Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 40: Become stronger! exchange! Become stronger! exchange!

Chapter 40: Become stronger! exchange! Become stronger! exchange!

System: "Drip, emergency mission: kiss Natasha *1 within 30 seconds, (Yes/No) accept the mission? During the countdown, 3..."

Zhang Lan: "... lying trough! What is your system?"

System: "2..."

Zhang Lan: "Is it ok if I don't pick it up? I refuse..."

System: "1..."

Zhang Lan: "Take, pick, I accept the task!"

System: "Drip, task has been accepted, task countdown, 30, 29..."

The ghost messenger accepted the mission, and Zhang Lan looked at Natasha who was approaching himself with some panic. Inexplicably, she began to panic. She was so hot that she didn't know how to act.

System: "28, 27..."

Natasha: "Blue? What's wrong with you? Your face suddenly turned red? Did you have a fever?"

Natasha asked with concern, apparently very curious about how she blushed suddenly, and reached out to touch Zhang Lan's forehead to confirm whether she had a fever.

System: "24, 23..."

Zhang Lan's psychological activity at this time is: "What should I do? Do you want to kiss? Ah, how did she reach out? Slippery...No! Do you want to act? Ah no matter..."

System: "14, 13..."

Seeing Zhang Lan kept talking, instead staring at himself directly, Natasha was still wondering if her clothes were broken, and looked down at her clothes.

"Ah, Natasha, don't I mean to give you a new ninjutsu? You close your eyes and I'll teach you." Zhang Lan said in a panic, speaking very quickly and clearly.

System: "9, 8..."

Natasha heard the words, not much doubt, closed her eyes.

Zhang Lan looked straight at Natasha's flaming red lips, and hesitated suddenly, but this was his first kiss from the outside world!

System: "5, 4..."

Zhang Lan is still hesitating.

System: "3, 2..."

Natasha closed her eyes for five or six seconds. After she noticed that there was no movement, she opened with some doubt, and she saw Zhang Lan, who was near.

By the side of his black pupil, there was still a symbol like a comma turning.

Then, Natasha found that her lips were bitten by Zhang Lan's lips. As a veteran, she immediately recognized that this was a kissing novice, extended her tongue inexplicably, and skillfully stirred in Zhang Lan's mouth. With.

Suddenly, Zhang Lan felt that a fragrant softness poured into the mouth, and he could not help playing with it.

After a full minute, some confused Zhang Lan recovered, and hurriedly retreated, looking at Natasha in amazement, surprised at her opening.

kissed by someone who is not a boyfriend

Natasha smiled indifferently. First of all, she was in her 100s, only when Zhang Lan was a little brother, and secondly, Zhang Lans ability also made her obsessed. For a kiss, she Don't care.

Zhang Lan still could not accept it, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

This sound finger is like a signal. Natasha only feels that the surroundings are directly broken apart like lenses, peeled off piece by piece, and then changed into another world.

is still in front of Zhang Lan, and his strange eyes.


When he was about to kiss Natasha, Zhang Lan released the illusion, and then when Natasha fell into the illusion, he kissed Natasha with a thunderbolt, and Natasha fell into the illusion. Naturally not aware.

But the next illusion situation made him stupid on the spot, he couldn't withdraw his position in time, even the system prompt sound was ignored, and he stood blankly, almost touching Natasha.

Was this girl so open?

Although it is a phantom in the illusion, it can still be felt spiritually, so Zhang Lan not only kissed Natasha in reality, but also in the spirit of the illusion, a French wet kiss was coming.

"Cough, that..." Zhang Lan withdrew his body awkwardly: "Natasha, this is the ninjutsu I want to teach you, or illusion, which can pull people into a world you make yourself. "

Natasha nodded her head reproachfully, her face was dull, and there was not much expression.

Nature is naturally an excuse. Natasha had been taught last time, but Natasha hadnt chakra at that time, so she couldnt practice, and Natasha didnt know the reason, and she didnt dissect Zhang Lans words.

See through it or not.

Naturally, there is also a full set to do. Zhang Lan patiently taught Natasha all the skills about illusion, but still doing useless work.

Just like Peter can't learn ninjutsu in vain.

successfully passed the awkward period, Zhang Lan began to formally teach Natasha about Chakra's application skills. Natasha has absorbed this knowledge very well and can master it in a short time.

Then came Zhang Lan's fighting class. Both of them didn't use any chakras, they were fighting physically.

originally thought it would be a fragrant process. After all, Natasha had put on a little black vest. The fair skin and deep gullies made Zhang Lan recall the French wet kiss.

Facts have proved that Natasha is a qualified fighting coach. What she has done is called word-and-body teaching, and Zhang Lan who played is a yell.

He who can't use physical skills, is only half a catty compared to Natasha in terms of physical fitness, but his fighting skills are--

Simply put, Natasha can fight ten of him.

After infinite contact with the grandfather of the earth, Zhang Lan began to let go of the thoughts in his heart and carefully studied the combat techniques of Natasha.

To be more precise, it is murder!

The move was deadly. Even if Natasha left her hand, Zhang Lan was almost comatose after being beaten many times.

But with an immortal body, only the damage to the spirit and soul can make him comatose, or the body has collapsed and died.

And he also successfully used the function of writing chakra to learn quickly.

Combat homicide is systematically rated as the basic body technique of E level.


After accepting Natasha's "enthusiastic" hospitality, Zhang Lan returned home with exhaustion. The muscles that had been in the pain stage finally had time to rest.

And at this time, there is also time to check today's emergency mission rewards.


Urgent task: Strong kiss Natasha in one minute *1

mission rewards:

Designated card*1: You can designate any card and immediately refresh it in the mystery shop.

Refresh card*1: Refresh the mystery store immediately, the original refresh time of the mystery store remains unchanged


saw Zhang Lan of the designated card, and his eyes brightened at the time.

Take out the designated card from the system space and paste it directly on the forehead.

System: "Drip, successful use of designated card, please host designated card."

Zhang Lan: "Chakra Upgrade Card (C)"

System: "Ding, refreshed successfully, please go to the mystery store to check."

opened the mysterious shop of the system immediately, in addition to the original ten gray-white cards, there was another gray-white card, officially the Chakra Upgrade Card (C).

The introduction is exactly the same as the Chakra upgrade card (D), except for the upper limit of the Chakra upgrade.

Zhang Lan first submitted the three lizard potions obtained today to the system, got a C-level rule fragment, and directly exchanged the purchase right of the Chakra upgrade card (C), and then the fingers were linked.

System: "Drip, successful consumption of C-level rule fragments, Chakra upgrade card (C) purchase permission has been opened."

System: "Ding, succeed in consuming 100 energy points, get Chakra upgrade card (C) card *1"

System: "Ding, succeed in consuming 200 energy points, get Chakra upgrade card (C) * card 1"


After the eleven-tone system prompt, Zhang Lan received ten carat upgrade cards (C), deducting C-level rule fragments*1,5500 energy points.

Zhang Lan is not in a hurry to use the carat upgrade card (C) immediately, but continues to redeem the purchase rights.

System: "Drip, successful consumption of B-level rule fragments~~Purchase permission for sand bonder (B) has been opened."

System: "Drip, succeed in consuming 1200 energy, get sand binding casket (B) card *1"

System: "Drip, succeed in consuming 2400 energy, get sand binding casket (B) card *1"


Six consecutive system sounds, purchased five pieces of sand binding casket (B), it cost B-level regular fragments, 17400 energy points

This is not over yet.

System: "Drip, consume C-level regular fragments*1, open the purchase right of sand armor (C)."

System: "Drip, successfully consume 650 energy, get sand armor (C) card *1"


This time there were only four sounds, which were exchanged for Sand Armor (C) cards*3, consuming C-level rule fragments*1, 4550 energy points.

At this point, Zhang Lan had only C*2, D*1, 6504 energy points left.

These are left to prevent in case, Zhang Lan did not intend to move.

Zhang Lan glanced at the sky and it was almost time to go to bed. Peter would not come back tonight. The text message said that he was going to Gwen's side. Let him help cover it up.

Pushing the fingerprint, summoned a shadow avatar, Zhang Lan raised his head and swallowed a potion of potion, a deep-level sleep potion given by Furui, which can make people fall into deep-level sleep and replenish mental power extremely quickly.

Take out that thick stack of cards, full of 18 cards, with full of excitement, patted **** his forehead, a small piece of memory, and the transformation of the body, accompanied by deep level With the sleep potion in effect, Zhang Lan fell asleep.

Shadow was standing beside, silently guarding.



Reward 500 starting coins.

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