No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 260 Last Match-2

260  Last Match-2

[Third Person View.]

Vexa, her muscles coiled in a lowered stance, meticulously tracked Mary's cautious steps within the eerie silence of the arena.


The deafening silence shattered as Vexa catapulted forward with unparalleled swiftness, causing Mary's muscles to tense involuntarily. Reacting on pure instinct, Mary gracefully sidestepped, allowing Vexa's agile figure to blur past her. Yet, the force of Vexa's strike found its mark, delivering a fierce blow to Mary's abdomen, eliciting a sharp gasp and a surge of agony.

The resounding thud of the collision echoed through the empty space, followed by a split-second pause filled only by the tumultuous rhythm of Mary's heartbeat, disrupted by the sudden rush of being propelled backward.

In a seamless fluidity, Mary seized Vexa's arm, harnessing her momentum to twist mid-air, deftly maneuvering herself to gain leverage. The sheer rush of adrenaline surged through her veins as she attempted to leverage Vexa's weight, seeking to assert her advantage in the gripping struggle.

Vexa, temporarily ensnared within Mary's vice-like grip, conceded to the pull of gravity, yet remained poised, ensuring a calculated distance from the ground as she fought against the downward force.

Spotting the fleeting vulnerability in Mary's hold, Vexa capitalized swiftly, executing a complex maneuver that flipped their positions. Despite finding herself grounded, Vexa exhibited a graceful yet forceful leg extension aimed at Mary's face. However, Mary's swift parry with her sword thwarted Vexa's attack, the blade carving into Vexa's shoe sole with a slicing resonance.

Gritting her teeth against the searing pain, Vexa retaliated in an instant, driving a rapid kick towards Mary's thigh. The force disrupted Mary's equilibrium, sending her spiraling downward, her descent mirroring that of an acrobat losing balance during a high-wire act.

Seizing the fleeting opportunity, Vexa swiftly disengaged from the perplexing position she found herself in.

A mesmerizing spectacle unfolded as a slender stream of water traced down Vexa's form, gradually crystallizing into shards of ice. In an instant, multiple shards materialized, propelled by the surging water streams. With unparalleled finesse, she directed this icy onslaught towards Mary, who, having regained her composure, stood resolute.

Unwavering, Mary anticipated the imminent assault, wielding her sword with precision. Each swing annihilated the incoming shards, her movements fluid and deliberate.

Undeterred by Mary's swift defense, Vexa tapped into her mastery over water, manipulating the shards' trajectories, initiating a display that left spectators questioning the competence of these combatants.

With every passing moment, Vexa amplified the quantity of shards and streams, orchestrating them with an uncanny dexterity, akin to a seamless extension of her own body. The relentless barrage ensnared Mary within a swirling vortex of elemental fury.

Mary's countenance remained stoic, a testament to her unyielding focus, while her sword orchestrated a symphony of clashes, the resounding strikes indicating the shards' failure to make contact.

In the midst of the escalating clash, Vexa's lithe movements melded seamlessly with her control over water, forging an intricate dance of elemental might and physical finesse. Each stride she made resonated with the manifestation of newfound abilities, the elemental forces swirling through her consciousness like a complex symphony of arcane understanding.

With a graceful gesture, Vexa summoned forth a swirling vortex of water, a veil of aqueous protection that enveloped her form. This liquid shield shimmered with hues of iridescence, rippling like a translucent barrier in the air. It intercepted Mary's swift sword strikes, deflecting the assaults while granting Vexa an otherworldly nimbleness to maneuver.

Concurrently, Mary's swordplay remained a meticulously calculated performance of precise strikes and adept parries. Countering Vexa's protective barrier, Mary infused her sword with a vibrant aura, orchestrating spiraling arcs of ethereal energy. These luminous patterns clashed against Vexa's water barrier, creating a captivating display of resistance between elemental forces.

Determined to penetrate the shield, Vexa adapted her strategy. Focusing her concentration, she triggered a surge of water from beneath Mary's feet, encircling her in a tumultuous vortex. This unexpected deluge momentarily disrupted Mary's equilibrium, leaving her momentarily vulnerable amidst the shifting waters.

Seizing the fleeting vulnerability, Vexa extended her hand, manipulating the surrounding water with an intent to encase Mary in an icy grip. The liquid congealed instantaneously, ensnaring Mary within a crystalline prison, threatening to restrict her movements within the frozen embrace.

However, Mary, undeterred, countered swiftly. With a practiced movement, she unleashed a surge of vibrant energy from her sword. This radiant burst shattered the icy confinement, liberating her from Vexa's grasp with a radiant explosion of freedom.

The conflict persisted, each combatant innovating their techniques, intertwining elemental forces with physical maneuvers. Vexa's fluid motions intertwined seamlessly with her control over water, while Mary's swordplay harmonized adeptly with her spellcasting.

As the clash intensified, Vexa, her mind racing with strategies, seized a moment of inspiration. Channeling her mastery over water, she initiated a technique that transcended the expectations of both her peers ....and spectators.

Fluid motion, Vexa extended her arms, drawing on the ambient moisture in the arena. Her focus sharpened, she directed her energy towards the center of the battleground. A surge of mana surged through her veins as she summoned an immense quantity of water, coalescing it into a towering column that stretched towards the ceiling of the arena.

The audience watched in awe as Vexa's manipulation of water manifested into a colossal whirlpool, a breathtaking display of elemental might. The vortex surged upwards, twisting and churning with an undeniable force, captivating the attention of everyone within the arena.

Within moments, the swirling waters expanded outward, enveloping the entire battleground in a grand spectacle of power. Mary, taken aback by the sheer scale of the elemental manifestation, found herself encased within the spiraling currents.

The whirlpool, a testament to Vexa's unexpected prowess, surged with controlled intensity. It wasn't a torrent of destruction but rather a controlled display of elemental command. The towering mass of water swirled around Mary, creating a contained sphere within the arena, leaving her suspended within the churning currents.

Vexa, her demeanor unwavering, focused her concentration, weaving intricate patterns within the vortex. The water responded to her commands with a precision that belied her years, manipulating itself into intricate shapes and designs within the colossal whirlpool.

Suddenly, the swirling waters began to morph and condense, forming a colossal watery hand that emerged from the vortex. The hand, an embodiment of Vexa's focused intent, grasped Mary gently but firmly, lifting her from the whirlpool's center.

Mary, enveloped within the grasp of the elemental construct, appeared suspended in mid-air, surrounded by the swirling waters. The spectators watched in silent wonder as Vexa, in an unexpected show of control, levitated Mary within the colossal watery hand, leaving her unable to maneuver or retaliate.

As Vexa's colossal whirlpool surged, engulfing the battleground in a breathtaking display of elemental dominance, Mary found herself ensnared within the turbulent currents. Trapped within the swirling mass, she struggled against the relentless force, her movements growing desperate as she sought a means of escape.

The churning waters closed in around her, pressing against her, threatening to suffocate her with its unyielding embrace. With sheer determination etched on her face, Mary fought against the suffocating currents, her sword an extension of her unyielding will.

Summoning every ounce of strength and resilience, Mary initiated a daring attempt to counter the engulfing waters. With swift, calculated strikes, she channeled her own energy through her blade, infusing it with a radiant burst of power.

The once-tamed currents recoiled momentarily from the radiant energy pulsating from Mary's sword. Harnessing this momentary respite, she executed a sequence of rapid, precise movements, carving a path through the spiraling waters, seeking a way out of the suffocating embrace.

The relentless onslaught of Vexa's whirlpool persisted, but Mary refused to yield. She battled against the suffocating force, her movements displaying a raw desperation as she fought for freedom. Every strike against the engulfing waters was a testament to her unwavering determination and unyielding spirit.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her, Mary's resilience shone through. With a resolute gaze and unwavering determination, she pushed against the overwhelming force, each movement a desperate bid for survival within the engulfing waters.

The spectators watched in awe and admiration as Mary, amidst the suffocating torrent, displayed a breathtaking resilience but....after few minutes she failed,the pressure on her lungs increased as it was hard for her too breath, streams of blood began flowing from her nose but the way she was still trying to get out of there was something that made her seem... pitiful.

It wasn't that Vexa wasn't having tough time- she too had her difficulties in terms of keeping the spell going but whenever looked at Mary.

She looked like she'd rather die than lose before-

"Vexa Velcrow won!"

The arena fell into a hushed reverence, an unforeseen demonstration of Vexa's mastery over water. The young combatant had conjured a spectacle of such grandeur that it left all witnesses spellbound.

There was thud that indicated the fall of Mary who looked like someone close to her had died or as if she had lost everything.


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