher's techniques and how to counter them"

"Thank you" - I sighed and stopped in front of a huge stone door.

There were two hidden monsters guarding the gate so I killed them before they attacked.

A red thread of fate indicates that this place is important to the plot.

I opened the door and seeing the interior of the place I felt an intense desire to curse the author of Arifureta...

"Hey Listen! Lolis and more lolis! At this rate, you could form a sex dungeon where lolis moan Onii-chan all night! Just in case open an orphanage so the FBI doesn't know you're a lolicon! It always works!" – Navi sometimes worries me…

"Strong men fight against destiny, but only wise men embrace destiny while enjoying life's rewards" –BB sighed with false wisdom. – "Senpai should resign himself, destiny wants senpai to have sex with a loli"

[Name: Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl (Yue)

Origin: Arifureta Shokugyou from Sekai Saikyou

Categories: Woman. Main heroine. Loli. Vampire]

From the brat's soul, I can see that she's over 300 years old… Damn, she had to be a goddamn vampire who doesn't age….

"It's not fair for another legal loli to appear!" - Arisa yelled indignantly. – "I must be the first loli to be taken by Onii-chan!"


What a headache….

The brat called… Ah, whatever, I'll use the name Yue since it's easier to say.

Yue was trapped in a strange artifact that drained her magical energy and limited her innate regenerative abilities.

This brat has enormous potential for magic, the greatest potential I've seen so far… But… Why a brat?!

"Is anyone there?...." – The brat noticed my arrival. - "Please I…"

The look of the brat is of pain and loneliness. She seems to have been locked up for most of her life and yet she was able to keep her sanity... That gives her some points in her favor.

I sighed in resignation and walked over to the brat.

"Please… Let me out of here… I'll do anything…" – It seemed that Yue had remained silent for so long that it was difficult for her to speak, but her desire for her freedom allowed her to do her best to beg.

I didn't answer her directly and put my hand on her head.

"W-What are you doing?" – Yue was confused, but I ignored her and with the help of the System Goddess I analyzed her soul in search of contracts, oaths, or any other problematic rubbish.

There was no such thing as a contract, but there was a mark of divine energy hidden deep within her soul.

"Mark of possession..." – System Goddess sighed. – "This girl was stored to be the container of a deity, although the entity that prepared this mark is ignorant, there are too many loopholes and the girl can counter the possession with spiritual abilities and willpower, what a waste of resources…"

I rolled my eyes. – "You only care about resources"

"I am an alchemist, resources are my life" - System Goddess sighed sadly, she is more stingy and greedy than me...

"Whatever, can you transfer the mark to my body?" - I had an idea…

"Are you planning to have the deity sent into Ortro's stomach by using this mark?" – System Goddess had a big smile.

"I love when you understand quickly" - I smiled internally.

"Luis…" – System Goddess had a beautiful smile. – "Every day I am more certain that our meeting was a fortuitous event predestined by heaven"

"It's not fair senpai! You don't treat me so kindly! Senpai must spoil this pretty kohai!"

I ignored BB. – Modify the mark on the girl's weapon, if the stupid deity wants an immortal body then that's what it'll get"

"New chew toy…" – Ortro was happy.

I looked at Yue and removed my hand from her head causing the girl to look at me in complete confusion at my strange silence.

I put my hand on the restraining artifact for System Goddess to reprogram it causing Yue to be freed without having to break the artifact, then sent the artifact to the Rasen Dimension for System Goddess to collect the materials.

"In less than a year of knowing you I have gathered more materials than in the last 200 years traveling between worlds..." - System Goddess smiled. – "I am lucky to meet you even if your sanity is more questionable than the intentions of a snake in a rabbit hole"

"For the love of god, stop talking like that" – I sighed heavily and looked at Yue.

"T-Thank you…" – Yue bowed slightly,

"Nothing of thanks" - I sighed and took out a contract. – "Sign here or I will seal your ass here for eternity"

"Hey Listen! Somebody call the FBI! The yakuza lolicon is extorting money from a silly vampire loli!"

"Senpai has sunk so low... I love it~"


Yue looked at the contract with a bitter expression. – "So you helped me for this, to make me your lover…"


"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha she saw through your fetishes!"

I massaged my forehead tiredly. – "Brat, just sign the damn contract so I can leave here"

Yue frowned. – "I am not a brat!"

"You look like a brat, you act like a brat and I'm sure you think like a brat" - I replied apathetically. – "In short, you are a brat"

Yue glared at me and she seemed to want to reject the slave contract I gave her.

I sighed and turned around. - "You can do whatever you want"

I pretended to leave the place as chains of [Anti-Rasen] covered the room and held Yue down to seal her off completely.

"Have fun being accompanied by your thoughts, a advice, schizophrenia will help you deal with boredom" - I yawned and left the place.

"Wait! I will sign! Get me out of here and I'll sign! I will do what you want!" – Yue began to scream in panic as she noticed that the purple energy chains were stronger than the artifact where she used to be sealed.

"Hey Listen! The book 'The 36 stratagems of a bastard' is being a best seller! Buy it and learn how to blackmail a loli into moving her little butt on your dick! Become the envy of your friends… If you had friends hahahaha!"

Where does this idiot get so much bullshit?

I sighed and nullified the chains of [Anti-Rasen] causing Yue to fall to the ground while gasping as one of the chains had restricted her neck making it difficult for her to breathe, although considering her regeneration, she will be fine even if she is decapitated.

[System Notification: The entity 'Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl (Yue)' is now the property of the user]

[System Notification: 80% of the plot armor of the 'Sekai Saikyou Arifureta Shokugyou' World has been obtained. Letting the title 'False Antagonist' steal the rest of the plot armor?


I looked at Yue who was looking at me with extreme bitterness as if she had resigned herself to being a pervert's pet or something.

Normally plot armor is divided between the main events, special items, and heroines, the latter being more significant in harem stories.

Although Yue is the main heroine, it is surprising that she represents almost all of the plot armor…

"Luis, don't treat that girl badly" – Tsubaki spoke like an angry wife. – "Just because you are disappointed that she is not a beautiful mature woman, does not mean you should be cruel to her"

"... Are you disappointed that she has a flat chest?..." - Rushia's voice was sinister.

"Big breasts or small breasts are irrelevant, the beauty of a woman goes beyond that" - I responded affectionately to my jealous and flat wife.

Although I prefer big breasts, small breasts have their own charm.

Rushia nodded in satisfaction.

"Right, small breasts serve as a table to place a plate of food" - Coco nodded.

"COCO!" – A scream comparable to a nuclear bomb…

I sighed and walked over to the little girl, and took out a cookie. – "Here, eat this"

Yue looked at the cookie. – "I am a vampire and I am weak… It would be better if you give me some of your blood…"

"Believe me, drinking my blood is not a good idea" - I smiled wryly.

Although I can use [Anti-Rasen] to suppress the mind-destroying effect my blood causes, the real problem is that Ortro gets angry when unknown women drink my blood, she only allows it to women who have been in my harem for at least a month.

I patted Yue's head. – "Be a good girl and eat the cookie"

"Senpai sounds like a fat pervert in front of an elementary school with a bag of candy"

I sighed and forced Yue to eat the cookie.

Yue's eyes lit up when she tasted the food and devoured it in an instant so I gave her more of it to get her strength back.

I took out some clothes and gave them to her. – "Get dressed, I want to leave this place as soon as possible"

I want to see what Paradise is planning in this World so for now, I won't steal all the plot armor, I'll let Kouki and Hajime take the spotlight while I search for resources.

Yue looked at me embarrassed as she tried to cover her naked body to which I rolled my eyes. – "I already told you, you are just a brat"

"I'm not a little girl!" – Yue shouted indignantly and threw the clothes on the floor showing her naked body.

I tiredly massaged my forehead and picked up the clothes from the floor to dress Yue. – "Stop acting like a spoiled little girl and put on the clothes, don't be an exhibitionist"

"Master looks like a father" – Kon sounded happy.

Yue blushed and nodded allowing me to dress her.

"Onii-chan has talent seducing lolis..." - Arisa sighed sadly. – "I have to work hard to be the first loli in Onii-chan's bed…"

I definitely didn't hear that.

Now that Yue was dressed and with her energy recovered, I began to walk towards the next level of the dungeon.

One convenient thing about the Blades of Chaos is that I can put them on my back and they stay there despite not having a sheath to hold them in, though the burn marks on my arms are a bit off-putting.

Yue walked behind me and spoke quietly. – "Name… What is your name?"

Looking at her expression she seems to be slightly conflicted.

She is worried about what I am going to do to her, but at the same time she is not averse to having a relationship with me… 300 years of solitude seem to have made her emotionally dependent.

I sighed and put my hand on her head. - "I'm Luis"

"Luis…" - Yue muttered in a low voice and slightly raised her gaze. – "Would you give me a name?"

I think I understand...

The original protagonist was Hajime and since Yue means moon, he must have chosen that name for some cheesy meaning...

Well, I'm not creative with names so it doesn't matter.

I smiled slightly. – "What do you think Yue? Where I come from that means moon, something appropriate for a little vampire"

Yue looked happy, but she pouted a little. – "Stop treating me like a child"

"Then stop acting like a brat" - I smiled wryly.

Yue continued to pout as we proceeded to the next level of the dungeon.

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