Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 234: Sol's confession

Chapter 234: Sol's confession

"Blue, what are you waiting for? Show me your loyalty in order to become the king of this earth."

Rocky's words broke Sol's final expectations. Also, how could you expect a man who did his best for the throne and did whatever he could to go back and pity you?

"As you wish, my king."

Zhang Lan's tone is still so humble, his phantom flashes in his hand, his right hand extends in one direction, what is the palm of his hand, a trace of electro-optical light jumps from the palm-this pose Sol is very familiar with, he used to be This action is often done, but only things are right and wrong, now he can only watch others doing this action, everything is because of his wanton behavior.

At this moment, his confession became deeper and deeper. Perhaps, this is the so-called regret?

It's just a pity that no matter which world it is, there is no regret medicine to sell, so he now needs to bear the consequences of the faults he once let go.

Sending Jane to Eric's hand, Sol threw away Jane firmly holding his hands, looking at the sky clearly, and a trajectory cut through the sky and flew towards his side.

The last trace of hope was also shattered. Sure enough, Zhang Lan has really been recognized by Thor's Hammer, just like he used to be.

Thors hammer was flying very fast, and Sol was thinking about the past a little bit regardless of it. In a blink of an eye, he discovered that Zhang Lan was already holding his beloved weapon, and a blue arc was jumping, swimming around the hammer. Lets go, what a familiar amount of thunder and electricity, but unfortunately, he no longer has it, and he cant even get close to this force, which will make him die.

Sadly Sol didn't see it, Zhang Lan's right hand shaking with Thor's Hammer was shaking slightly, and he didn't make the next move. That's because Zhang Lan was trying to restrain Arnius from returning to his original owner. The idea, indeed, now Sol has completely re-qualified to lift it, but-obviously it can be better, why should it be?

After finally calming down Arnisius, Zhang Lan said that.

"So, Sol, before you die, do you need to say something? To me, or your brother, my king, or your beloved Jane?"

Saul heard that his gaze finally moved away from Thor's Hammer. He first looked deeply at Jane Gaze for a few seconds, then his eyes were disengaged from the silent Rocky, and finally he fixed his eyes on Zhang. Blue body, or rather, Thor's hammer on Zhang Lan's right hand, spoke with an apologetic tone.

"Arnisius, I'm sorry, I used to abuse your abilities so much that I couldn't make you the title of glory." After that, Sol fixed his eyes on Zhang Lan's writing wheel and said sincerely: "Blue No matter what, it was you who appeared when I was the most confused and lit a bright light for me, letting me understand my mistakes, even if I were to die in your hands now, it was also caused by my own self in the past, hope Can you not step into my back path? War is always the lowest means of rule. As for a better way, I think you will think of it with your wisdom."

After talking about this, Sol cracked his mouth from the bottom of his heart, drawing a comfortable arc. This was the last time he had ever laughed so sincerely. I think it will be the last time.

"So, do it, and let me atone for my past."

This time, Sol closed his eyes and waited for Zhang Lan's final trial to arrive.

"A very touching speech, I have to say that you have a good potential to persuade people." Zhang Lan's voice came: "In order to respect you, I decided to use my strongest attack to say goodbye to you."

What is Zhang Lans strongest attack?

No one knows, at least at the last moment, they thought it was a peacock-like fireworks feast, but listening to Zhang Lan's words, it seems that it is not the case-also in the next moment, before the live broadcast, everyone saw the life, there is history The most spectacular scene ever!

I saw Zhang Lan's voice falling, and he held up the hammer of Thor in his hand. The arc of the jump was already covered on the hammer body. With his move, the sky was still clear and the sky was huge. Change, the wind and the clouds are changing, and there is a huge black cloud that condenses out of nothing. Their scale is extremely large, and they are close to the area covering a square kilometer. Among them, the dangerous blue light flashes, which is moving, It is a voltage of at least 100 million volts, and the power of a medium-intensity thunderstorm can reach 10 million watts, which is equivalent to the output power of a small nuclear power plant.

And now, with the passage of time, the dense flashes of thunder in the dark clouds, the number of people before the live broadcast could not help but think of whether the world is about to be destroyed under this blow.

Saul was also particularly shocked. This scene, even if he used to be, may not be able to achieve it. His skill in controlling thunder and lightning is too simple, all controlled by the hammer of Thor, not like the current Zhang Lan is generally, with the Thousand Birds in his hand as a terminal, echoing the huge energy in the thunder and lightning cloud-this is the perfect combination of the control power given to Zhang Lan by Arnicus and the nature of the thunder and lightning and the combination of morphological changes.

With the help of the star species Alnius, Zhang Lan looked at a skill that was only envisioned in his mind.

I saw that the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds began to converge slowly-it is hard to imagine that the irritable thunder and lightning will be gathered together obediently ~~ stay where you should be according to the command On the go, not active swimming around.

Gradually, the converging graphics became clearer, forming a very strange look, not an ugly appearance, but few people knew exactly what this look of creatures were-lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, The moose body, dragon scales, and oxtail are all in one body, and the tail is like a dragon tail with a flesh.

People who are familiar with Chinese culture before the live broadcast are not sure about the loss of voice: "Isn't this...this is China's Kirin?"

Yes, this look, this charm, this gesture, isn't it Kirin?

And the conjecture of this skill is also derived from the s-class [leiyunqilin] used by Uchiha Sasuke in Naruto to play against his brother Ferret-except that with the help of the hammer of Thor, Zhang Lan omits the step of using fire escape to create dark clouds.

However, even with the help of Thors Hammer, this skill Zhang Lan had accumulated almost three minutes before it was formed. If it were not for Rockys elder brother Sol, he still had such an inexplicable feeling, afraid It will not wait so long.

For Saul, it was a stumbling block that prevented him from sitting on the throne of God. He had to pull it out, but holding a grand ceremony for his death could also slightly compensate for the slightest deficiencies in his heart.

Under all these factors, Zhang Lan, he condensed a terrifying attack. After [Kylin] was formed, Zhang Lan's lips were slightly whitened. This is because the body's energy is close to being evacuated. One of performance.

Looking at Saul who was about to accept the death calmly, Zhang Lan smiled and said a word that everyone didn't know: "Thor, I'm glad you have understood your fault, you must keep in mind!"

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