Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 236: Miscalculated Talent

Yoshi and Isamu trained Fujin for 3 continuous days. Fujin absorbed all their teachings and became capable enough to use this jutsu on humans. However, despite his rapid progress, Yoshi and Isamu weren't happy as they weren't able to change Fujin's mind.

Fujin thanked them once again before leaving. After exiting the talent, Fujin let out a sigh. He could see reluctance in the eyes of Yoshi and Isamu. He thought, 'They really wanted me to pursue Medical Ninjutsu. Unfortunately, that's not the path I want to move on.

That said, I understood why they wanted me to pursue this path. It isn't that they think that my talent is good, they probably think that my talent is the greatest due to how quickly I learnt the jutsu. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. If it was, perhaps I'd be tempted to take this path at the beginning.'

Back in the hospital, Isamu let out a sigh and said, "We couldn't change his mind."

Yoshi nodded and said, "Yes. But I know someone who can. Come with me."

Isamu was surprised. He looked at Yoshi and asked, "Who are you talking about, Sensei?"

Yoshi smirked and said, "Oh, you know him. He is the best in the world at influencing kids."

Isamu was still confused. He couldn't figure out who Yoshi was referring to. However, he didn't ask as it looked like Yoshi wanted to keep him in suspense. He quickly followed Yoshi.

After a few minutes, both entered into a room. Isamu's eyes twitched as he muttered, "I should have known."

Yoshi smirked and bowed slightly, "Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen looked at them and said, "Yoshi, Isamu, how have you two been?"

Yoshi replied, "We have been great, Lord Hokage. We have come here because we have a request for you and hope that you can do it. It will provide a huge boost to our medical capabilities."

Hiruzen was surprised at his claim. He thought, 'Since Tsunade left, our medical ninjutsu hasn't made much progress. What did these two find?'

He asked, "What is your request?"

Yoshi said, "We met a young kid who has incredible talent at medical ninjutsu. We believe that it may even surpass Tsunade's talent. He managed to learn the Mystical Palm jutsu with minimal guidance in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, he isn't interested in pursuing Medical ninjutsu. Can you convince him to do so?"

Hiruzen asked, "Who is the kid?"

Yoshi answered, "Suzuki Fujin."

Hiruzen went silent for a few seconds as thoughts ran through his mind. He shook his head and said, "No."

Yoshi was surprised. He quickly asked, "Why no…"

However, Hiruzen interrupted him, "You two are mistaken. He isn't talented in medical ninjutsu."

Yoshi and Isamu weren't expecting such a response.

Hiruzen corrected himself, "Well, he could be. But Mystical Palm jutsu won't be a good measure of his talent. Fujin has had excellent chakra control since his academy days. And he has learned the Senju Taijutsu style. So he is accustomed to both Yang chakra and excellent chakra control. That is why he learnt Mystical Palm jutsu so quickly."

Yoshi and Isamu were dumbfounded by that answer. They looked into each other's eyes. Both were so excited by Fujin's talent and prospects, that they never thought from this angle.

Isamu muttered, "Is he related to the Senju clan?"

Hiruzen answered, "No. But his Sensei was from the Senju clan."

Yoshi and Isamu let out a sigh. Yoshi said, "We got excited about nothing. Sorry for wasting your time, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen replied with a chuckle, "It's fine. It was good to see you after a long time. You can leave."

Yoshi and Isamu nodded and left. Hiruzen saw their backs while thinking, 'Though it doesn't show his talent in medical ninjutsu, it definitely shows his talent in Yang release. After all, I doubt Renjiro would have spoon-fed him everything. No, he certainly didn't know about it when I trained him. Now that he has learnt it, I wonder if he will manage to use Yang and Yin chakra to modify his jutsus and make them stronger.'

Hiruzen obviously knew how to use Yin and Yang chakra to amplify his jutsus. When Fujin arrived to collect the swords, he was surprised to learn that Fujin wanted to learn Mystical Palm jutsu. Knowing that it would mean that he would have to learn how to use Yang chakra, Hiruzen insisted that Fujin learn the jutsu before he was recruited into Anbu.

The next day, Fujin once again began using Yin and Yang chakra to modify his jutsus. However, he was stuck. He analyzed, 'Just like Infinite Breakthrough jutsu, the Air Bullet jutsu also showed results quickly. But I haven't been able to modify Vacuum Bullet and Vacuum Sphere jutsus at all.

I guess the reason is that they have already reached the limits of modification. After all, I could modify the Vacuum Cannon jutsu. But even that was very little. Since it was based on the Vacuum Bullet, it too was quite close to perfection.

Oh well, I will just focus on my other jutsus. I will start with Wind Sword and Spinning Shield of Wind jutsus and then follow it up with Wind Gale Wolf and Wind Dragon jutsus. Following it, I will work on the rank D and E Wind jutsus before working on Earth Wall jutsu and Lightning jutsus.

Fujin began training. In the next 4 days, he modified Wind Sword and Spinning Shield of Wind jutsus and began working on the Wind Gale jutsu.

However, he decided to take a break and decided to work on another important project. He opened a scroll and withdrew an apple from it. The apple was rotten. Fujin observed it and concluded, 'Good. The apple hasn't rotted any further despite it being a week. Time to create a seal with the opposite effect.

Fujin created 30 shadow clones one by one and all began thinking about how to reverse the seal. For the next 3 days, they constantly racked their brains thinking about how to reverse the seal. Hundreds of empty scrolls were used up to try their experiments.

Finally, one of the clones sighed and said aloud, "This is impossible! We have no leads at all."

The other clones didn't reply. After all, they had experienced nothing but failure for 3 days. Considering that Fujin was training with 30 clones, it was equivalent to spending 3 months trying to reverse the seal. However, not a single clone had any breakthrough.

Another clone said, "Though we learnt this seal, we did it by reverse engineering the seal we already had. There are a lot of symbols that we don't have full information about. It will be better if we try to create this seal after becoming a Fuinjutsu Grandmaster."

Fujin agreed with his clone's analysis. One by one, he began dispelling his clones. The tiredness set into his body as he went to sleep.

The next day, he had just finished his morning training when an Anbu ninja entered the training ground. Fujin instantly sensed him and waited for him. The Anbu ninja flickered in front of Fujin and instructed, "Come to Lord Hokage's office in one hour."

Fujin nodded. Having delivered the message, the Anbu ninja flickered away. Fujin saw him leave and thought, 'Finally time to join the Anbu, huh? I kinda wished that Hiruzen took another couple of months. I would have managed to completely modify most of my moves using Yin and Yang chakra by then.'

He shook that thought and flickered to his house to freshen up. He thought, 'Oh well. I have heard a lot about how Anbu works and how crucial their role is for the village. Unfortunately, there is not much concrete data on their true activities apart from the fact that they do a lot of dark stuff.'

A smile appeared on Fujin's face as he entered his house, 'Whatever, I just hope that it is exciting. I haven't had a good fight for a long time!'

In an hour, Fujin appeared outside the Hokage's office. Takao was waiting outside the door. He looked at Fujin and said, "Right on time as always. Go to the basement of the Hokage building."

Fujin furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "There is a basement under this building?"

Takao rolled his eyes and said, "Of course there is. The entrance is in the backmost room on the ground floor. Now hurry."

Fujin nodded and disappeared from Takao's sight. Takao muttered, "I said hurry, not flicker."

Fujin appeared in the room Takao mentioned. An Anbu ninja with an Eagle mask was sitting in the room. He looked at Fujin and asked, "Suzuki Fujin?"

Fujin nodded.

The Anbu ninja made a hand sign. A hole appeared in the room. He said, "You are the last one. Enter."

He jumped in the hole and Fujin followed him.

After landing, Fujin looked around himself. A look of surprise appeared on his face.

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