Night’s Nomenclature

Chapter 223: Jiang Xiaotang’s Cruelty

Chapter 223: Jiang Xiaotang’s Cruelty

The two of them walked through the street, with the bright holographic neon lights above their head and the nightlife in front of them. Being here all year round would make people feel a little lost.

The huge steel city was like a maze, trapping many people in it.

This was a feast of lights. Enchanting girls stood on the street waving to men, and there were even men dressed in tights and sexy clothes waving to everyone…

However, when Qing Chen and Huang Zixian passed by, Qing Chen was shocked to find that those people turned around and walked indoors when he passed by.

Seeing his surprise, Huang Zixian smiled and said, “Before the boxing match this evening, Boss Jiang announced in District 4 that any woman who dares to do business with you will have her head twisted off.”

Qing Chen was shocked. Jiang Xiaotang even considered this?!

Huang Zixian continued, “In addition, she also said that anyone who dares to provide you with addictive items or drugs such as dopamine chips will suffer the same fate.”

In District 4, the boxing gyms had the most power in the underground, because the boxing gyms had many genetic fighters, and every one of them had killed before.

No one wanted to mess with a boxing gym owner, so no one would want Qing Chen’s business.

Huang Zixian glanced at him and explained, “I think Boss Jiang is trying to help you, so you don’t have to blame her. You don’t look like someone who comes to District 4 very often, so you don’t know how dark it is here. Underneath the prosperity on the surface, there are kidney and limb thieves hiding in the dark, and there are also people who would kidnap others to film virtual reality films and sell them for high prices. It’s hard to guard against the drugs they have, and even superhumans often fall prey to them…”

“Last year, I heard that there was a little superhuman girl in City 7 who was auctioned for a sky-high price on the black market. But the buyer didn’t expect that the girl would awaken again, so not only did he not get to take advantage of her but was also beaten to death,” Huang Zixian said, “Now that Boss Jiang has said this, everyone that has been eyeing you would think twice, and you will be much safer.”

“Eyeing me?” Qing Chen asked curiously.

“With your looks, you can sometimes be more marketable than little girls in the black market. Don’t underestimate the ugly habits of those people in power…”

Qing Chen felt sick.

But Qing Chen was thinking that he had never thought about going to that kind of place, nor was it possible to go there at this point.

But when Jiang Xiaotang said this, it really seemed like she was a sister protecting her younger brother.

She was afraid that her younger brother would go astray after getting rich, and it was difficult for her to remind him every time herself, so she chose the most direct way possible.

“By the way, why are you going to the Never-ending Club?” Huang Zixian asked curiously, “You aren’t going there to be a customer, are you? After all… you seem quite clean.”

“I am going there as a customer,” Qing Chen responded calmly.

In fact, ONE had already sent him relevant information about Hesheng Group.

According to the information, the director of Hesheng Group and all the important members would go to the Never-Ending Club every night, so he had to visit the spot and observe.

However, when the two arrived at the Never-ending Club, the two security guards at the door looked at each other and stopped Qing Chen, “I’m sorry, Boss Jiang told us that you can’t go in.”

Qing Chen, “???”

Hello? What??

Just now, he felt quite warm from Jiang Xiaotang’s care, but then he turned around and got stabbed in the back!

Qing Chen really didn’t expect that sister Jiang Xiaotang would have such great influence in District 4. He got banned from every entertainment venue possible!

He thought for a while and said, “Could you have gotten the wrong person?”

“No,” the security guard said, “Everyone in District 4 knows the newly promoted tigerweight boxing champion by now.”

Qing Chen raised his eyebrows, turned around, and walked back.

This kind of thing would stop him for a day at most, and he could come back tomorrow with a different face using Forbidden Item ACE-005.

Beside him, Huang Zixian was trying to hold back his smile, “You will basically have no chance of being in a place like this in the future.”

Qing Chen pressed a button on his phone, and a few minutes later a floating car came from the sky.

He sat in, and before he closed the door, Huang Zixian whispered to him, “One last reminder, you must be careful in the boxing ring. If you find anything strange, just ask Boss Jiang to open the cage and save you. Strictly speaking, the cage can’t be opened until a winner is set, but now it seems that Boss Jiang should be willing to break this rule for you. So, remember to not show off or be too stubborn.”

“What kind of danger will there be?” Qing Chen asked thoughtfully. Maybe Huang Zixian expected that Qing Chen would be in danger, but he didn’t want to reveal it all the way.

Huang Zixian thought for a while and said, “This is part of the interest I’m paying you. The opponents you encounter might not only be tigerweight boxers.”

At this time, Nan Gengchen finally found a chance to be alone and sent him a message, “Brother Chen, Brother Chen, I have settled the tickets I had here, and we made a profit of 17.89 million in one night! I will transfer it to your account right away!”

Before time traveling this time, Qing Chen, Nan Gengchen, and Li Tongyun spent a whole night making plans.

Like how to cooperate with Li Yinuo to contact other shadow candidates.

Like how to buy tickets at just 10% of the face value.

And how to divide the money afterwards.

When he imagined what it was like when Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun found out that his ID was “Cutie”, he sighed, “It’s really scary…”

Most importantly, no one knew that the ID was ONE’s, and everyone would think that Qing Chen was the one hooking up with girls online and having an ID called “Cutie”.

He couldn’t even explain it!

Qing Chen thought about what he should say to Nan Gengchen: ‘Would you believe that it is actually an artificial intelligence in another world that is doing these things?’

When Nan Gengchen’s heard it, it probably would sound more like, ‘Yesterday at noon, the sun suddenly disappeared, and a group of aliens landed from the sky. They wiped out an entire city, and then stole your grandfather’s pants.’



Suddenly ONE asked, “Do you also think the nickname ‘Cutie’ is ridiculous too?”

Qing Chen seemed to notice that the gold coins under the little dinosaur were moving away from him. He immediately sat up straight in the car and said, “No. First of all, this ID is not ridiculous. It reflects the innocence and flawlessness in your heart. Secondly, everyone is free to call themselves whatever they want. I have no right to make fun of it.”

“Really?” ONE hesitated.

“Of course!” Qing Chen said.

The floating car fell into silence. ONE didn’t seem to have accepted Qing Chen’s consolation.

After a long time, Qing Chen looked at the building outside the car window and suddenly asked, “ONE, not having anyone of your kind next to you must feel very lonely, right? That’s why you made many fake identities online and tried to make friends with people on the internet. Are you worried that they will be surprised and scared when they discover that you’re an AI?”

Qing Chen continued, “Sometimes, I feel that way too. When I sit on the rooftop, I always feel that I’ve got everything, yet at the same time, I’ve got nothing.”

“Let’s be friends. I won’t be scared of you, and you don’t need to be scared of me.”

ONE thought seriously for a while and said, “Okay.”

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