Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 323: Plans for a Signature Jutsu!

Fujin nodded and stood up as his clone continued emitting chakra in the air. Fujin thought, 'The process is still quite slow. Susumu was able to influence my chakra almost instantaneously. But considering that he was waiting to ambush me, he might have set up the battlefield before I encountered his group.'

Fujin's clone said, "I am ready."

Almost instantly, Fujin began kneading his chakra.

'Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu'

He exhaled a small fireball at his clone. His clone immediately moved backwards and raised two fingers. Wind began flowing around them.

'Wind Release: Blade of Wind jutsu'

Multiple blades of wind cut apart the fireball and dispersed the heat in the basement. He let out a sigh and dispelled himself.

Fujin received his clone's memories and began analyzing, 'I see. His genjutsu failed because he had too little chakra in my body. No, a more precise way of saying it would be that he couldn't cast the Genjutsu with such less chakra.

I guess I first need to learn how to cast this Genjutsu properly and then slowly decrease the amount of chakra I need to cast this genjutsu. Once it reaches the required level, I will integrate it into this technique. Now, who should I experiment the Genjutsu on?'

Fujin thought for a bit. His first thought was Goro. But he shook his head and thought, 'No. The Flying Sabertooths are too sensitive to wind and chakra. They will easily detect my attempts. And influencing Nature chakra with normal chakra is difficult. Normal Genjutsus don't even work on them.

And since Hiruzen asked me to keep this technique a secret, I can't ask for any other Konoha ninja to aid me. I guess I'll have to keep having my clones use the Genjutsu on me. Oh well, it should be good training to improve my alertness against any foreign chakra entering my body.'

Fujin created a shadow clone and continued his training. In three days, he mastered the Genjutsu and integrated it with the remaining technique. His clone kept casting the Genjutsu on him until he had 100% accuracy. Of course, this was when Fujin didn't try to disrupt his chakra.

A smile appeared on Fujin's face as he muttered, "Another deadly technique down. This combined with Vacuum Bullets or my sword is a deadly combination. Apart from Jinchurikis and Dojutsu users, very few might be able to withstand this combination.

And it still has some scope for improvement. For instance, Susumu only used it to stop opponents from using jutsu. But, I should improve it to stop opponents from even moving. I will just have to induce a Genjutsu that would make my opponent think that he has moved when he hasn't.

But, though this jutsu is strong, its effectiveness would depend on whether my opponent knows that I can do this or not. If they do, then they will be on alert. And I don't expect that an alert rank S ninja will fall to this. They might even be able to use jutsus by frequently disrupting their chakra.'

Fujin thought for a bit about how to use this jutsu effectively against rank S ninjas, but he couldn't come up with an idea. He shook his head and thought, 'Leave it. I have just learnt this technique. I'll get ideas to improve as I use it in real combat.

Regardless, this jutsu gave me a few good ideas. Until now, the Wind jutsus I use take effect instantaneously. Apart from Wind Clone, Wind Dragon and Wind Gale Wolf jutsus, which can last for a longer time and are more versatile. But this technique has got me thinking…'

Fujin focused his chakra once again. A blue aura appeared around him and a vast amount of chakra was emitted into the air, transforming into winds.

Fujin raised his hand and pointed his palm at the wind. He exerted control over the wind. However, he couldn't exert much control over them. A frown appeared on his face as he exerted more chakra. Soon, he diverted the winds towards a nearby tree.

The winds passed the tree like a gentle breeze. Fujin sighed and muttered, "This is difficult."

He thought, 'Using the same concept, I want to emit my chakra into the air, transform it into the wind and then use that to attack my enemies. But to do that, I'll need two... no three things.

The first is that I need to have the ability to make these winds sharp. Otherwise, it's completely useless. Next, I need to be able to control the direction of the winds so that I can accurately hit my target. And thirdly, I need the ability to speed up the sharp winds at will.

But, I am not able to do the first at all. And the other two are at a very low level.'

Fujin analyzed his situation. After all, he knew a lot of Wind jutsus. The things they could do were several times more complicated and devastating. So he didn't understand why he couldn't create what he envisioned. But soon, it clicked. He realized, 'I see. It's because my jutsu doesn't have any hand seals!'

For a jutsu to be effective, chakra had to be manipulated in a very precise method. Hand seals were the guide to aid in that process. But Fujin's idea was all over the place. Creating hand seals for it would be a very difficult and time-consuming process.

He shook his head and thought, 'I can't take the traditional route. It will need years to figure out the correct hand seals and their order. And the number of hand seals will be ridiculously high due to how complex the jutsu is.

And for the jutsu to be effective, stealth is essential. So I will have to reduce the hand seals to zero after creating the jutsu. That alone will need several months. The time I don't have and can't afford to spend on just one jutsu with limited uses.

More than the jutsu, what excites me is its potential. As my chakra grows and my control over the wind improves, this method could become my main method of fighting. In the future, this style of combat might be what I am identified with. But that won't happen if it is limited to a single jutsu.

I will have to come up with an unconventional way to train this jutsu. Kinda like the 3 steps needed to learn the Rasengan. Rasengan after learning to just pop the balloon is very weak. After popping the rubber ball, it becomes more potent but has limited usability. And at stage 3, it is a rank A jutsu which can be a signature jutsu for rank S ninjas! My jutsu will have to go through some similar stages.'

Fujin made up his mind. However, he soon fell into another dilemma. He muttered, "I can't work on this jutsu and learn Fuinjutsu at the same time."

Fujin had to choose between the two. After a long struggle, Fujin let out a sigh and decided, 'I'll stick to Fuinjutsu for now. Though this idea is cool, I can still make do with Infinite Breakthrough and Vacuum attacks. But Fuinjutsu is my hope to stand out even among the S ranks. Besides, I doubt Flying Thunder God can be learnt quickly. I can train for this jutsu when I reach a roadblock on Flying Thunder God training.'

He decided to go out for dinner. En route, he couldn't help but think, 'It sucks that I don't have as much chakra as Naruto. I could have achieved so much with that amount of chakra and recovery speed.'

Though his chakra reserves were exceptional, they weren't even comparable to the weakest Jinchuriki. Unfortunately, there was nothing Fujin could do regarding it. It wasn't as if Tailed Beast would fall from the sky, let itself be sealed in him and obediently provide him chakra.

Fujin rested for the day and began focusing on Fuinjutsu the day after.

On the appointed day, Fujin arrived at Hiruzen's office. After interacting with him for a bit, Fujin sat quietly as he observed how Hiruzen interacted with the diplomats and a few clan leaders on what should be negotiated with the Land of River and the Land of Grass. After a few hours of discussion, Hiruzen, his Anbu Guards, Fujin, Aburame Shibi and Kurama Illumi left the village on the negotiating mission.

The negotiations with the two countries went very similar to the negotiations Fujin had seen earlier. Just the resources traded were changed. Of course, Hiruzen did ask for Elemental crystals. To Fujin's surprise, despite Konoha's relationship with them not being as good as with the Land of Tea or Noodles, they provided Hiruzen with more crystals than those countries.

However, after thinking for a bit, the reason was obvious. Fujin realized, 'Ever since my promotion mission, Suna ninjas must be moving around erratically. They even dared to create a base in the Land of Fire. The Land of River should be nervous about these movements.

As for the Land of Grass, that's even more obvious. Iwa's Jinchuriki entered the country and used a Tailed Beast Bomb very close to a town. This old fox is very good at extracting benefits. He waited until the right moment to visit these two countries and extracted the maximum benefit from them!'

Unlike the time before, they didn't encounter any attacks and returned back to the village after a 3-day long trip. Following the trip, Fujin got busy with his Anbu duties. Eagle assigned his team missions at regular intervals. Fortunately, none of their missions went awry.

Three months passed by in this manner. Though the villages were tense, no major issues flared up until one fateful day…

The Land of Water :

Renjiro stood while looking in a direction with a solemn face. He sighed softly, "I bit off more than I could chew."

A wave of Lava was heading straight at his team!

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