No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 212 Dark Elves.

Chapter 212  Dark Elves.

[A/N:Dark elves: Dark elves, also known as drow, dwell underground in hidden cities. They have darker complexions, exhibit cunning and ambition, and excel in spiritual magic. Their alignment is typically chaotic, and they often serve deities with dark or chaotic tendencies. ]


[Third person POV]

"Damn!" Adam swiftly lowered his head, avoiding a lethal strike from the enemy elf.

A blade of wind whizzed past him, narrowly missing its mark. Adam acted quickly, conjuring a sharp shard of ice and sending it hurtling toward the elf who had attacked him. The projectile punctured the elf's arm, causing them to cry out in pain.

"Look out!" Amelia's urgent voice resonated through the chamber as she hurled an object in Adam's direction. Adam reacted with agility, sidestepping the incoming threat, which turned out to be a spear. The spear found its mark in the head of another elf, who had been preparing a deadly earth-based attack.

"Keep an eye around yourselves, kids! We can't afford any more injuries," Amelia instructed, her gaze shifting to Helga, who was being carried by Mary on her back, visibly wincing in pain.

"Understood!" Adam replied emphatically, gripping the hilt of his sword. It was a double-edged sword crafted from Orichalcum, a rare and precious metal he had discovered upon entering this dungeon.


The underground passages of the dungeon twisted and turned, casting eerie shadows that danced like specters in the dim torchlight. The company, led by Amelia and Adam, pressed forward, determined to reach the heart of the dungeon.

They were met with fierce resistance. Elf and dark elf warriors, their lithe forms hidden in the shadows, ambushed the group. With a clash of blades and the hum of magical incantations, the battle was joined.

Amelia, the seasoned swordmaster, lunged forward with precision, her trusty blade finding its mark in the chest of a dark elf who tried to strike from behind. Adam, on other side, was right beside her, defending against a hail of elemental attacks with his sword and creating barriers of ice to shield their group.

"We've got to push through, Adam! Don't let them surround us!" Amelia shouted as she parried a vicious strike from an elf wielding a wickedly curved blade.

Adam nodded, his face etched with determination. He unleashed a surge of ice shard that coated the ground in frost, causing their attackers to slip and stumble.

Meanwhile, Elsa, their healer, focused her powers on Helga, who was being carried on Mary's back. Whenever the injured fighter grimaced with pain as Elsa's soothing magic knitted her wounds and alleviated her suffering.

"I'll be ready soon," Helga said, her voice strained but resolute. She was not one to stay out of the fight for long.

As the clash raged on, they discovered the enemy's numbers were not limited to the few that had initially ambushed them. Reinforcements of elves and dark elves continued to pour out from hidden passages and alcoves.

Adam stepped back, drawing on his power, and conjured a massive icy wall that blocked the oncoming attackers, buying the group a moment to catch their breath. "We have to find the way to the dungeon's core! Amelia, the path up ahead!"

Adam was quite tired because of mana depletion at this point,same with everyone except Amelia.....even two start difference can be this big.

Amelia nodded and gestured for the group to follow her. With their foes temporarily held at bay, they ventured deeper into the dungeon's labyrinthine tunnels.

They turned a corner and arrived at a grand chamber, its floor adorned with intricate runes, and in its center stood a colossal stone door. The key to this door, and perhaps the secrets of the dungeon, lay hidden within its depths.

The moment they laid eyes on the door, it was evident that the elves would defend this entrance with all their might. Elf archers emerged from alcoves, their arrows enchanted with paralyzing magic, and aimed directly at the intruders.

Elsa's voice rang out. "Protect the archers! Don't let their arrows hit you!" She channeled her mana into a wind barrier, deflecting the enchanted projectiles.

Amelia leaped into action, engaging a dark elf warrior who seemed to possess unmatched agility. With each clash of blades, they traded blows that left visible trails of sparks in their wake. The dark elf's violet eyes gleamed with malice, but Amelia's experience was her advantage.

Adam, meanwhile, encased his sword in ice and hurled a deadly projectile at the archers, shattering their cover and silencing their bows.

Mary, holding Helga, kept watch on their flank, warding off any attackers who dared approach. With the healer's guidance, Helga's injuries were becoming less of an impediment.

"We're almost there," Adam shouted, his voice filled with determination. "Just a bit further."

The dark elves, though valiant in their defense, began to sense the inevitable turn of the tide. The remaining archers ceased firing and joined the melee, their swords clashing with Adam's ice-empowered blade.

Elsa, having completed her healing, shifted her focus to supporting Amelia, who was locked in a fierce battle of strength and skill against the dark elf warrior.

"We can do this!" Amelia grunted as she deflected a powerful blow and countered with a precise strike. The dark elf reeled, her confidence faltering.

Their combined efforts began to overwhelm the enemy. One by one, the elves and dark elves fell before the relentless onslaught of the adventurers. When their adversaries were no more, the group turned their attention back to the imposing stone door.

Adam approached it cautiously, his gaze scanning for clues. It didn't take long for him to identify the hidden mechanism. With a deep breath, he inserted a long-forgotten key that had been tucked away in his was given by one of the tribe leaders that they raided.

The door rumbled and groaned, slowly grinding open to reveal the chamber beyond.

Amelia sheathed her sword. "Well done, Adam. Let's see if they are inside or not."

With hope and anticipation, they stepped over the threshold and into the chamber that held the answers they sought.

They stepped inside, only to find something entirely unexpected.

The chamber was large, with high ceilings, and a single chain that held two people by their feet, hanging upside down in the middle of the chamber.

"Mother! Father!" Elsa ran forward but was held back by Adam.

"Wait a moment, Elsa. There's someone here," Adam cautioned as he sensed another presence nearby.

"Yeah, be careful," Amelia added, already recognizing the individual. "Elder... you should've never started this."

A figure emerged from the shadows, radiating an aura of malevolence. It was Elder Vorith, a powerful dark elf mage and the mastermind behind the ordeal. He stepped into the dim light, his twisted grin revealing his malevolent intentions.

"Ah, Amelia, you always had a knack for trouble," Vorith sneered, his gaze fixed on the group. "I'm proud of you for saving our kin."

Elsa's voice quivered as she confronted the dark sorcerer, her parents hanging in distress. "Why are you doing this? What do you want with my parents?"

Vorith chuckled darkly, his tone laced with sadistic amusement. "My dear Elsa, your parents possess something I desire, something that has eluded me for far too long."

Adam gripped his sword tightly, his eyes locked on Vorith. "Enough with the cryptic nonsense. What do you want?"

Vorith paced back and forth, never taking his eyes off the captives. "You see... I care more for my people than they ever could. I strive for their happiness while they ignore our struggles."

Amelia narrowed her eyes, assessing their adversary. "But is that all?"

Vorith shrugged nonchalantly. "Sometimes, one must employ unorthodox methods to achieve greatness and justice. There's nothing wrong with that." He took a step closer.

His gaze turned icy, his cruelty laid bare. "In the pursuit of power, sentiment and morality are trivial inconveniences. You may consider me a monster, young Elsa, but it changes nothing. Your parents... aren't they cruel for ignoring our struggles?"

Amelia exchanged a grim glance with Adam. They knew reasoning with Vorith was futile; it was time for action.

"Adam, Elsa, stick close," Amelia ordered firmly. "We're taking down this guy and saving the king and queen."

Elsa's eyes filled with determination. "Yes, we'll save them."

Vorith's eyes twitched as he muttered, "Royal filth."

Without wasting another moment, Adam and Amelia readied their weapons, and Elsa summoned her healing magic, preparing for what was to come.

More dark elf warriors emerged from the shadows, surrounding the group. Their crimson eyes glinted with malice as they attacked with both weapons and magic. Adam and Amelia defended against the onslaught, their well-practiced combat skills fending off the attackers.

Vorith, sensing their readiness, unleashed his earth Elemental maguc, sending tendrils toward the group. Amelia swiftly formed a protective barrier, blocking it. Adam dashed forward, clashing blades with Vorith, their swords ringing out in the chamber.

Elsa stood ready, prepared to provide healing support to her companions as they engaged in the fierce battle with Vorith's powers. The room was filled with the clashing of swords, the resounding echoes of spells, and the growing determination of the trio.

[A/N: Why does he hate them this much?]

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