Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 225: No loyalty!

Chapter 225: No loyalty!

When the first dawn of the sun shone on the ground, Zhang Lan greeted it for the fourth day in a row. After feeling a rare ease, he stretched out his body and then used the phantom suit for a long time. Start three times the speed of sound and fly in one direction.

Since the system has the energy point conversion function, Zhang Lan no longer has to worry about eating.

What if I'm hungry? Most of the time is that Chakra is not enough, the energy point exchange is just fine, convenient and fast, and if the exchange system directly generates Chakra, he can completely decompose Chakra, and then the decomposed cell energy and mental power are used to supplement himself Physical condition.

This is simply the existence of a bug, but a "cannot be used in combat" restriction, so that it can only be reduced to an auxiliary function.

Of course, behind the convenience is often accompanied by a certain price, for example, now, Zhang Lan dare not look at his energy points column-the remaining: 1.57 million energy points!

Crazy training means crazy consumption. If you have not developed a new move, this wave of Zhang Lan is really spitting blood!

50 miles is more than 80 kilometers, and the triple speed of sound is 1020 meters per second, which means that Zhang Lan only takes 78 seconds to reach his destination, which is less than a minute and a half.

And this section of the road, Sol and Jane have gone a whole day.

Zhang Lans destination was clear. It was Janes research room and kitchen. It was the right time that Sol was serving Janes breakfast to Daisy and Eric, if not the dark circles on his face. If he didn't sleep well last night, he really can't see anything special about him.

"Wow, it's the right time for me to come, may I have a breakfast?" Zhang Lan familiarly found a chair and sat down.

"Sorry, are you?" Eric asked with a frown.

Zhang Lan smiled and did not answer. Daisy on the side screamed first.

"Ah!!! Then you are Zhang Lan, right! That is Zhang Lan in New York!" Although the question was asked, but the tone was so affirmative, not waiting for Zhang Lan to answer anything, Daisy just changed herself. A bite of breakfast was pushed over.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan did not disagree and said "Thank you." He picked up the knife and fork set aside and started to enjoy breakfast. Wait a moment, but if you want to work hard, how about not eating more?

Regarding Zhang Lans unexpected visit, Eric held a skeptical attitude, Daisy had her heart in her eyes, and she had no time to take care of others. Sauls reaction was that she felt her belly and then saw Zhang Lan. It was very quiet while having breakfast. From time to time, I would answer some of Daisys kicks. After completely lacking the violent tendency of last night, I felt relieved and turned my head to Jane tenderly said, "Jane, it seems you need more Made a breakfast."

"It's okay, is he your friend? We don't even know him." Jane responded softly.

"Friend?" Sol asked himself: "Somehow, even though I also just knew his name."

"Wow, that must be a good friend." Jane was "surprised".

"Well, yes, I met twice, and he was taught twice." Saul didn't shy away. For Jane, he was still able to speak his heart.

"Then your relationship is really "good"!"

"Sniffing...sniffing..." Saul suddenly sniffed hard at the nose a few times, and said strangely in his mouth: "Is something burnt?"

This sentence of "burnt" made Jane take a subconscious look at his pot, and then he was in a hurry to come and talk to Saul, forgetting the bacon in his pot!

Seeing this, Haha laughed, and came to sit next to Zhang Lan with the breakfast he had just made, and suddenly found that his knife and fork were gone, and his eyes turned around in Zhang Lan's hand. Take the Daisy cutlery in an idiot style and simply wipe it to continue using it.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Sol asked casually.

"On the contrary, it's here to protect you." Zhang Lan followed along as if nothing had happened.

"Protect me?" Sol pointed his nose with a fork. "I don't seem to have any enemies in this country except you?"

"So, it's not something in this world."

"It? Not from this world? Is it..."


Saul had not finished speaking. On the side of the sound of knocking on the glass, Saul turned his head subconsciously, and Zhang Lan also turned his head, just to see one woman and three men dressed in ancient Western European armor style.

"Want to come, is this the Four Warriors?"

Zhang Lan silently inserted the last bite of bacon into his mouth, watching Thor on one side excited and the four greeted each other, hugging each other one by one.

"Sorry, we are the'Four Warriors of the Immortal Palace'." Bearded Vostak explained to Jane a few people, but obviously this is difficult to accept. They are more willing to believe which circus borrowed the costume. .

"My friend." Sol said in earnest: "I'm glad you guys can come, but, you really shouldn't come."

"We'll take you home!" Swordsman Fandral was surprised.

"You know I can't go home, after all..." Saul hesitated: "After all, the father died because of me! I should have been exiled, I..."

"No, Sol." The only female warrior Shiv interrupted Sol: "Your father is not dead, he is just sleeping."

Saul heard that his sad eyes suddenly became sharper. Compared to his brother Loki~~ he even believed in the people of Schiff coming from afar, if he couldn't think of Loki's wish anymore Abacus, then he has done nothing for Prince Asgard for so many years.


On the earth and beyond, Rocky hurried over at the entrance to Asgards Divine Land, Rainbow Bridge, and Haierdam had been waiting for a long time.

"Tell me, Rocky, how did you allow the Frost Giant to invade?" Haldam particularly valued things that he couldn't see.

"Do you think Rainbow Bridge is the only method that can be teleported to various countries? There is a secret passage that is beyond your ability to control, you are blinded!" Loki's disdainful tone: "However, I don't need a thief, either. The word is secret, I am the King of God. Based on your disobedience, I am dismissed from your post in the name of the King of God, and you are no longer a member of the Kingdom of God!"

In response to being fired and expelled, Haldams response was straightforward: Then I will not be more loyal to you!

Lets say, Haldam raised the sword in his hand, the key opened by the Rainbow Bridge, and chopped straight to Loki, but it was used by the pre-prepared Loki [Source of Frost], launching a powerful frost power, It slowly froze, and the speed of wielding the sword became slower and slower, until finally, it was fixed to Rocky's neck, and he could no longer score a half.

Heldam, it was frozen!

Seeing this, Loki put on a usual disdainful smile, put away [The Source of Frost] in his hand, lifted the eternal spear and turned away. With the same powerful weapon, he could not start remotely like Odin. He walked over and started it in person.

"Sor, don't blame me, I have given you a chance to spend your old age, your self-righteous partners, ruin it! In that case, then you can only be-dead!"

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