Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 35

Episode 35. What my father hid, summoning Timur and final evaluation

“Good job. Amy!”

“huh. I’ll go in first.”

Amy Cromwell smiled, said hello, and left the shop.

When she came out, a cold wind brushed the nape of her neck.


Making pure white breath, Amy headed towards the station.

In fact, because of the money Adrias gave her, she didn’t have to work anymore, but on the contrary, there was no reason to quit her job, so Amy continued to go to the store where she worked.

I was used to it now, and earning money on my own was something I was very proud of, so I wasn’t going to quit for a while.

“I’m back.”

“Are you here? Was it very cold outside? I made hot tea.”

“thank you. lupine. Change your clothes first.”

Amy, who had moved into the Apple Tree Mansion that Adrias had reclaimed about a week ago, rehired Lupin, the family maid as a child.

The size of the mansion was too much for him to live alone, so he called all of Lupin’s family into the mansion and lived together.

Her hobby has now been to reminisce and examine every nook and cranny of the mansion.

‘I played a lot on these stairs too.’

Adrias in his childhood was a very bright boy, unlike now.

Recently, his impression has improved a little compared to before, but compared to when he was young, it is still dark, which is unfortunate.

‘I’m sure my brother had a hard time too, right?’

Adrias, who must have carried the empty family semblance on his back at such a young age, suddenly felt sorry for him.

He suffered too, but how much more he suffered.

“miss! The tea is cold.”

“huh. I’ll be going soon.”

After thinking, Amy changed her clothes and came out of the room.

Then, suddenly, the room that used to be my father’s study caught my eye.

‘Come to think of it… … .’

There was a time when I was playing around with Adrias and hid in the study, and it reminded me of how much I was scolded by my father.

My father always told me not to go into the study, but I suddenly became curious.

What the hell did you hide that you did that?

Of course, since my father had already passed away and the house had been sold and returned, I couldn’t figure out what he had hidden.

Still, she couldn’t overcome her curiosity and opened the door to the study.

The smell of books wafted in, and the look of the library caught my eye.

Even though it’s been a week since I moved in, Amy, who had never thought to go into the study because of her childhood memories, couldn’t hide her surprise when she saw the mess in the room.

“You didn’t clean it up.”

It was a house that had been auctioned off, so I thought I would have cleaned it all up.

However, far from being organized, all the books were pulled from the bookshelf and were rolling on the floor, as if a thief had broken in, the sofa was overturned, and the desk was overturned.

It looked like a trace of someone searching for something.

“I’ll have to tell Lupine to clean it up.”

Perhaps because of his father’s influence, the study became like a sacred territory, and Lupin didn’t think to organize it either.

“The picture is the same.”

Suddenly, Amy found a small framed picture placed by the window of the study and picked it up, feeling both glad and missed.

The photo shows Adrias, Amy and their father.

“It was really good at this time.”

The frame had been unmaintained for a long time and was full of dust.

Amy wiped the dust off and put the picture frame back where it was.

At that time, the dust-cleaned picture frame reflected the moonlight coming through the window and illuminated a corner of the study.


Amy, who unconsciously followed the reflected light with her eyes, realized that there was something in the place where the light was reflected.

Upon closer examination, I could find a hole so small that it would have been a mere scratch had it not been for the light.

And, as any human would do out of curiosity, Amy thoughtlessly touched the hole that looked like a scratch.



Blood dripped from her index finger along with a tingling pain.

Before she could even confirm what had happened, a magic circle slowly began to be drawn in the middle of the study.

“this… … what?”

* * *

I drew a magic circle in the middle of my dormitory room and placed the body of Lord Timur on top of it while preparing to summon it.

“Are you almost done with the preparations?”

I said roughly, but in fact, I put my heart and soul into it.

The state where I have used all the best numbers available to me now.

In fact, Timur’s summons would come a little later.

However, due to the reward obtained from the fight with Piman not too long ago, that plan was brought forward.


― Epic

― If you think deeply about something and explore it, the probability of understanding or finding out increases.

It was a random trait obtained as an achievement reward.

In fact, I didn’t even know how to complete the achievement so quickly, but I didn’t expect to get it because it wasn’t an achievement in the game in the first place.

‘I’ve raised a magic swordsman several times in the game, but I’ve never gotten the achievement of a second awakening.’

It seemed that the list of achievements had changed after moving from the game to reality.

As of now, that was the only explanation.

In any case, with the help of his new talent, he was able to prepare Timur earlier than expected.

‘At first, I wondered if I had to acquire these characteristics.’

Enlightenment was a feature that existed even in games.

However, there are almost none in the game, but it is a trait that is a waste of a grade called Epic because it is a mana trait, but the reality was different from the game.

‘The book of Morn, which I didn’t understand, as well as the swordsmanship Nickel taught me began to be interpreted.’

Of course, I didn’t become smart or a genius.

How much do you suddenly understand if you read a book for just three days?

However, with that alone, my understanding of magic grew rapidly.

As for how much he had grown, his black magic proficiency had grown from beginner to low, and his black magic talent had even evolved.

Thanks to that, my black magic spirit skill has risen from being a master to a genius.

The difference between genius and genius is only one letter, but the ability has risen exponentially.

‘Ever since I became a genius, I have been reading Morne’s black magic books.’

Obviously, the talents of the black magician’s spirit line evolved, but the understanding of other basic magical knowledge also went up.

After all, is the root of magic the same? That was a good sign for me.

Anyway, after that, the skills I learned with the black magic book of unknown.

‘Bone Armor Corpse Explosion Blood Curse Death Fury Summon Ghoul Summon Revenant.’

Bone Armor Corpse Explosion Summoning ghouls were basic Necromancer skills.

However, summoning the Blood Curse Death Fury Revenant was a rare skill that could only be learned from Morne’s black magic book.

‘One curse magic, one buff magic, and one summon magic. unknown inspiration. Thank you.’

In particular, summoning the Revenant required a lot of preparation unlike the normal summoning of the undead, and the magic circle and various materials drawn in my room were also materials for him.

It was a skill that could not be used in actual combat, but it was not regrettable because it was a useful skill when creating an elite undead with such effort.

I thought about saving the corpse a little more, but I remembered the dangerous moment in the fight with Piman not too long ago, so I decided to summon it right away.

Anyway, unlike others, I have evolutionary characteristics, so there was no harm in making the undead early.

[Lesser Necromancer: Summon Revenant.]

[This is a higher level magic than the caster’s level. Decreased stability.]

[A corpse is detected.]

[Ingredients useful for necromancy are detected. Additional effects are applied.] A

huge amount of mana was sucked into it.

I was a bit nervous because it was my first time trying magic.

‘Still, it doesn’t fail. I’ve already calculated that much.’

If I’m crazy, I’ll test it with Timur’s body.

Of course, the success rate I calculated is 100%.

The half-man, half-hog Timur’s body, which was in fairly good condition, suddenly lost a lot of hair, revealing pale bare skin.

Timur, who had transformed into a skinned chicken, began to move with his muscles twitching.

Big ahhh!

“He’s so loud.”

It was good that I had installed the noise blocking magic in advance.

It’s a magic that Charon used often, but now that my magical knowledge has increased, I can use it even if it takes a little time.

After Timur let out a roar, his shiny white bare skin gradually calmed down and stood up on the floor.

Timur, who became a Revenant, had all his hair removed, but his flesh and muscles remained intact, so at first glance he didn’t look like an undead.

[Lesser Necromancer: Revenant Summoned Successfully]

[A Revenant (Legendary) has been summoned.]

[The quality of the raised corpse is outstanding. A stat bonus is added.]

[The level of the raised corpse is far superior. Tiers go up. Become a Revenant Fighter.]

[The level of the raised corpse is close to Transcendence. I get a little bit of my former self back.]

‘As expected, Aura Master.’

To be honest, he is an Auror Master who has left his name in history, but I would have been disappointed if he was inferior to Nickel.

Shall we check the information first?

[Revenant Fighter (Legendary)]



―5 Tier

―Mana: 891

―Attribute: Ego/Ultimate: Kwon Berserk

A smile was automatically placed on the excellent status window.

Mana was a little disappointing, but that can’t be helped.

Still, if you evolve, you will become stronger, so you should gradually grow.

“Timur, your name is Timur.”

The unbreakable Timur, the king of the hoin tribe who once terrorized the continent.

I don’t know how the corpse ended up in the meeting, but his reputation will live on under me.


As Timur was summoned as a Revenant, he could make a sound if his vocal cords remained.

However, unlike Nickel, he was a friend who seemed a bit lacking.

“I just had to fight well. I’m counting on you. Timur.”

That’s how the former Aura Master and the king of the baron who left a mark in history became my second subordinate.

* * *

The weather, which is slowly approaching the peak of winter, brought a deadly cold to the wizards who liked to play in the corner of the laboratory.

Every student arriving at the classroom was enchanted with protective shields and flames to maintain the temperature.

“The weather is really crazy these days.”

“So I worry about it every day. Do not jump the river. It’s cold, so I don’t want to leave the room.”

As I listened to the students sitting in the back seat, I thought I could do that.

Of course, that doesn’t apply to me at all.

Even in this inclement weather, I was living with the same routine as always.

“But aren’t you going to evaluate again from next week?”

“No, how long has it been since the midterm evaluation was over?”

“That is what I mean.”

As if he had heard the students in the back seat, the front door opened and Professor Tolman of Combat Magic entered.

“hello. everyone. Good afternoon. There is no lecture today, and instead I will outline the assessments that will be taking place this week.”

The atmosphere turned chilly at Tolman’s sudden words.

I didn’t expect this either.

Still, it’s good if you sell quickly. Let’s hear what it is.

“The battle magic exam will be held over 2 nights and 3 days from this Friday to the weekend.”

The sounds of students gasping at the words 2 nights and 3 days could be heard from here and there.

Does that mean staying outside? More info was needed.

“The theme of this evaluation is survival. And it’s a survival-type evaluation where you have to collect points apart from survival.”

survival survival.

The moment I heard those two words, my head cleared.

‘This. Maybe it’s an opportunity.’

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