Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 258: Forcing the Kazekage out of Sunagakure

Since the Daimyo had made his decision, the Nobles quieted down. Soon, the 12 ninjas whom Fujin impersonated were being questioned. They all stated where and with whom they were and what they were doing. The Samurais began verifying all the information and cross-checking it with people who could vouch that they were indeed in those locations.

11 ninjas were around other people and hence they had multiple alibis. However, one ninja was hiding and doing an undercover task. Hence no one noticed him during that time. So despite telling his location, he had no alibi.

The locations of the remaining 8 ninjas were also asked as the Nobles mentioned that they could have transformed. Even among them, except one, all had good alibis. The Suna ninjas left no stone unturned in order to clear their name!

All proof indicated that the Suna ninjas were innocent and were framed. The Nobles went quiet. Though two ninjas didn't have any alibi, the rest had them. So they weren't sure anymore. However, they didn't want to give up. After all, their loved ones were killed in front of their eyes.

If they assumed that someone else was the culprit, then they would never get justice. After all, the killers of the previous incident were still roaming free. No matter how much the families of the dead nobles cried and created a ruckus, they didn't get the justice they deserved.

Suddenly, one Noble recalled something. He quickly said, "Can't ninjas use clones? What if they stayed there while their clones did their dirty work for them? After all, we can't put up a fight against clones either."

Baki and the Suna ninjas were put under pressure once again. Baki said, "According to what you described, the ninjas who attacked you had solid bodies. We use Wind clones who don't have solid bodies and are easy to be dispelled. If your killers were clones, then they would be Shadow Clones of Konohagakure or Rock Clones of Iwagakure. None of us know how to do those clones."

Hajime raised his eyebrows. He could counter Baki's point, but he didn't, as he recalled the scroll he received, 'Lord Mifune asked me not to take sides in this matter as long as no one is fighting. Though I don't like how Suna is behaving, I should let it go as it isn't my business.'

In order to pacify the Land of Iron, Rasa had reached a deal privately with them and compensated them appropriately despite not having committed the crime. As a result, Baki was saved from being pushed further into the corner by Hajime.

One of the Nobles asked, "How can you prove that you can't create those types of clones?"

Baki was annoyed. He asked, "How can you prove that we do?"

The Noble didn't back off and replied, "You can't prove that you can't create those types of clones. And two of your ninjas were still missing at the moment of the murders. Perhaps these two are the only ones who can create those types of clones and hence were missing. So you guys still are the most suspicious ones."

Baki showed an annoyed expression. He argued, "Do you think a ninja can create clones at will? Do even know how much chakra is needed to create one?"

Despite showing an irritated expression, Baki was relieved. He thought, 'Good. From certainty, they have backed off to just suspicions.'

They entered another debate which lasted 15 minutes. Finally, the Daimyo said, "Enough. You have made your point Baki. But you Suna ninjas are still the most suspicious ones. For the time being, I will be placing the 12 ninjas they saw and the missing ninja under arrest. As for the rest, you will be accompanied by Samurais at all times."

Baki's expression became ugly. He said, "Lord Daimyo, you can't…"

However, the Daimyo interrupted him and said, "Calm down. They will only be placed under house arrest. And all thirteen ninjas will stay together. So you don't need to worry about them being treated unfairly. If you want, you can visit them daily. I'll send a letter to Rasa and ask him to come here before this matter explodes beyond the point where we can resolve it."

Baki analyzed for a few seconds and agreed to those terms. He gave some instructions to the 13 ninjas and, left the estate with the remaining 6 Suna ninjas. The remaining 13 Suna ninjas were placed in a large room with Samurais watching over them.

Fujin noticed the 7 ninjas leaving and began analyzing, 'Only 7 left the estate? Meaning that 13 are still in the estate. But I only impersonated 12 of them. After all, I heard only their voices and have no idea how the rest sounded. Did someone else also try the same tactic coincidently? What exactly happened inside?'

Fujin kept analyzing but couldn't be certain. He concluded, 'Since only 7 came out, I am sure that they weren't let go scot-free. But since they seem fine, no conflict should have taken place. Meaning that Baki and the Daimyo came to some agreement. Looks like I will have to wait for information to be released or for rumors to spread.'

Fujin got up and began leaving. He sighed and muttered to himself, 'Why is everyone so smart? It'd have been so easy if they accepted the events as presented to them and just suspected Sunagakure blindly. I could have returned to Konoha by now if they did so and their troubles would also end.'

Fujin returned to his hotel room and waited patiently. He knew that the next few days would be very tense in the Wind Capital.

The Wind Daimyo soon sent a message to the Kazekage informing him about the recent events and asking him to come to the Wind Capital city. At the same time, Baki also sent a message to Rasa informing him of everything that happened in detail.

Sunagakure -

Unlike Fujin who was calmly bidding for time, Rasa was absolutely livid. Rasa crushed the scroll in his hand and cursed angrily, "What the hell? Who does he think he is?"

However, his advisors quickly said, "Please calm yourself Lord Kazekage. We are not in any position to make any move against Lord Daimyo. If something were to happen to him, all other villages would attack us like vultures!"

Rasa calmed down and snorted, "I will go and make a visit. You two, come with me. Also, bring our best sensors along."

The advisors nodded. They began gathering the forces and preparing to leave.

Rasa was disappointed in Baki. He wondered, 'What the hell is Baki doing? How could he allow things to deteriorate so much under his watch? Are the enemies so good that he is completely helpless?'

Not knowing the answers, Rasa left Sunagakure along with two advisors, two sensors and four Anbu ninjas. At the same time, 10 squads of Anbu left Sunagakure and began following Rasa's group from a distance. In total, 46 ninjas headed towards the Wind Capital city!

Wind Capital -

Back in Wind Capital, rumors had begun flying around the city. These were being spread by the twelve Nobles who were affected. Once again, the entire city began gossiping.

Fujin heard a bunch of rumors as well. However, unlike a normal citizen, he noticed a bunch of inconsistencies. He analyzed, 'The rumors say that Daimyo has decided to punish the evil Suna ninjas. But I doubt that would be the case. Otherwise, Baki wouldn't have withdrawn peacefully.

I guess the rumors are being spread by those nobles so that the Daimyo is forced into taking action. But, why has the Daimyo not made any statement? It's almost as if the Daimyo wants these rumors to be known all through the city.'

Unlike Fujin, who was analyzing calmly, Baki and his subordinates were panicking. Baki too arrived at the same conclusion as Fujin. However, he had more information than Fujin. He realized, 'The Daimyo isn't crushing these rumors as he wants a public perception to be built against Sunagakure. This way, when Lord Rasa arrives, he will be under a lot of pressure.'

However, despite noticing Daimyo's scheme, Baki couldn't do anything. After all, he was being watched by Samurais at all times.

The rumors would continue spreading unrestricted. At the same time, they would be exaggerated to ridiculous extents. However, after some time, all the rumors would be silenced by one piece of news - The Fourth Kazekage had arrived at the Wind Capital city!

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