Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 166: Learning Lightning Jutsus

Fujin said, "How long can you guys hold the Leaf on your head during the Leaf Concentration exercise?"

Daisuke answered, "23 minutes."

Tatsuya said, "28 minutes."

Buncho said, "17 minutes."

Bunjiro said, "38 minutes."

Ryoma said, "26 minutes."

Fujin said, "That's very low. No need to practice any ninjutsu for now. Increase that to one hour."

Tatsuya immediately complained, "But that exercise is so boring!"

Fujin said, "Not really a choice Tatsuya."

Ryoma complained, "Can't you just teach us any of your jutsus Fujin?"

Fujin looked at him and said harshly, "The reason why I could become strong is that my basics are good. If any of you can't maintain the leaf for an hour, you should give up your dreams of becoming a ninja and drop out of the academy."

Fujin's reply shocked them. Fujin was their age. They expected him to be cordial with them and help them like a friend. They never imagined that he'd be stricter than the academy teachers.

Before anyone could make another comment to upset Fujin, Daisuke said, "Alright Fujin. We will work on it."

Fujin said, "Come back after you guys manage this. Oh, and come around noon. If I'm not at home at that time, then I'm doing a mission. So check after a few days."

Daisuke nodded. Fujin returned back home while they left his property.

They immediately began complaining. Banjiro said, "This was a waste of time. I admired him so much. I never thought that he would be so arrogant!"

Ryoma agreed, "Yes. He asked us to quit the academy if we can't do a stupid Leaf exercise!"

Daisuke said, "Though we grew up together, we haven't been very close since we joined the academy. We should be glad that he at least agreed to help us."

Buncho added, "I heard that he was able to hold the leaf for over an hour in his 2nd year in the academy. So his advice could be right."

Tatsuya sighed and said, "Anyways, we are struggling in the academy. Let's give his method a try. If it works, we will become ninjas. If it doesn't, it won't be much different."

They talked for a bit before deciding to follow his instruction. Fujin had anticipated such a reaction when he said those harsh words. But he didn't care. He didn't care about these 5. It didn't matter to him if they graduated or not. He was just seeing how he could instruct any future subordinates properly.

If his future subordinates complained as they did, he would just let them go or kill them depending on the situation. He didn't have the time to raise someone who was both lazy and untalented.

Fujin left this whole episode behind him and began deciding which jutsu he should start with.

He entered the bottom basement and thought, 'My clone picked 11 jutsus to learn. However, 3 of them are very inconvenient to use in battle. However, these 3 look like they are preparatory jutsus for Raikage's Lightning Cloak. I guess Konoha managed to deduce some of the steps to learn it. Not really surprising. But they didn't manage to completely deduce it. Though there is a possibility that they did deduce it but didn't put it in the library.

Another 3 jutsus are a series of jutsus. The D and C rank Variants will be dropped in the future. Another jutsu has potential but is highly inaccurate.

That leaves me with 1 utility jutsu, 1 defensive jutsu, 1 long-range jutsu and 1 mid-range jutsu in addition to the rank B jutsu. Konoha's stock of Lightning jutsus is disappointing. Another issue is that there is no Lightning Instantaneous Body jutsu. So long-range escape with this element isn't possible. I'll have to depend on the Flicker jutsu.

Anyways, I'll start with the series and then move on to the 3 preparatory jutsus. Even though they don't have much use on the battlefield, they might be able to strengthen my body further.'

Fujin made hand signs and extended his right arm straight. A lightning bolt formed in his palm and shot towards the metal statue and barely missed it.

Fujin analyzed, 'Wow, learnt in one try! I suppose now that I have learnt so many jutsus, I'll have an easier time learning new jutsus. Especially if it's only a D rank jutsu.

Anyways, it looks like I will have to perfect the aim of this Lightning Bolt jutsu. Then I can move on to the Lightning Blast jutsu. Shouldn't take long.'

Fujin began practicing. In a few hours, he managed to gain 100% accuracy with the jutsu. The Lightning Bolt jutsu didn't do much damage. At best, the opponent will suffer minor electric shocks. Though it could paralyze the opponent temporarily.

Fujin moved on to the Lightning Blast jutsu. It was a C rank jutsu. It worked the same as the Lightning Bolt jutsu. The only difference was that instead of one Lightning Bolt, it would attack the target with a continuous blast of Lightning. The jutsu would continue hitting the opponent until the user decided to stop it or doesn't have the chakra to keep it up.

Fujin managed to learn and aim it correctly in under a day. However, he realized a crucial issue, 'Though I can aim properly, I can't control the intensity of the shocks perfectly. Only in around 15% of cases, it was as intense as I wanted it to be.'

Fujin sighed in relief, 'I'm glad I didn't try those jutsus before realizing this issue. It could have been bad! Sigh, I keep underestimating this world. There is danger even while learning a jutsu!

Anyways, this issue shouldn't affect me while learning the Lightning Beam jutsu. I'll train my control after learning this jutsu.'

Lightning Beam jutsu was a B rank jutsu. This jutsu was just a powered-up version of the Lightning Blast jutsu. It could fire a beam twice as wide as the Lightning Blast jutsu. The shocks from this jutsu would be very painful and fatal.

Even if someone dodges this jutsu, they could still be attacked if they are within 2 feet of the beam. Due to the high power of the jutsu, small lightning arcs are expelled occasionally from the beam that can hit anyone in the vicinity and cause more damage than the Lightning Bolt jutsu.

Three days after Fujin began learning the jutsu, Fujin was standing in front of a metal statue. He made the hand signs and aimed his right palm at the statue. Lightning appeared in his palm and a beam was fired at the statue.

The Lightning Beam hit the statue. The statue kept getting hit by the beam for 30 seconds when Fujin finally stopped it. The statue was in a bad shape. The face had melted and couldn't be called a face anymore. Multiple cracks had occurred on the surface of the statue.

Fujin smiled, 'Alright. Single Target mid-range jutsu learnt. Now, I should work on control.'

Fujin returned to the room where he had endured electric shocks. He opened his scroll and took out a few items. He set up a circuit.

The circuit had an 80 Kilo Ohm resistor and an ammeter connected with a wire. Another couple of wires were connected to the other end of the ammeter and the resistor. These wires were left open.

Fujin grabbed the wires and began generating electricity with his right hand. The current flowed through the circuit and values began appearing on the ammeter.

Fujin decided, '2.3 Ampere current. Let me try to keep it at 1 Ampere for 10 minutes. Then I will try keeping it stable at other amperes. I should also check this with the Voltmeter instead of the Ammeter to check both readings. The resistance of the resistor doesn't decrease like the human body, but it would still be better to check.'

Fujin began practicing. His control improved slightly, but not much. The lightning was very unstable. Fujin could easily provide the max power continuously, but controlling it at lower levels was challenging.

He kept practicing till he had to go on a mission. His team gathered outside the Mission Center.

Tamotsu went in and accepted a mission. He came out and said, "I accepted a Mission to the Land of Frost. Apparently, a family heirloom was stolen. They issued a rank B mission to retrieve it. The opponents will be rogue ninjas from Kumogakure. Fujin, your Wind jutsus will be important to counter their Lightning Release."

Fujin nodded. The group made some preparations and left the village. The group travelled across the Land of Fire and the Land of Hot Water to enter the Land of Frost. The journey took a day and a half before they finally reached their destination.

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