Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 72

Episode 72. Dalian

Serena and Chris forgot the answer for a while and then came to their senses belatedly.

“Does that mean you will accept sparring?”


Seeing that he nodded his head obediently, Chris began to warm up as if he had forgotten the energy that Adrias exuded earlier.

“chris. no. They are not our opponents.”

“There freshman. Didn’t you come to fight me too?”

When Adrias pointed at Serena, she shook her head but hesitated.

Adrias said it was sparring.

In sparring, you shouldn’t harm your opponent.

‘I need an observer instead… … .’

If you are looking for an observer somehow.

Rather, would this be an opportunity?

‘The battle with senior Adrias will definitely be a good experience.’

In fact, due to Adrias’ bad rumors and Chris’ personality, I expected a fight against the school rules, not a decent form of sparring.

That’s why I came to stop Chris in the first place.

However, if it was laid out so openly, there was no reason for her to refuse.

Above all, he is a rare case of using magic and sword at the same time.

The experience of fighting with such a person will definitely be a great nourishment for growth.

“I’ll do it.”

“okay. good.”

Adrias nodded with a deep smile on his lips.

“Let’s go right away.”

* * *

Ivy Claire was in a bad mood at the midnight call.

However, when he learned that the person calling him was Adrias Cromwell, he had no choice but to leave, frowning.

‘It’s fucking fucking calling someone in the middle of the night.’

It was a call she would have ignored if it hadn’t been for her suspicions and rudeness in the past, but she was a character who couldn’t live without debt.

Perhaps Adrias also called himself for that.

She was dressed in a defenseless nightgown, tied her hair roughly, grabbed a sword, and left the room.

When I left the assistant professor’s quarters and headed to the gymnasium called by Adrias, Adrias and the two freshmen I had been eyeing recently were warming up.

“Why did you call?”

“You are here.”

Adrias bowed her head in greeting, followed by Serena and Chris who noticed her appearance.

“Teacher Ivy! hello!”

“It’s awkward to look like I’m here as an observer, but I can’t help it.”

Ivy cast a questioning glance.

Aside from the reason he called himself, why are these chicks together?

She too heard the rumors of Adrias.

A peculiar constitution that uses sword and magic at the same time.

It was a story in which his athletic ability, which had been questioned so far, was explained.

‘no way… … Dalian?’

Other than that, there seemed to be no particular reason.

And as if that guess was right, Adrias said right away.

“From now on, I’m going to have a sparring with these two. Can you observe?”

“They call them out very arbitrarily and talk about them arbitrarily.”

“Can’t you?”

“What can’t you do? It’s already out.”

The words were harsh, but I was curious in my heart.

Since she hadn’t actually seen Adrias’ skills, I wondered how long she would hold up against those freshmen.

‘They have skills that are difficult to see as a freshman. Even if there is a short battle, how much will Adrias do, who has never systematically learned the sword?’

Still, according to rumors, there was a high chance that Adrias would win as he used magic together to fight.

Of course, Ivy thought that it would be difficult for either of them to win with the sword alone.

“Then, since we’ve also got an observer, let’s start sparring.”

“Who will do it first?”

Serena and Chris looked at each other at Ivy’s question.

Adrias intervened between the two who were about to discuss.

“Who do you think it was?”

Adrias picked up the iron sword for sparring in the gymnasium and lightly swung it.

“You should do both at once.”

The three of them, who were listening to Adrias’ sudden words, looked at Adrias with dumbfounded expressions.

what now… … ?

“Are you going to deal with both of them at once?”


Chris, who had been listening to this, put on a face full of energy and picked up a steel sword for sparring himself.

“You are very proud. You alone are enough for me.”

Serena, who was watching the scene, was also hurt by Adrias’s words.

She obviously knows his skills, but 2-on-1 is not allowed by her pride.

In addition, I felt that if it was himself and Chris, even Adrias, who was great, would not be able to cope.

‘I acknowledge the opponent’s skills, but neither Chris nor I are skilled enough to be ignored.’

However, Adrias shook his head and spoke coldly.

“I don’t have much time. I still have a lot of things to do, so I gave up my time. If the two of us aren’t going to attack at once, sparring will never happen.”

As he said, the subject of sparring was Adrias.

As long as it was a confrontation that Serena and Chris wanted, I had to follow his conditions.

“What are you going to do? I will do it or not.”

Seeing Adrias speaking crookedly while spinning his iron sword, Chris bit his lip.

I didn’t like the idea of attacking an opponent that could have been beaten alone with Serena.

If that’s the case, I’d rather give up Dalian… … .

“I will!”

Serena, who was suddenly beside her, raised her hand and shouted.

Chris turned his head and tried to say something to her, but Serena’s next words took a step forward.

“Most people probably don’t have experience dealing with people who use swords and magic at the same time. I don’t want to miss that opportunity.”

It was as if he was talking to himself.

Chris chewed her words slowly.

Certainly few people have had such an experience.

‘Even Louis was ignored by this guy.’

Even if it was 2 vs 1, he felt superior just because he was able to try the experience that even Lewis had been rejected.

Of course, I knew it was a useless feeling, but I couldn’t give up that sense of superiority.

“Whoa. can’t do it One please.”

Chris finally changed his mind and took the steel sword seriously.

Adrias nodded as Serena, who was next to her, also held a greatsword for sparring the size of her body.

“good. Then, Assistant Ivy. i look forward to.”

“okay. I won’t watch you get beaten up.”

Ivy slowly backed away to make space.

“Then, from now on, under the observation of Ivy Claire, I will begin the sparring between Adrias Cromwell and Chris Yunor and Serena Estial.”

After checking both sides, Ivy shouted.

“Start Dalian!”

* * *

It was said to be 2 to 1, but it was Chris who came running first.

Contrary to the promise, when the sparring started, Serena could be seen taking a step back.

‘It’s a shame.’

Of course I know what you two are thinking.

Maybe you think it’s not fair.

But how far will that thought lead?

‘If I get beaten up, I’ll lose my thoughts of being cowardly.’

If so, I’ll have to educate this guy first.

Chris’ sword was honest.

It was a sword that was as strong as it was honest.

However, because of that, the compatibility with me was not good.

‘It is clearly visible to my eyes, who have a fighting talent.’

I didn’t swing my sword once at the opponent who rushed at me, but only evaded the attack with a gap of paper.

Then, Chris’ movement got bigger and bigger, and he even used mana.


Even though it’s an iron sword for sparring, if you get hit while surrounded by mana, it’ll be quite painful.

If you’re not energizing your body with mana, your guts will rupture and your bones will shatter.

I still dodged his sword effortlessly.

And it seemed that dodging wasn’t enough, so I sneakily stretched out my feet or fists.


Chris was staggered by the low kick he kicked while dodging.

Then, he smiled at Chris, who managed to avoid the outstretched fist in succession.

“He said he could win alone. Where did that confidence go?”

I tried to provoke him, but Chris was not as excited as expected.

On the contrary, he seemed to focus more and more on sparring, and at some point stepped back.


It was more self-control than I thought.

At this point, I thought the drugs would rise or I would go wild with excitement.

‘As expected, a playable is a playable.’

Although he was overshadowed by Lewis’ halo, he is also undeniably playable.

It was a character I once made into a main character.

‘And I guess it’s because I haven’t brought out the hidden numbers yet, so I can stay calm.’

He didn’t reveal his real ability, so he seems to have a lot of peace of mind… … .

I wonder how long I can stay calm.


Chris fixed his sword and took a different pose than he had shown before.

Seeing this, Serena muttered lowly.

“Yunor Swordsmanship… … .”

good. Are you finally showing off your skills?

If so, I’ll take it seriously from now on.

The sword Chris was holding began to shake slightly.

The characteristic of Yunor’s sword method is the illusion sword mixed with the quick sword.

‘But the current Chris uses a sword that is neither one nor the other.’

As far as I know, he was at a transitional point now.

He is more proud of his family than anyone else, but he is unable to surpass Louis with such a family swordsmanship, so he is unable to grasp the direction of the sword.

‘On this occasion, I… … .’

give me direction

To be honest, when it comes to swords, I think Chris knows better than I do.

He is a man who has been holding a sword since he was a toddler and has dedicated his whole life to the sword.

But only one thing.

I had grounds for giving him advice.

‘I saw the end of Chris.’

Playing Chris, I saw the end of his growth.

That’s why he already knows the direction he will go in the end.


Chris’ sword made a tremendous vibration, and a noise like the sound of cicadas rubbing their wings covered the gymnasium.

The sword, which trembled a great number of times, spread out and drew a fan shape.

‘The illusion sword of the Yunor sword method. The cries of the sword.’

Chris, who had become surrounded by hundreds of swords, rushed at me.

However, I knew how to destroy the opponent’s swordsmanship.

The method of destruction that works because it is Chris’ fantasy sword that has not yet finished growing.

My sparring sword, engulfed in black mana, slid heavily from top to bottom.

It’s my first attack, and it’s a move that will break the ‘cry of the sword’.

Quadd Deuk!

Dozens and hundreds of impacts rode the sword and knocked his arm.

But I didn’t stop.

Because I know this is the correct answer.

Kwagakak- Crack!

You might think it’s a simple downward slash, but since you have to attack at the right spot at the right time, most people probably won’t be able to follow it.

It could be said to be boastful, but because he was at an age with athletic talent and fighting talent, he was forced to succeed.

Chris’ shocked expression passed between the fragments of the sparring sword that were broken.

“No words… … no.”

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