Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 142: Lost family

Chapter 142: Lost family

The three bullet targets pointed directly at Zhang Lan's heart, right leg, and head.

The shooting is indeed stable, accurate, and ruthless. Unfortunately, people are talents, but the gun is not a good gun. The bullet hits the surging sand stream, and after seemingly brave rotation for a few times, it is unable to fall on the ground, sending out a slap. sound.

The scene fell into a tense atmosphere. After hearing the unusual fighting, three fully-armed agents also rushed in from outside, holding the submachine gun in their hands, and quickly locked Zhang Lan pointed by the pistol.

"Stop!" Fury climbed up from the ground and stopped drinking: "Stop it! No shots! No alert!"

Hearing the directors order, the three agents Fang came in with their guns pointed down and pointed at the ground in order to avoid accidental injury. As for the other agent who had broken his leg earlier, hesitated and put away the pistol, It was inserted into the holster on the left leg, but the safety buckle was not fastened.

"Lan, I understand how you feel, but you can't panic now." Fury came over, intentionally or unintentionally, between the four agents and Zhang Lan: "The situation is now, the agent protecting the target, four minutes ago Missing the trace of the target, on her way home from the hospital, in Queens, the agent was still waiting for instructions, and I also mobilized other police forces."

Zhang Lan, who had learned the details, gradually calmed down, ignoring Fury and others, and pressed his left hand on the left ear hole, calling in his mouth: "Phantom, call Harry and Peter."

"Sorry, Blue, there are no contact numbers for Harry Osbourne and Peter Parker in my data." Phantom's voice sounded at the right time.

"Extract from my phone, now."

Zhang Lan simply didn't have time to care too much. While Phantom was extracting the number, he took out the card of the Phantom suit from the system space and directly dressed on the spot.

It is different from the cool dress of the Saint Cloth. The dress of the Phantom Suit starts from the center of the eyebrows. The card melts into a layer of blue light, covering the whole body of Zhang Lan at a very fast speed, and then the appearance of the Phantom Battle Dress is swiftly. Formed into a phantom suit.

After putting on the phantom suit, Zhang Lan stepped towards the broken balcony, his fingers flew open at the same time, and his mouth was not idle:

"Tony, this is Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was founded by your father, so he can be trusted. I will leave first, leaving a shadow avatar."

NinjutsuThe Art of Shadow Doppelganger

Splitting a shadow, Zhang Lan also walked to the balcony, rising up from the ground, jumping up to a height of five or six meters. A three-meter-long energy flame rises from a layer of sonic booms.


A sonic boom followed, announcing the message that Zhang Lan had left.

The shadow avatar that was left behind, walked somberly to the agent who was hurt by himself, and that was how she looked.

This is also an acquaintance beauty agent, she is-


"Sorry, Blue, Mr. Harry and Mr. Peter's communication is not connected. Do you need to invade the New York surveillance system?" Mirage said.

"Yes, invade the New York surveillance system, find out the location of Aunt May, and intercept the signal of my mobile phone. Any outside calls directly connect to the armor, do you understand?" Zhang Lan responded impatiently.

"Okay, blue."

Next, time is quiet, Zhang Lan is anxious and doesn't want to talk at all.

The speed of sound is 340m/s, and the straight-line distance between New York and Los Angeles is about 4,000 kilometers. With the current triple speed of the phantom suit, it only takes about an hour to cross this distance.

The reactor that Tony gave him to make is not a miniature, but is between a medium-sized and a miniature. It is a small ark reactor, which is enough for Phantom Warframe to fully open for more than two hours.

As for charging, it only takes a small amount of energy points, and the system can do it for you.

While waiting patiently, a call came in. Unfortunately, it was not the call Zhang Lan expected.

"Natasha, how is your situation?"

"Blue, it's awful, you didn't tell me this guy will get bigger and thicker, and it's very green!" Natasha's breathless voice.

"Sorry, I was negligent. Are you okay?"

"My question is not big, General Roses army is different, the casualties are heavy, the whole factory was destroyed by the guy, now I want to ask you, do I just give this big boxer to it, and then I can retreat ?"

"In principle, this is the case, but if I can, I hope to be able to ask you to follow him in secret, and I need to keep up with him."

"Um... well, I try my best."

"Thank you very much. Now I have something to do. When you come back to New York and come to me, I will give you a gift. You will like it."

"Okay, looking forward to your gift."

The call ends here.

Zhang Lan has a sullen face~~ Until now, Phantom still has not retrieved the figures of Aunt May, Harry, and Peter. This can be good news or bad news.

The good news: At least they have unexpected clear news, and they have not been settled.

Bad news: Most likely they were taken away by Hydra.

The Phantom suit is fast. Without any clue, Zhang Lan chose to return to Brooklyn's home first.

When he arrived over the house, Zhang Lan was not quite sure that this was his warm home in the past.

The entire house is already dilapidated. The original three-storey small house is now in ruins. The flames are still burning, indicating that it once existed.

In this scene, Zhang Lan's face jumped involuntarily, and the whole face was pulled down, squeezing out a few words from the teeth:

"Nine! Head! Snake! Do not destroy you, I Zhang Lan vow not to be human!"

"Blue, the suit is equipped with an independent flight reconnaissance device, is it open? You can retrieve the places that are not irradiated by the camera within five kilometers." Phantom opened promptly.

"Flight Detector? Great, use it immediately."

With Zhang Lan's authorization, the arms and legs of the Phantom Costume opened, and a robot like a mosquito lined up neatly. Under the activation of the Phantom, they fluttered their wings and spread out.

Zhang Lan was not idle, driving the phantom suit to fly to the location where Aunt May disappeared. The agent responsible for protection was still there. It was better to find him in the past to understand the situation than to catch blind now.

Far away, Zhang Lan captured the so-called agent in the sky.

A fat man with a frivolous face, the most important thing is, the information feedback from the system, this guy...

[Please read the original article, to be continued]

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