Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 206: Counterattack

Fujin hadn't been with this group for long. Even though he didn't like to lose a teammate here, his focus was still on escaping. His mind was rapidly calculating ways to escape from his horrible situation. However, the other 3 had been with Tadashi for years. Their eyes grew red in rage!

Tamotsu yelled while weaving hand signs, "Since you want to kill us, I'll take as many of you with me as I can!"

'Fire Release: Burning Ash'

He spewed a stream of chakra-infused ash from his mouth. It spread in all directions but had a small space at the center where the four Konoha ninjas stood.

The Kumo ninjas tried approaching but moved away immediately on seeing the flammable ash spreading in the area. A few launched Lightning and Water jutsus into it. However, in the next second, Tamotsu lit a fire in the ash and the entire smokescreen blew up!

The explosion cancelled out every jutsu aimed at them. Two Kumo ninjas were just outside the range of the explosion. They were hit with stones and sticks, causing some injuries.

The Kumo ninjas were preparing for another round of attack when suddenly, the fire caused by the explosion increased threefold in size and intensity and began spreading out at a rapid speed! Fujin had released an Infinite Breakthrough jutsu in all directions causing the Fire to spread rapidly.

The Kumo ninjas weren't expecting that. All 20 ninjas were too close to perform any jutsu or run away. They were hit by the fire. The ones who were hiding in the forest quickly retreated or used defensive jutsus.

Kumogakure advisor Hari, who was hidden in the forest, muttered, "They have a strong Wind user. Be careful of him."

The three who were with him nodded. They didn't expect the Konoha ninjas to hit back so fiercely.

At the center, where there was no fire, Tamotsu said, "We will use the chaos caused by this Fire to escape."

Ryota opposed, "But Tadashi…"

Tamotsu cut him off, "Tadashi wouldn't want us to follow him so soon. We will live and take our revenge another day. Hokage-sama will surely create a unit to take back the mine."

Ryota unwillingly nodded.

Fujin said, "It won't be easy. There are at least 30 more ninjas out there. And I can feel that a few more are hiding in my chakra field."

Tamotsu said, "We will give them another Fire-Wind combination jutsu. Hopefully, that will deter them."

Fujin nodded. He thought, 'I hope that will work. Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling about this. Some of the chakras I sensed are much stronger than any of us.'

Screams of pain could be heard as the fire burned their flesh. 8 Kumo ninjas couldn't endure and collapsed. They would soon be cooked inside out and meet their death. The other 12 quickly escaped from the fire and began dousing the fire burning them. Though they survived and weren't fatally injured, they wouldn't be able to fight properly anymore. They were in terrible pain from having their flesh burnt. Many of their delicate organs like eyes and ears were damaged as well.

The other Kumo ninjas were disturbed by seeing this sight. The situation changed too abruptly. One second they had a complete advantage, while in the next second their whole 20-man unit was defeated!

Finding the exact moment, Tamotsu said, "Now!"

All four flickered instantly. They were planning to use this chaos to escape. Once they managed to get out of the encirclement, the Kumo ninjas wouldn't want to chase them through the lands of another country.

Unfortunately, Kumo had plenty of sensors among their numbers. As soon as the Konoha ninjas left, one sensor shouted, "They are coming here!"

The sensors among other groups sensed them as well and began moving towards them. Though there were 30 ninjas in the 2nd perimeter, they were spread in all directions to ensure that the Konoha ninjas couldn't escape. The place where the Konoha ninjas were headed only had 6 Kumo ninjas.

The leader of that 6 ninja squad noticed them approaching. He calculated, 'We only have to stall them for a few seconds. Then others will catch up and they will be in a helpless situation once again.'

The Konoha ninjas also knew about it. Tamotsu weaved hand signs rapidly. Fujin noticed his hand signs and timed his jutsu perfectly.

'Fire Release: Fire Wave jutsu'

'Wind Release: Infinite Breakthrough jutsu'

The jutsus combined. Extremely hot air moved rapidly towards the Kumo ninjas.

Two ninjas stepped forward while waving hand signs.

'Water Release: Water Wall jutsu'

'Earth Release: Earth Wall jutsu'

Two walls appeared in front of them. The Fire-Wind combination jutsu easily broke through the water wall. Evaporated water formed a smokescreen in the area. However, the Earth Wall stood firm. The jutsu hit it and began moving around the Earth Wall. Though the Kumo ninjas were barely safe behind it, they were trapped as the forest around them was burning.

The Konoha ninjas didn't mind the result. They avoided the fire and escaped in a different direction. Unfortunately, the Kumo ninjas didn't allow them to escape so easily.

Four ropes made of Lightning suddenly appeared through the fire they had caused. They moved at a rapid speed and didn't allow Konoha ninjas to use any jutsus. They had to split up to dodge. Unfortunately, the Lightning ropes also changed directions to chase them.

Fujin noticed the rope coming towards him. Chakra flowed through his sword as he slashed at it. The Wind element chakra flowing along his sword easily neutralized the jutsu. However, he quickly turned around and looked behind. Two jets of water were heading at him.

Katsumi once again sacrificed some of his bugs once again to stop the lightning whip.

Ryota slammed his hands on the ground. A small rock shield appeared in front of him. The Lightning rope hit the shield. However, instead of piercing through or damaging the shield, the lightning was directed into the ground.

Lastly, Tamotsu just kept hiding behind trees until the lightning rope ran out of power.

The group wanted to run away once again. Unfortunately, the remaining Kumo ninjas had begun to catch up.

Ryota was about to move towards Tamotsu. However, two hands appeared from the ground and grabbed his legs. He looked down as the Kumo ninja said, "Got you!"

He began dragging Ryota underground. Ryota quickly made a hand sign and touched the ground. The ground suddenly became harder, trapping the Kumo ninja underground. Soon, spears began forming underground. A few pierced into his body. The Kumo ninja was horrified!

At that instant, a lightning spear flew towards Ryota. Ryota's attention was drawn towards it. However, it was too late for him to move. Fortunately, a shield of bugs appeared in front of him to block the Lightning spear.

However, the lightning spear changed direction and hit the ground. Ryota's earth jutsu was dispelled and the ground softened. The Kumo ninja, who was under the ground, quickly escaped.

Katsumi and Ryota looked at the attacker, who was a woman. She was tall, fair-skinned with a curvaceous figure and had a stoic, aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair cut in an asymmetrical bob style.

At the same time, Fujin and Tamotsu were attacked as well. Right after Tamotsu neutralized the Lightning Whip, he heard a voice behind him, "You are very good."

Tamotsu quickly turned around. However, an intense light was emitted at him blinding his eyes. Tamotsu closed his eyes and grabbed a kunai. However, instead of fighting, he flickered away.

Unfortunately, his opponent was faster than him. C flickered as well and launched Lightning at Tamotsu. Due to having his eyes blinded, Tamotsu couldn't observe the jutsu properly. The lightning hit his body causing him immense pain. He barely managed to open his eyes to see another attack heading towards him. At the last moment, he snapped out of the lightning shocks and dodged C's attack.

He wanted to counterattack, however, 5 more Kumo ninjas appeared and surrounded him. He fell into a desperate struggle!

Fujin too was attacked at the same time. When he dodged the lightning whip, he was the closest to the fire they had set up. Two jets of water were heading straight at him. Fujin created and fired two vacuum bullets. Both hit the water jets and pierced through them.

Fujin sensed, 'They are trying to break out of the fire and join the fight.'

He opened his mouth and exhaled strong winds at the fire in front of him. The fire was instantly magnified and became chaotic! The Kumo ninjas who were planning to break through were scared by the sight. Immediately an Earth dome formed around them to protect them from the firestorm.

Fujin was planning to take this opportunity to run away. Unfortunately, another attack was headed towards him. He turned his head to the right. His eyes widened as he saw a python made of black lightning heading towards him. He immediately flickered while cursing, 'Motherfucking Darui!'

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