Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 283: The Dangerous Copy Ninja!

In the last few hours, Fujin had found numerous seals and formations. Among them, the most important seals were, The Four Symbols Seal, Five Elements Seal, Five Elements Unseal, Evil Sealing Method and Iron Armor Seal. In addition, there were many Juinjutsu seals as well as barriers.

Fujin analyzed, 'The quantity and quality of the seals is good. Especially the Four Symbol Seal. I was worried that it would be in the forbidden scroll. In addition, there are also the methods with which Suna and Kumo seal their tailed beasts. However, the Reverse Four Symbol Seal and Eight Trigram Seal aren't here.

I guess I could learn the Eight Trigram Seal through experimentation. It could provide me with valuable experience in creating new seals based on what I know. Unfortunately, I have no idea about the Reverse Four Symbols Seal. It could have been a good trump card to use in the organization.

That said, fortunately, I also found a lot of Juinjutsu seals. After I learn them, I can take steps towards creating a seal for my organization members. Until I succeed, I won't work towards finding new members.'

Fujin finally got up and left. He stepped out of the library and saw the night sky. He looked up and thought, 'I completely lost track of time… It's alright. The gains were quite high. I'll take a good rest today. Training can wait for a day.'

He began moving towards his home. However, despite it being late at night, Fujin wasn't the only one up. Inside the Hokage building, Shikaku sat in a room with a dozen Jounin and Anbu Captains in front of him. He was assigning them missions to prepare for Suna's retaliations. Though Shikaku was reluctant to work, his situation was far better than another person who was far away from him.

Sunagakure -

One ninja was running fast from the Kazekage Building to Rasa's house. As soon as he reached it, he slammed the door loudly while shouting repeatedly, "Kazekage-sama! Wake up quickly!"

The banging and the shouting woke up Kankuro and Temari along with Rasa. With a frown on his face, Rasa walked towards the door and opened it. He angrily asked, "Why are you creating a ruckus?"

The messenger immediately said, "Kazekage-sama, we just received a report from Elder Manabu from the West. Gaa…"

He stopped speaking as he noticed Temari and Kankuro watching them from behind. Rasa noticed it. The messenger handed a scroll to Rasa and said, "Kazekage-sama, it's an emergency."

Rasa opened the scroll and began reading. Anger formed in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. He instructed, "Summon all the elders and the council members right now."

The messenger nodded and left. Rasa turned around.

Temari asked, "Did something happen, Father?"

Rasa replied without looking at her, "Everything's fine. Go back to your rooms and sleep."

Temari had a bad feeling. She asked, "Is Gaara alright?"

Rasa opened the door to his room and said, "He is fine. What can happen to him? I need to get ready. Now go to bed. I will be busy."

He entered his room and shut his door. Temari and Kankuro looked at each other helplessly.

Rasa began changing into his formal attire. Within 15 minutes, every Council Member and most Elders inside the village assembled in the meeting room. No one was happy at being woken up at this hour. Finally, Rasa entered the room and took his seat. He looked around and noticed that everyone was there.

Goza asked, "What happened now? Did Manabu catch the culprit?"

Rasa had a grim face. He placed the scroll on the table and said, "No. They set up a trap for the culprit with over a hundred troops. However, they still couldn't stop him. He caused Gaara to lose control and killed Susumu before running away. They have lost track once again."

The eyes of the Council Members widened. Sajo exclaimed, "How could Susumu be killed?"

Goza asked, "Was Gaara stopped and is he alright?"

A few others began reading the scroll. The elders were shocked. Though Susumu wasn't the strongest among them, he was the most annoying to fight due to his unique usage of Genjutsu. Killing him was very difficult.

Rasa frowned and answered, "He injured Gaara which made Gaara lose control and transform partially. Odaka sensed that he had run away. While Odaka, Susumu and Manabu were stopping Gaara, he sneak attacked Susumu and killed him before running away for real. Gaara was stopped once again, but a few ninjas died as they didn't have Susumu's help."

His words caused silence to spread in the room. Their expressions became grim. Finally, Goza asked, "Who was the culprit? To be able to run away unharmed from more than a hundred ninjas while confronting a Jinchuriki and multiple Elite Jounins, did Konoha send their Sannin?"

Rasa replied, "They couldn't identify him. Manabu suspects that he used the transformation jutsu. But, neither of the two Sannins is known to use Wind jutsus. Though it isn't difficult to learn new jutsus, covering their fighting style would be difficult. So I doubt that is the case."

The Council Members agreed. If not for the result, no one would suspect the sannins. However, one of the Council Members, who was reading the report, asked, "But if not for the Sannins, who in Konoha could do something so remarkable? Even if we consider other villages, there is no one who is famous for using Wind jutsus. Manabu said that his ability with the Wind Jutsus exceeded his."

The Council Members began thinking and discussing. Finally Goza said, "In the last couple of years, Konoha's Copy Ninja has been gaining a lot of fame. Could it be done by him? After all, they say that he has copied a thousand jutsus. In addition, he was taught by that cursed Yellow Flash."

They debated among themselves a lot and finally agreed. Joseki said, "I thought Konoha was just pushing his reputation to deter other countries. I didn't think that he could actually live up to his reputation. Regardless, we have to retaliate."

He was cut off by Sajo who said, "But we first need to secure the West. And set better traps for him. If he is in the West, then he can make more attacks. Even if he doesn't, the journey from there to the border with the Land of Rivers will take 4 days at the very least. We need to intercept him inside our country and kill him. Once he is dead, we can create Anbu squads led by Elite Jounins to infiltrate the Land of Fire and target their Nobles."

Everyone agreed with his words. However, Ryusa asked, "But who can stop him? He was able to run away from a combined attack by Manabu, Odaka and Susumu. We don't have anyone to stop him."

His words caused another wave of silence to spread in the room. None of them wanted to fight the Copy Ninja. However, Rasa suddenly said, "You don't need to be worried about it. I will make a move myself and bury him in the desert permanently. After I leave, you guys decide which Nobles to target and create foolproof plans for the same. For the time being, begin arranging ninjas to scour the desert. As soon as he is discovered, I will make a move."

Rasa's words caused mixed feelings to spread among the Council Members. On one hand, they were proud and relieved that their Kage was making a move himself. Though Kakashi was strong, none of them believed that he would stand a chance against Rasa. However, on the other hand, they were ashamed that there was no one other than Rasa who could act in this situation. After all, their opponent wasn't even in the top 3 in terms of strength inside Konoha.

They nodded and immediately got to work. By noon, they had prepared more than 500 ninjas to move out! Rasa himself was ready to move out. Unfortunately, before he could leave, Rasa received another message. Rasa opened the scroll. A chill passed through his spine as he read about the events that took place in Shunkuto!

Cities and Towns around Shunkuto had finally started receiving the migrants. They sent a message to Sunagakure as soon as they heard about the events the migrants described. The news about the events spread through those cities in no time. A fear about Sunagakure and disgust for Rasa spread in those cities as well.

Rasa held the scroll tightly. He was shaking in rage as he thought, 'Did Konoha deploy this man to split our country into two? But, how can that happen? Unless Konoha also plans to invade us at the same time. But, has Konoha's military recovered to this extent? Are they not afraid of Kumo and Iwa taking advantage?'

He looked at the messenger and instructed, "Call all the Council Members. Even call those two elders. We will be having another meeting."

The messenger's eyes widened as he wondered, 'What message did the scroll contain for his expression to become so grim and for him to contact those two?'

He nodded and quickly left.

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