Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2137 Mastery (1)

Chapter 2137 Mastery (1)

Yun Lintian stared in shock at the obsidian serpent. The aura it exuded belonged undoubtedly to a True God. How could such an existence reside in this lake?

The obsidian serpent turned its gaze to Tian He and spoke with annoyance, "What do you want, Old Jiang?"

Tian He smiled. "I've told you, my surname is Tian now. Can you drop that scared surname?"

The obsidian serpent scoffed. "Still stings, does it?"

Tian He ignored the jab and continued, "Do you want your freedom? I can offer you a chance. Defeat him, and you're free to go."

"Hmm?" The obsidian serpent narrowed its eyes at Yun Lintian. "Are you serious? You want me to fight this… little sprout? Are you bored of keeping me cooped up?"

Tian He chuckled. "However, you'll need to restrict your strength to the God Ascension Realm. Up for the challenge?"

The obsidian serpent studied Tian He's expression intently. "Really? No tricks this time?"

Tian He sighed. "Old Shi, how long have we known each other? When have I ever lied to you?"

"Every other time!" The obsidian serpent, now revealed as Shi Xuan snorted coldly. "How else did I end up here if not for one of your schemes?"

Tian He spread his arms with a mock innocent expression. "You can't blame me entirely. You walked right into it."

"Bastard!" Shi Xuan cursed in mock anger.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to Yun Lintian. "Boy, why fight a losing battle? Let's save ourselves some time, shall we?"

Tang He looked at Yun Lintian with a smile, waiting to see his reaction.

Yun Lintian, however, remained unfazed by the exchange between the two ancient beings. A calmness settled over him, replacing the initial shock.

He understood the weight of the situation – a True God, albeit restricted, was a formidable opponent. Yet, a flicker of determination ignited within him. This was a chance, perhaps a reckless one, but another chance nonetheless to test his limits and refine his control over the laws.

He met Shi Xuan's appraising gaze, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Senior Shi Xuan, I appreciate your concern, but backing down is not in my nature. A spar against a seasoned expert like yourself is a valuable opportunity for this junior."

Shi Xuan raised an eyebrow, surprised by the young man's unwavering spirit. It was rare to find such audacity in someone so young, especially when faced with a being of his caliber.

A smirk formed on his obsidian scales. "Very well, little sprout. Don't come crying to me when you get squashed."


With a flick of his tail, Shi Xuan propelled himself towards the center of the lake, creating a massive wave that crashed against the shore. The water churned and rippled, the power of a God Ascension subtly pulsating through the air.

Yun Lintian didn't waste any time. Raising his hand, he channeled his divine energy, and seven streaks of light materialized in the air before him. They were the seven elemental swords.

Each blade shimmered with a distinct aura, radiating the power of the seven fundamental laws he mastered. One pulsed with crackling electricity, another emanated a fierce heat, and another hummed with the weight of the earth.

A hint of appreciation appeared in Tang He's eyes. He nodded slowly. "Not bad. You've completely mastered over the elemental laws."

Shi Xuan, who was preparing his attack, paused momentarily, a trace of surprise emerged in his eyes. He subconsciously glanced at Tang He and seemed to understand something.

The control Yun Lintian exhibited over such a vast array of laws was indeed impressive, even for someone of his experience.

A competitive glint flickered in Shi Xuan's ancient eyes. "Interesting," he rumbled, his voice echoing across the lake. "Let's see if your control can match my strength."


With renewed vigor, Shi Xuan lunged forward, his massive body coiling into a tight spiral before launching himself towards Yun Lintian like a living projectile.

The air crackled as he moved, the water beneath him parting like a frightened serpent.

Yun Lintian remained composed. With a flick of his wrist, the seven swords danced around him, forming a mesmerizing formation. Each blade moved in perfect harmony, their movements dictated not by brute force, but by the intricate calculations of the Law of Space.

The swords wove a net of shimmering light around Yun Lintian, anticipating Shi Xuan's attack.

A cold grin stretched across Shi Xuan's maw as he collided head-on with the shimmering barrier.


The impact was thunderous, sending shockwaves rolling across the lake. The air itself seemed to crackle under the immense pressure.

However, the force of the blow wasn't enough to breach Yun Lintian's defenses. The seven swords, guided by the Law of Space, seamlessly shifted their positions, absorbing and deflecting the brunt of Shi Xuan's attack.

They flowed around his powerful body, channeling the energy away from Yun Lintian like a miniature river diverting a raging flood.

Having fought Feng Jian and Dian Lei in quick succession, Yun Lintian's control over the laws grew even more proficient.

Shi Xuan, momentarily surprised by the unexpected defense, found himself thrown off balance. He had expected to overpower the young man with a single blow, only to be met with such a nuanced and elegant counter.

"Interesting…" Shi Xuan smiled faintly.

"Go!" Yun Lintian seized the opportunity. With a swift gesture, the sword imbued with the Law of Lightning pulsed with an intense electric current. It darted forward, piercing through the gap created by the other blades and leaving a trail of sizzling light in its wake.

Shi Xuan reacted instinctively, whipping his tail sideways to deflect the lightning-charged blade. A loud clang resonated as metal met energy, a testament to Yun Lintian's control over both the Law of Lightning and the material of the sword.

The brief exchange had shifted the tide of the battle. Yun Lintian, initially seen as the underdog, had not only defended himself against a True God's attack but also managed to land a counterattack in the process.

His calm demeanor and precise control over the seven elements instilled a sense of awe even in the battle-hardened Shi Xuan.

"Not bad, little sprout," Shi Xuan rumbled, a hint of respect lacing his voice. "You've got some interesting tricks up your sleeve. But can you keep it up?"

With renewed determination, Shi Xuan launched another assault. This time, he employed the power of the water element…

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