No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 224: First Week

Chapter 224: First Week

A week has passed since we came into this world and nothing special has happened.

After a series of unimportant explanations, the training began, which frankly was pathetic.

Arisa said that a job is a common thing for an RPG game, separating the utility classes from the combat classes.

Even though I showed my strength on the first day, I was ranked in the utility classes due to my 'chef' job.

Honestly, this is stupid since a utility class can be used for combat, such as in the case of Shion who received the job 'apothecary', a job specialized in the production of medicines, but also helps her create dangerous poisons.

I was ranked as the most useless person since my food didn't even improve stats, it just tasted good.

Actually, I usually modify my food with [Reader's Madness] and [Anti-Rasen] to enhance the physical body, strengthen spiritual energy, and grant resistance against mental attacks.

Because of this, the women who have tasted my food now have resistance to mind and spirit control so even if a system user with hypnosis skills shows up they won't be able to control my harem. I will ignore the fact that Umaru and my mother is also protected by my food...

Even though my job is the most useless and that has made me the target of ridicule behind my back, no one dares to make derogatory comments to my face.

The reason is simple, I hit every jerk who wanted to annoy me, even the knights of the kingdom.

I didn't need any magic, supernatural abilities, or magical artifacts, just with a normal sword, I was able to beat any idiot that got in front of me during training.

Although I only displayed Tsugumi-level physical strength, my sword techniques allow me to take on low-level deities without relying on magic. My martial arts have nicely evolved since I got rid of the curse on my soul.

The incredible thing is that even though I proved to be stronger than the royal knights, the king and the pope still look down on me since in their eyes I was not blessed by the god of this world and therefore I am inferior to the other heroes.

I have no interest in praise from stupid people so I did not try to improve my reputation, I just concentrated on helping with the training of those who were willing to ask me for help while at night I searched for information inside the minds of royalty and the church.

So far I haven't found anything useful, but it's better than nothing.

At this moment my biggest concern is that Seraph has not yet answered my message, but the flow of time varies between worlds so maybe she is busy and will take a couple of days to respond.

While some students are learning combat techniques from me instead of the knights, most of the students in the combat group were lost in idealistic fantasies and agreed to help the humans defeat the other races due to the influence of the false protagonist Kouki Amanogawa.

On the first day, I made my position clear, this was stupid and if someone wanted to commit suicide they were free to do so, but they should not drag others to an agonizing death.

Kouki said that I'm a selfish person with no morals for not wanting to help a world in danger so, in a totally justified way, I hit his face causing him to lose four teeth that he later recovered with healing magic.

Additional note: I found that I can humiliate a protagonist to steal plot armor without taking negative plot effects when using the 'Antagonist' Concept, though this makes people hate more.

Unlike me who is seen as trash, Kouki is very popular even among students in my classroom so I became public enemy number 1. Nothing new.

Even though my idea of not fighting was supported by teacher Aiko, most of the students joined this stupidity, although well, I also joined the combat group myself.

The king mentioned to us that the only way to return to our world is to defeat the demons and thus the god of this world will reward us which is a lie since, if not for my interference, our link with Gaia would have been severed preventing us from the return to Gaia without the support of a high-level Higher Entity.

I pretended to believe this stupidity but managed to get Aiko to gather the unfit students for combat so that they stay safe, or in more direct words, not dead weight.

This made me gain a good impression of several kind people, especially women.

I admit I used the 'Netori' Concept a couple of times just to see if I can steal the plot armor more easily.

Answer: Yes, but that caused the hostility of the false protagonist.

The king wasn't happy that his orders were defied, but I don't care, I don't even remember his name and I only care about his wife and daughter.

Although the pacifist group that is not willing to fight looks at me with some favor, most of the people in the combat group exclude me without speaking to me which is convenient for me since I don't have to deal with too many teenage dramas.

I had to seriously talk to Shion, Mion, and Rena since the three girls wanted to kill all the students who spoke ill of me behind my back. Ortro grew fond of them.

On a side note, all three girls got assassination-related jobs and with my martial arts training, it's only a matter of time before they're up to the level of mid-level ninjas on Gaia, the same level as the girls the Yamata Sect leader handed me.

Apart from them and other unexpected girls, Chitoge was more friendly to me.

Chitoge still makes sarcastic comments that I'm a perverted idiot, but I've seen her hit idiots who made slurs against me showing that she already sees me as a friend or something.

Navi scoffs saying that at this rate I'll NTR myself.

Side note, Chitoge has the 'gladiator' job with skills specialized in fist fighting. Arisa described her as 'Blonde Gorilla', an appropriate nickname.

Speaking of women, I've been busy with some girls who haven't adjusted to the idea of coming to a magical world to participate in a war.

Although my attitude is that of an idiot with a bad temper, some female students have approached me since I am the strongest person, my food is delicious, and for a strange but predictable reason, several girls have the idea that I acted like a violent guy to hide a soft heart, something very popular among girls during adolescence.

Idiots are too idealized...

Arisa said that girls in their teens love dramas where a cold rich man starts to show a soft heart by falling in love.

I insist, it is the same argument as a soap opera from India or Latin America.

The rumor that I'm a tsundere came about because Nana sees me as some kind of violent man who hides a kind heart.

She shared that idea with other students and thus a very small fan club was formed, I even heard that someone is writing a self-insert romance novel called 'The evil hero and you'.

BB and Navi fainted from laughing so much… Even Tsubaki started making fun of me.

I don't know whether to be upset or disappointed with humanity, in the end, I can only smile wryly and pretend I don't know anything.

Putting aside all the stupid things that have happened, right now it's the middle of the night and I'm in Marika's room with Honda and Tsugumi.

For safety, Chitoge is also here since Tsugumi never leaves her side, but the violent blonde girl sleeps soundly because of my acupuncture.

During this time I showed combat prowess that surpasses an elite soldier so Honda obviously suspects me so I had to advance my original plan to make an alliance between the Tachibana and Ichijo families.

This talk seemed to be between Marika and me while Tsugumi and Honda were spectators, but one wrong move and Honda will try to kill me.

"So Oosuki-san" – Marika smiled politely. – "What do you need to talk about?"

Although she is a charming woman, her skin was slightly pale, her eyes had deep bags under her eyes, and her lips were slightly dry.

In this week her health has deteriorated at great speed and if she continues like this she will not be able to live more than a week.

"Before we speak I would like you to sign this" – I put a contract on the table for Honda to pick up.

Honda used an analysis skill unrelated to the magic of this world. At this point, it is obvious that she is a supernatural bodyguard with a specialization in ninjutsu.

Honda handed over the contract to Marika after checking that there were no cheats in the contract.

Marika looked at the contract and frowned. - "Privacy contract?"

I nodded. – "What we talk about here stays here, it will not be possible to talk about this with other people no matter how sensitive the information is, in case of trying to break the contract the memories will be deleted"

It was the same contract used by Seraph when we negotiated.

Tsugumi and I had already signed the contract so only Honda and Marika need to sign. As for Chitoge, she is unable to hear this information.

Marika smiled. – "Is it about your identity as Kuro?"

The girl acted like she had me cornered to which I kept my cool. – "It is about the curse that is killing you"

Marika stopped smiling and I felt Honda's fury though she quickly managed to calm down.

After several minutes where Marika thought about her options, she finally sighed and signed the contract.

There was no system notification as I am using the 'Fraud' Concept so that contract cannot affect me.

"How do you want to do this?" – Marika had an attitude worthy of a professional lawyer.

"A question and an answer, it will be in turns and it is possible to refuse to answer" - I kept a calm attitude.

Marika nodded and a golden bell appeared in her hand, no wonder she has a magical storage artifact since she is the heiress of an important family.

"It will be a talk without lies" - Marika put the bell on the table.

Blindly trusting a magical artifact is a mistake even if said artifact is of high quality.

I nodded and Marika started with the first question. – "Are you the serial killer Kuro?"

"I'm Kuro, but I'm not a serial killer, I'm a mercenary" - I spoke calmly.

Marika narrowed her eyes. - "Your turn"

"Your body denies supernatural energies due to a curse, that's why you didn't get a job when we came to this world" – I spoke directly making Marika's expression turn grim. – "In addition to that, you have a degenerative heart disease that is killing you and since only science can help you, this world is killing you"

Marika looked at me with resentment while internally there was a deep sadness. – "How did you know?"

"I haven't asked my question yet" – I remained calm.

Marika gritted her teeth.

A couple of days ago Marika coughed up blood and wiped it off with a handkerchief.

I sent the blood sample to Shiguma and System Goddess to check on Marika's condition.

There are no records of how the Tachibana family rose in the political pyramid and when I saw the results of the analysis everything made less sense.

The members of that family are immune to skills and energies of any kind as long as they do not come from a Higher Entity.

Although this sounds good as it makes them immune to other curses, it also means that they cannot receive boons, skills that help health and can only sign contracts created by Higher Entities which are extremely difficult to obtain.

On the other hand, this does not make them invincible. For example, if Marika is attacked by a magical fireball, the magical energy will not damage her, but the heat and fire will instantly kill her.

It's not nullifying an skill, it's just resisting supernatural energy without negating the physical effects.

Possibly the Tachibana family grew thanks to the intelligence of their leaders who knew how to take advantage of this immunity to supernatural energy, but that doesn't matter for now.

Normally the members of that family could live like normal people, aging and dying normally while modern medicine can help them with health problems, the problem is that the level of technology in Gaia does not have the necessary advances to treat Marika's disease so she will die without constant medical treatment, something that does not exist in this world that depends on magic.

I originally thought of developing a cure for her to create an alliance with her family, but this is much more convenient since I'm her only hope now.

In fact, the biological development department led by Miranda and Mia Winters has already prepared a cure in just two days.

(Author's Note: Miranda and Mia Winters from Resident Evil Village)

I sighed. – "What would you think if I said that I have a cure for your disease?"

Marika widened her eyes in disbelief, but quickly calmed down and sneered. – "It's not a statement so I won't fall into a play on words… Besides, even if you are Kuro you are only a mercenary in the service of the Ichijo family… What can someone who has been nicknamed the yakuza dog do?"

Even though Marika tried to show contempt, the truth is that she desperately wants to believe my words since she is afraid of dying.

"At this moment, here and now, I have the cure for your disease" - I spoke frankly making Marika frown since the bell didn't ring showing her that my words are true. – "But it is understandable that you do not believe me, after all, I have not demonstrated my abilities in medicine and the best doctors in the world have already failed to help you… Right?"

Marika had begun to feel anxious. The hope of survival was colliding with the pessimism of certain death so she didn't know what to say.

"To tell the truth, I thought to offer my help to the matriarch of the Tachibana family, but this incident only allows me to talk to you" - I sighed with slight disappointment.

Marika and Honda remained silent, eager to find out if what I say is true.

"My official name is Luis Santos, legally my name is Luis Oosuki and my alias is Kuro" – Using [Mythomania] I pretended to use an appearance change skill. – "But leaving that aside, I introduce myself, I am Ichijo Seiji, heir to the Ichijo family"

Marika froze while the normally expressionless Honda couldn't hide her surprise and looked at me in disbelief.

Although she suspected that I am Kuro, she couldn't imagine that I am also Seiji since the idea of the heir to an important family acting as a disposable mercenary is somewhat ridiculous.

Marika looked at Tsugumi and noticed that she was not surprised.

Tsugumi smiled wryly. – "I was also surprised when I found out"

Marika looked at the sleeping Chitoge. - "She knows it?"

"No" - I shook my head as my appearance returned to that of Luis. – "I hope you keep it that way for a while, the situation with her family is complicated"

The Beehive Gang has not yet attempted to assassinate me, but several The Beehive Gang agents have been investigating my identity as Seiji to understand my habits and behavior patterns.

"…" – Marika stared at me. - "What do you want?"

"I heard that there is a possible compromise between your family and a foreign family to create a political alliance" – I adopted a calm posture and a certain indifference.

"…" – Marika clenched her fists.

This hasn't been decided yet, but from what I've heard from the Tachibana matriarch, she sees her daughter as a tool so she must have sought out an important family for this arrangement.

When I got drunk with Mr. Ichijo, he made subtle comments hinting at an alliance between Tachibana and Ichijo but nothing concrete.

"To tell the truth, a simple favor is not enough" – My attitude was not Seiji's mocking cruelty nor Luis's rude aggressiveness, but Kuro's methodical calm. – "This is the idea, I want a political alliance between the Ichijo family and the Tachibana family… But I'm not talking about Raku"

Marika glared at me with extreme fury. – "Do you want me to become your wife?!"

"No" - I shook my head. – "I reserve the title of wife for women with whom I share emotional ties, a business transaction means that you will be a lover or maid"

Honda was about to try to hit me so I showed a bit of my power.

This place was covered with [Anti-Rasen] to prevent surveillance from other entities so I only showed my presence as a Higher Entity making Honda unable to move while I was careful not to hurt Marika or with her condition she will die due to spiritual pressure.

"If you wish you can refuse" - I kept a calm expression. – "In any case, if it is not you, I can still negotiate with your mother after we return to Japan, of course, if she rejects the agreement then it could start a dispute"

Honda was already on her knees as Marika looked at her bodyguard with concern.

"I'll let you think about it" – I stood up and canceled the spiritual pressure so that Honda could breathe. – "In any case, you don't have much time left"

I took out a bottle of pills and put it on the table. – "Take one every four hours and you will be able to live for two weeks, but this is a temporary remedy and to help you I will have to do surgery"

The contract caught fire and disappeared showing that the conversation was over.

Tsugumi carried Chitoge on her back and walked behind me as we left the room.

I sighed and smiled bitterly at Tsugumi who was frowning at me. – "Oh come on, you have seen me do worse things than blackmail a dying girl"

Tsugumi kept silent.

When we got to the room that she shares with Chitoge, she put the blonde girl down on a bed and then walked over to me.

Tsugumi looked at me with some bitterness. – "That personality was new and honestly, it was unpleasant to see you like that"

I shrugged. – "I prepared that personality for my missions as Kuro to keep a clear mind and not be impulsive"

Tsugumi looked at me seriously. – "Seiji, Luis, and now Kuro… I am worried that your mind is breaking"

I rolled my eyes. – "You saw me burn down a building with dozens of innocent people just because some children killed my cat… It is too late to think about my mental health"

"At that time you were a child so I thought you were just being impulsive…" – Tsugumi massaged her forehead. – "Have you ever thought about what the people who love you feel when they see you act as if you were not human? Umaru is scared that you will lose the ability to value emotional ties…"

I raised an eyebrow, I hadn't heard that. - "What are you talking about?"

"Umaru is scared that you will lose all your emotions and abandon her" – Tsugumi sighed. – "I talked to her a day before we came to this world… By the way, that girl named Pansy is a good spy, I didn't even notice her presence"

I already knew that this girl visited Uamaru, but I don't know what they talked about since as long as Umaru didn't get into trouble I didn't investigate her emotional situation, not out of respect for her privacy but out of forced indifference.

"Your little sister asked me to take care of you so that you don't become an emotionless machine" – Tsugumi looked at me seriously.

I massaged my forehead. – "Why does everyone think I am an idiotic teenager with emotional problems?"

"Because that's exactly what you are" – Tsugumi sighed.

"For your information, my problems are personality and perception of reality, not emotional" - I smiled wryly.

"What is the difference?" – Tsugumi looked at me blankly and then sighed. – "Forget it, I do not want to know, I just want you to be careful with your own mental health, there are people who love you and we do not want to lose you or see you suffer…"

Owwww, she thinks I still have sanity, she's so cute.

Still, I didn't think Umaru was afraid of my emotional detachment. I may not know my own sister at all, although well, my family prejudices made me not pay attention to her emotional condition so maybe I should talk to her when I get back to Gaia.

I gently kissed Tsugumi's lips and smiled at her. – "It is night, rest for now"

Tsugumi was blushing but still looked at me bitterly. – "Which woman are you going to cheat on now?"

I smiled. – "Well, we are in an unknown world, and from what I see we are not safe, so I thought of getting some allies with high status"

"…" – Tsugumi looked at me blankly. – "The princess or the queen?"

I smiled. - "Both"

"….." – Tsugumi sighed heavily. – "It depresses me that I am not even surprised… Just don't do something dangerous, we are literally in an unknown world"

I smiled wryly. – "You have adapted quite well to this from other worlds, you have the talent to be a hero, or well, a heroine"

It is strange that, in the multiverse, the word 'Hero' is for both genders while 'Heroine' is for the women who influence the plot.

The multiverse is misogynist.

Tsugumi smiled wryly. – "I have no choice, I must protect Ojou-sama while making sure you don't do something stupid"

"I wish you luck" - I gave her a couple of pats on the head and left the room to go to a certain place in the castle.

I avoided the surveillance of the guards patrolling the corridors and reached the princess's room.

When the guards left I entered the room through the front door so as not to appear like a stalker.

Upon entering I saw a beautiful blonde milf who was having tea with a blonde girl and a beautiful red-haired girl.

I sighed internally seeing Akane. She got the 'assassin' job which gave her stealth skills.

At first, she wanted to kill the women around me since apparently, her mother made an agreement with Mr. Ichijo to marry Akane to the heir to the Ichijo family.

Akane wanted to talk to me on the day of the summoning to tell me that she was willing to let me have lovers on the condition that we run away together since she didn't want to marry another man.

Arriving in this world I convinced her that when we return to Gaia we will be accredited as heroes which will increase our status and so we can be together without worrying about status.

She already knows some things about the supernatural world so she agreed.

After I will tell her that I am Seiji since this girl's mind is still very unstable and I prefer to avoid a possible leak of information.

Even though Akane was happy that I was finally willing to marry her, the crazy woman still wanted to kill my other lovers so I had to punish her a bit and by that, I mean having sex with Shion, Mion, and Rena while Akane was gagged unable to move.

The NTR Tactic (Named after Navi and BB) proved effective as Akane nearly despaired to the point of suicide.

She agreed to be part of my harem and not kill my lovers on the condition that I never have sex with another woman in front of her again.

Now Akane is making a real effort to get along with the women around me which have been quite an effort as she feels the urge to kill any woman who shows me affection.

It's nice to see a person struggling to improve, especially if she is a beautiful woman.

To reward her effort I gave her a wedding ring and she was so happy that she only tried to stab me thirty times this week, it's a big improvement...

By the way, her family has a hereditary skill that allows her to damage the souls of magical entities excluding Higher Entities. She cannot destroy souls like Ortro, but over time she has the potential to evolve into a 'Devourer'.

I think I really have a fetish for dangerous women...

"Luis!" – The blonde girl shouted excitedly when she saw me and hurried to hold my hand and take me to the table where the two beautiful women were having tea.

This girl is Liliana S.B. Heiligh, a 14-year-old brat who belongs to the Arifureta plot and turned out to be one of the heroines influencing the plot.

She and her mother, Luluaria S.B. Heiligh, grew fond of me as they see me as a kind boy willing to face danger to protect my classmates even though my job is the weakest, of course, not counting Marika who didn't even get a job.

This week I managed to get close to both women by telling stories to the princess. Later the queen approached us to listen to these stories since her husband does not pay attention to her and he is more busy praying to a god who does not even seem to be present.

Even though I am in another world now, I still visit my personal world to interact with my wives and daughters so I developed a decent talent for storytelling.

By the way, actually, I don't have 23 daughters but 25. I forgot to consider Miranda and Mia's daughters as my daughters since in a way they are products of my flesh and blood.

I insist, I am not cut out to be a father.

I smiled like an older brother interacting with his younger sister. – "Princess, do not be impatient"

Liliana pouted. – "Don't call me princess, call me Liliana"

I smiled wryly and patted her head. – "Fine, Liliana, but don't be so noisy, it's night and it would be bad to wake up the other residents of the castle"

Liliana enjoyed the patting on her head and nodded with a big smile.

"Ara ara, at this rate I will have a nice son-in-law" - The queen smiled seeing her daughter so happy.

I still feel weird that some words and gestures from Japan spread to worlds based on medieval Europe, but it's plot stuff so it doesn't matter.

Liliana blushed, but she didn't deny her mother's words.

I don't even feel like cursing my stupid title [Lolimancer] anymore...

"Hey Listen! This oyakodon is already hot! Go eat it!" - Navi shouted in my mind as I focused on telling a children's version of Romeo and Juliet.

It's amazing to think that technically Romeo was a pedophile who took advantage of a brat's naivete… I think I know where Ancestor Ichijo got his inspiration from.

I sighed internally. - "It's not the moment yet"

"Hey Listen! You didn't deny it!" – Navi was excited.

"Well, it's obvious that I will, after all, I have to get the plot armor" - I mentally shrugged.

"Senpai, the milf is not a hero, just the loli, senpai just wants to fuck mother and daughter to spite the idiot king" - BB spoke with amusement.

"It's cruel to separate a daughter from her mother" - I continued telling the story making mother and daughter look at me with shocked expressions, even Akane was absorbed in the story.

"Luis's greed transcends the nine heavens" – System Goddess sighed. – "Now I am glad to be an orphan, the mere idea of seeing my mother in my husband's arms makes me feel like I ate a bitter fly"

"It's strange, I feel the same way" – Tsubaki sighed. – "Now that I think about it, all of us here do not have a mother who can be seduced by Luis…"

I can't even complain, I deserve to be labeled a degenerate.

"Actually..." - BB smiled. – "I don't have a mother since I was literally born from a vortex of chaos, but I made my own version of the Beast project that I stole from Best VII… It's not the same as having daughters, but I can strive to create independent entities that are like my daughters, and then senpai will have more oyakodon for lunch~"

… - "No, just not, it sounds horrible… A lot of noise… BB, you are not allowed to do that"

BB multiplying… sounds like hell on earth.

"Senpai, these are your daughters! You can't ignore them! *pitiful cry that makes senpai look like a heartless bastard*"

"They haven't even been born!" – I tried hard not to show my strong migraine in my fascial expression.

"Senpai is a monster! They exist in my imagination so they are your daughters!"

… A shitty logic…

"Master…" – Kon changed to her human form and hit BB to shut up.

"... Thanks Kon" - I sighed internally.


Kon used her fox tail to cover BB's mouth causing the troublesome woman to make strange sounds similar to a cat drowning in a swimming pool.

"Master..." - Kon's voice was insecure.

"What's happening?" – It is rare for her to show insecurities.

"My daughters... Will they be the pets of the master or will the master make them part of the harem?" – Kon asked me a difficult question.

Kon is my pet and sleeping with my pet's daughters is… Well, the very idea is unpleasant…

"Hey Listen! That sounds like something a furry would do!"

…Son of… Whatever.

I sighed internally. – "Concentrate on healing your daughters… Then we will see this"

Kon nodded and let go of BB who was pretending to be a dead animal.

[System Notification: *BB-chan died because of the bastard senpai. In order to revive adorable BB-chan, senpai will have to shout how much he loves his cute and perfect kohai *]

…. Seriously?

This damn girl can already intervene with system notifications despite not getting her full power back?

I can't underestimate an Outer God, I just hope Nyarlathotep is less of a problem...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' sighs and shakes its head while patting the user's shoulder]





Author's Note:

The additional daughters that I obviously didn't forget to consider, but it was Luis's mistake, are:

- Rosemary Winters (Resident Evil Village): Daughter of Mia Winters

- Alma Wade (F.E.A.R.): Daughter of Mother Miranda

When I played F.E.A.R. I had a mini heart attack so I wanted to include her.

Anyway, a hug <3

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