Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2184 Transformation (2)

Chapter 2184 Transformation (2)

With each transformation, a surge of power coursed through Yun Lintian. His Divine Core, previously a swirling vortex of energy, solidified into a crystalline orb, pulsing with vibrant hues. It mirrored the Tree of Life within, reflecting the fusion of power and essence.

The very air around Yun Lintian crackled with energy. The aura emanating from him grew in intensity, shifting from the vibrant crimson of a Lower God Realm to a blazing golden hue, signifying his ascension to the Middle God Realm.

But the metamorphosis wasn't complete. The golden light intensified, pushing past the limits of the Middle God Realm, and finally, with a resounding boom, settled on a breathtaking sapphire blue, the color of a High God Realm.

A wave of power surged through Yun Lintian, so potent that it pushed Shan Que, Tian He and Shi Xuan back several steps.

A tremor ran through the air, a ripple of raw power emanating from Yun Lintian's still form. The serene facade of his unconscious face held no hint of the tempest raging within.

His body, once ravaged by the chaotic power of time, now became the crucible where chaos and control danced a precarious tango.

Shan Que watched, his emerald eyes wide with awe and trepidation. The ethereal glow that had lingered from his touch flickered erratically, a testament to the unpredictable nature of the energy coursing through Yun Lintian.

Behind him, Tian He's weathered face etched with concern mirrored the sentiment.


Suddenly, a guttural groan tore from Yun Lintian's lips. His eyelids fluttered, revealing a glimpse of golden light beneath before snapping shut again. Wrinkles etched themselves across his previously youthful face, a horrifying tableau of rapid aging unfolding before their eyes.

Tian He and the other two stared at Yun Lintian with solemn expressions.

Before their gazes, the horrifying transformation accelerated. Yun Lintian's once vibrant skin turned papery and thin, his hair turning a stark white, the vibrant life force draining from his form.

Just as despair threatened to consume them, a jolt of energy pulsed from him, reversing the process with an unnatural snap. His skin regained its youthful sheen, the wrinkles vanishing like phantoms, replaced by the flush of returning vitality.

The cycle repeated, a macabre dance of aging and rejuvenation. With each iteration, the time it took for him to age and revert back seemed to shorten. It was as if his body was slowly acclimating to the torrent of temporal energy, building a tolerance against its destructive force.

"This is madness." Shi Xuan spoke with a frown. "He'll tear himself apart at this rate!"

Shan Que, his brow furrowed in deep thought, remained silent. He raised a hand, silencing the others. A faint emerald glow emanated from his palm, weaving intricate patterns in the air. This wasn't a healing technique, but a diagnostic one, a desperate attempt to understand the phenomenon unfolding before them.

"There's… a counterpoint within him," Shan Que murmured finally, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and trepidation. "A force opposing the temporal energy. It's… harmonizing with it, somehow."

His words hung heavy in the air, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. If Yun Lintian wasn't simply being ravaged by the power of time, but actively integrating it, there might be a chance for him to emerge from this ordeal unscathed.

Just as hope flickered, a blinding golden light erupted from Yun Lintian's body. The furniture in the hut groaned in protest, the very air crackling with raw power. The light intensified, transforming the space into a golden sanctuary, banishing the shadows and casting an ethereal glow on their faces.

The hut, once a haven of tranquility, trembled under the raw power unleashed. Dust motes danced in the air, illuminated by the golden glow emanating from within.

Shan Que, Tian He, and Shi Xuan shielded their eyes with their forearms, bracing against the surge of energy. When the light finally subsided, leaving behind a ringing silence, they cautiously lowered their arms.

The sight that greeted them was both awe-inspiring and unnerving. The modest hut had transformed into a shimmering golden cocoon, pulsating with a gentle luminescence. The air around it crackled with an unseen energy, a barrier preventing any intrusion.

Shan Que, his emerald aura dimmed but still active, scrutinized the cocoon. "He's sealed himself within. The power is too much, even for his newly acquired strength."

"What now?" Shi Xuan asked, his voice laced with concern.

Shan Que pondered for a moment, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. "We wait," he finally declared. "The cocoon will shield him from external forces while he integrates the power. We cannot interfere. It's his battle to win."

A heavy silence descended upon the trio. The once vibrant hut, now a silent custodian of Yun Lintian's ordeal, became a stark reminder of the precarious situation.

"Hold on," Tian He interjected, a thought sparking in his mind. "What about that young woman..."

Shan Que's brow furrowed. The weight of their discovery had momentarily pushed Yue Yun from his thoughts.

He cast a glance at the golden cocoon, its surface shimmering faintly. "Perhaps," he admitted cautiously, "she might be spared."

Shi Xuan's frown deepened. While he remained ignorant of Yue Yun's true identity, the prospect of her suffering due to their negligence sat ill with him.

"Really? That's the power of time we are talking about." Shi Xuan pressed, his voice laced with skepticism.

Tian He offered Shi Xuan a sidelong glance but remained silent. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavy in the air.

Sensing Tian He's hesitation, suspicion flickered across Shi Xuan's face. "Are you keeping something from me?"

Shan Que met Tian He's gaze, a silent communication passing between them.

Finally, Shan Que spoke. "The choice is yours, old friend."

Tian He pondered for a moment, a silent debate raging within him. With a slow shake of his head, he decided, "Let's hold off on this conversation. We should ensure her safety first."

Yue Yun's true identity was a tightrope walk. Tian He wouldn't risk revealing it by involving a third party, even someone as trusted as Shi Xuan.

Though frustrated, Shi Xuan refrained from further prying. "What's the next step then?" he inquired.

Tian He turned to his old friend, his gaze filled with concern. "Are you going back? Perhaps I can offer some assistance?"

"This is my burden to bear," Shi Xuan replied calmly, his voice devoid of arrogance.

His primary concern was Tian He's well-being. A journey to the Dragon God Ancestral Land in his current condition would be a perilous undertaking, tantamount to a suicide mission.

"But I have something to do here. Maybe you can help." Shi Xuan said further.

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