Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 220: Hey, Rocky

Chapter 220: Hey, Rocky

In New Mexico, Thors Hammer chased to the ground, temporary base, and temporary interrogation room.

Coulson is carrying out a unilateral verbal attack on Sol that is tragic () without (wishful) human (no) Tao (already)-

"You hurt a lot of my agents. They are all top-notch in the world. Now they are as fragile as instant noodles. You are proud."


"Judging from my experience, such a skill must have undergone highly professional and comprehensive training so that you can deal with them and tell me where are you trained? Bakista? Chechnya? Afghanistan?"


"You feel like a mercenary again, have you served in South Africa?"


"Vicious consortia will pay large commissions and hire mercenaries like you to do things. How much can you get?"


Regardless of how Colson knocked on the side, Sol and was hit by the "no lift", even looked up at Colson and owed it, let alone answered his question.

This... even though Coulson is a powerful interrogation expert, facing an object that does not have any feedback, he is helpless and helpless, and can only ask the most direct: "Who are you?"

This sentence seemed to break Saul's silence, subconsciously remembering who he was, and raised his eyes to look at Coulson, but still had no intention of answering.

"In any case, we will find anything we want to know, we are very good!"


What Coleson still had to say was that the communicator at his waist sounded. After glancing at it, Coleson walked out, not forgetting to warn, "Don't run around, or you won't be as gentle as now." "

After talking, Coulson pushed out the door, and after closing the door, the reflection on the glass showed a lean man in a trench coat, full of savvy breath that was only conspirators.

He was standing in front of Sol, where Coulson had stood before. Naturally, Sol also saw him, and he looked up subconsciously, unexpectedly, it was-

"Rocky, what are you doing here?"

"I have to see you." Rocky's tone was low, what was brewing.

"What's the matter?" Sol heard Rocky's tone and felt uncomfortable: "Is it related to the Divine Realm? Can I explain it to the Father? I..."

"Father King..." Loki interrupted Saul's words and uttered Saul's unbelievable words: "Dead!"

It is indeed unbelievable. As the king of the kingdom of God, Odin, he has the most top strength in the nine kingdoms, the supreme **** of Asgard, is in charge of the prosperity and prosperity of the nine kingdoms, and fights for the four sides of his life. , Without a defeat.

And now, his brother, Loki, told him that his father, the omnipotent **** of Odin, the ruler of the Nine Realms, and the universe's strongest man-dead?

In response, Sol's answer was only at a loss: "what?"

"The matter of exile you is brewing a war, but that risk is too great, you have to blame yourself." Loki did not answer Sol, but said other things lightly and provoke a few words Saul deeply blamed himself, and this did not stop. He continued to guide Sauls thinking: "I know you love the father king, I try to explain to the father king... but he does not listen, take you away. The power of Thors Hammer is cruel, even if you know you cant lift it..."

Just a few words. All of Thors inner pains were tempted by Loki. He placed it clearly on his face, and at a glance he could understand how painful he is now.

Seeing this, Loki couldn't help but show off: "Now the responsibility of the king falls on my head."

With this sentence, Saul seemed to see hope, raised his head to look at Loki, and gently asked, "Can I go home?"

"The armistice agreement of the Kingdom of God includes the exile of you forever." Loki broke Sol's illusion without hesitation.

"But... is there no other way?" Sol finally fought for the opportunity.

"The mother also agreed to your warning." Rocky said, letting Sol lose all hope.

The mother who loved him most agreed, and the father died again, it seems... really can only live an ordinary life on earth?

"It's time to say goodbye, brother." Many words will be lost, Loki sees his goal achieved, and is ready to say goodbye, but he does not forget the comforting sentence when he plays and completes the set: "I deeply regret."

The implication is that he can't help you except regretting the accident for you.

"No!" Sol suddenly seemed to figure out something, and for the first time faced his mistake: "I should say sorry...Thank you for coming here and telling me this."

Suddenly, he grew up and learned what he had never learned before. This is the reason his father taught him with "death".

"Farewell, brother!" Rocky said finally, and turned away.

"Goodbye..." Sol said lately ~~ but not goodbye, but goodbye.

Coincidentally, Coulson happened to deal with the matter and pushed in from the door. He happened to hear Sol's "again" words, and he glanced at the temporary interrogation room doubtfully. After the others, I was very puzzled: "Goodbye? I just came in!"


Thunder God's hammer fell, except for Zhang Lan who was sitting on the side, no one was there. Agents and researchers were dismissed by him. Only he was welcoming the coming god.

I have been alert to Zhang Lan around me. The location I chose is very good. Naturally, I saw the freehand, slowly coming Rocky. He thought that he used proud illusion. The ordinary people in this world must not be able to see him, but ......He never imagined that as a writing eye of the magic nemesis, Zhang Lan could clearly see Loki's figure, and even because of the demigod's body, he could even see the corner of Loki's mouth. The arc of a silk smile.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with his wisdom and acting skills in order to conceal Saul's position of sitting on the **** king without any blood.

In the words of the earth of the previous life, that is-Sol owes him an Oscar.

After discovering his goal, Zhang Lan did not speak out, and even did not look directly at Loki, but used the afterglow of the eye to observe Loki, watching him walk to the Thor's Hammer, looking at his elegant one-handed Want to raise Thor's hammer, continue to look at him regardless of elegance, his hands are on the line, his right foot is still pedaling on the mound, like Sol before, delusional use of brute force to pull it up.

Naturally, it goes without saying that failure is inevitable.

This result made Zhang Lan grin involuntarily and said hello: "Hey, Loki, you seem to be interested in Arnius?"

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