Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 318: An Intense Confrontation!

As they walked into the base, Fujin commanded, "Call everyone. I have important information. Konoha's forces have been moving. The coming period will be very critical. If we make a mistake, the entire operation will become a failure and we may be wiped out!"

Yosuke realized the gravity of his words and nodded and said, "Alright."

He immediately asked a subordinate to call everyone. The group entered into an underground base. Within a minute, 28 Suna ninjas arrived in the meeting room. Fujin observed them and thought, 'Hiruzen's analysis was right. None of them is Elite Jounins. 11 are Jounins while the rest should be special jounins or close to that level.'

Yosuke said, "This is everyone currently here."

Fujin nodded and asked, "How many have gone to the Fire Capital?"

Yosuke answered, "9 have currently infiltrated the Fire Capital. Four more have infiltrated other cities."

Fujin had a grim expression. He said, "The other cities are fine. But Konoha has sent their Sannin, Jiraiya the Gallant into the Fire Capital."

The eyes of the Suna ninjas widened in fear. Though none of them had faced Jiraiya, they knew the horror of the Sannins. After all, one of the Sannin was directly responsible for Sunagakure's horrible defeat in the Third Great Ninja War against Konoha forcing Sunagakure to sign an alliance agreement with Konoha.

Yosuke said, "Wha…"

Suddenly his eyes widened and he immediately ducked down. Among the 28 ninjas, only 12 others managed to react and quickly jumped or ducked.

Taking advantage of their distraction after mentioning Jiraiya's name, Fujin used Vacuum Serial Wave jutsu at the Suna ninjas. 15 died without even reacting!

As soon as he attacked, the 5 Konoha ninjas flickered.

A loud chirping-like sound was heard as Kakashi appeared in front of Yosuke. Yosuke saw the attack coming. Thoughts ran rapidly through his mind, 'Vacuum jutsu and Lightning jutsu? They aren't Hideyoshi's squad! We were fooled. But how? Was Hideyoshi's squad killed? Not good…'

He wanted to fight back. Unfortunately, he was completely outmatched. Kakashi pierced his heart with the Chidori.

Yugao flickered behind one of the Chunins that survived and slashed her sword towards the back of his neck. The Chunin quickly tried to move forward while throwing a shuriken behind him. Yugao moved forward while dodging the shuriken and cut his head off.

At the same time, Ebiki also killed one Chunin while Genma and Ken began fighting a Jounin each.

Fujin himself flickered in front of a Jounin and slashed at him. The jounin had just dodged the Vacuum Wave. He grabbed his kunai and tried to block the sword. Unfortunately, Fujin sliced straight through the kunai.

The Jounin's eyes widened. He quickly stepped back and stretched his head backwards in order to dodge the sword. He managed to barely dodge the sword by a few millimeters. Unfortunately, his throat was still sliced through.

The remaining Suna ninjas finally collected themselves and realized the grave danger they were in. Their survival instincts kicked in and they began retaliating.

Two Jounins appeared focused on Kakashi and appeared on his sides.

'Wind Release: Wind Sword jutsu'

'Wind Release: Blade of Wind jutsu'

Seeing the dangerous Lightning chakra on his arm which was still lodged in Yosuke's chest, they didn't dare to fight him using Taijutsu or Kenjutsu.

Kakashi withdrew his arm, weaved a hand sign and slammed his hands on the ground. The earth quickly raised up and formed a dome around him just in time. The wind blades hit the dome leaving some scratches on it.

At the same time, Ibiki and Yugao were also attacked by one Jounin each.

One Jounin noticed the chakra flow on Fujin's sword. He grabbed his own sword and attacked Fujin. Wind chakra flowed through his sword as well.

Meanwhile, one opened a scroll and made the confrontation hand seal. A wooden puppet that looked like a Cactus appeared. It had needles sticking to its entire body! The Konoha ninjas were instantly alarmed.

The last ninja retreated to the back of the room and crushed a seal. A bird was released and it quickly flew out of the underground base. He began weaving hand signs.

The puppeteer moved his fingers. Three mouths opened up on the puppet. It fired needles at Fujin, Ibiki and Yugao.

Almost instantly, all three aligned themselves such that they would be covered by the Suna ninjas who had attacked them, forcing the puppeteer to stop his attack.

As soon as he stopped, the sound of chidori was heard once again. Kakashi's hand pierced through the ground and grabbed the leg of one of the Jounins who attacked him. Taking advantage of the cover of the Earth dome, Kakashi had escaped underground and snuck under his opponent. He released a massive amount of lightning into his body! He was electrocuted to death on the spot.

Fujin and his opponent fought with their swords. Fujin couldn't cut through his opponent's sword. But he wasn't worried. Using his position, Fujin built his chakra. His cheeks puffed up. His opponent, who had seen Fujin firing those dangerous waves, was alarmed.

'Wind Release: Vacuum Cannon jutsu'

Fujin fired a Vacuum Cannon. His opponent was expecting an attack similar to air bullets and moved to his right preemptively. Unfortunately, he underestimated the power and speed behind Fujin's attack. The Vacuum cannon hit his left arm and severed it in an instant.

In addition, due to their alignment, the Vacuum Cannon was headed straight at the Cactus puppet. The Puppeteer couldn't even react as the jutsu annihilated the puppet! The Vacuum Cannon continued forward through the walls of the underground base for 20 meters before stopping.

The attack horrified the Puppeteer. He immediately focused his attention on Fujin. Meanwhile, Fujin thought, 'Tsk… I should have targeted the Puppeteer instead.'

He didn't have any time to think about it or do a follow-up attack. Despite the loss and incredible pain, the Jounin he was fighting didn't flinch. He immediately took advantage of the fact that Fujin was open on his left and attacked with the sword in his right hand.

Fujin stepped to his right while raising his left hand. The seal on his bracer lit up and a sword appeared in his left hand as well. Almost instantly, wind chakra began flowing through his sword. His opponent's sword clashed with his and was stopped.

His opponent's eyes widened. He screamed, "Impossible!"

A smile appeared on Fujin's face. Now his opponent was completely open. His other sword immediately moved towards his opponent aiming to hack him in two.

'Wind Release: Air Bullet jutsu'

Fujin's smile soon changed into annoyance and he immediately jumped backwards. Realizing their threat, the Suna Jounin, who sent the bird out, targeted Fujin and Kakashi. Half a dozen bullets were fired at each of them.

Kakashi immediately withdrew back under the ground to avoid the attack. As for Fujin, he stepped backwards and maneuvered his body to dodge all 6 air bullets in time.

Fujin's opponent attacked him again. At the same time, the Puppeteer grabbed another scroll while throwing a purple ball into the hole that Kakashi had escaped into. He made the confrontation hand sign once again. Another puppet appeared while the purple ball exploded, releasing poisonous gas into the hole.

Kakashi immediately jumped out from another spot and slammed his hands on the ground again. Both the holes in the ground were sealed, trapping the poisonous gas underground.

However, that was enough time for the Puppeteer to take control of the second Puppet. It was shaped like a Crocodile. It opened its mouth and shot needles at Kakashi. At the same time, the other Jounin used the Blade of Wind jutsu to cut off Kakashi's escape route.

Kakashi slammed his hands on the ground once again. A wall rose in front of him, blocking all the needles. Since the blades of wind were aimed at his escape routes, he didn't need to avoid them.

The Puppeteer looked at Kakashi and Fujin and thought with a frown on his face, 'The battle has entered a deadlock. I need to poison one of them quickly. Otherwise, we may be wiped out here.'

Unfortunately, for him, the situation didn't last. Genma and Ibiki neutralized their opponents at the same time. Almost instantly, they sneak attacked the ones fighting Yugao and Ken.

Realizing the danger, the Suna ninja at the back shot Air bullets at Ibiki and Genma to slow them down. The crocodile puppet launched its poisonous scales at them as well, blocking them and saving the lives of the Jounins fighting Yugao and Ken.

Unfortunately, this reduced the pressure on Fujin. Without the support from the Puppeteer and the Wind ninja hidden in the back, Fujin went on the attack immediately. He slashed his right sword vertically at his opponent's head.

Realizing the danger, the opponent blocked it with his own sword. However, at the same time, he saw Fujin's other sword heading at his waist. He immediately jumped up and barely managed to dodge it as well. Unfortunately, Fujin shot an air bullet at point-blank range. Due to the close range and his feet being off the ground, he couldn't dodge. It pierced his heart and he dropped dead.

At the same time, Kakashi neutralized the Jounin that was engaging him. Both turned their gaze towards Puppeteer and the ninja hiding behind him. Their gaze made their scalps tingle in fear.

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