Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2127 Confrontation (3)

Chapter 2127 Confrontation (3)

The battlefield, once desolate, now pulsed with the clash of divine energies. The air crackled with raw power, the scent of ozone hanging thick in the air.

Xiao Shou's white spear, a blur of white light, danced defensively against Bei Cong's relentless assault. Each clang of metal sent vibrations through the ground, threatening to destroy the tomb.

Xiao Shou, his movements smooth and calculated, deflected another blow from the black sword. But this time, Bei Cong followed through with a brutal kick, aiming for Xiao Shou's midsection.

However, anticipation flickered in Xiao Shou's eyes. With a deft maneuver, he ducked under the kick, using the momentum to spin behind Bei Cong.


In a flash, the white spear transformed. Its solid form seemed to melt, then solidify again, now a long, coiling whip.

Xiao Shou lashed out with the whip, its silvery surface singing through the air. It wrapped itself around Bei Cong's wrist with a metallic snap, momentarily disarming him.

"Hmph!" Bei Cong, caught off guard, snorted in frustration. He ripped at the whip with his free hand, but the enchanted metal held firm.

Xiao Shou seized the opportunity. With a twist of his wrist, he yanked the whip taut, pulling Bei Cong off balance.

The Northern Emperor stumbled, his face contorted in surprise.

Xiao Shou didn't waste a moment. He lunged forward, the spear whipping back to its original form. A burst of white light erupted from the spearhead, aimed for Bei Cong's chest. Yet, a shimmering wall of emerald green energy materialized just in time, deflecting the attack.


Dongfang Lou, her eyes narrowed in concentration, held the emerald vortex aloft. The barrage of orchids from Lan Qinghe had taken its toll. Cracks snaked across the energy barrier, threatening its integrity. Dongfang Lou gritted her teeth, channeling more power to maintain the shield.

Lan Qinghe's relentless assault continued. A storm of pale blue orchids swirled around Dongfang Lou, each petal a tiny projectile of celestial light.


Finally, with a deafening crack, the emerald green barrier shattered, showering the battlefield with emerald sparks.

"Ugh!" Dongfang Lou gasped, momentarily exposed. At that precise moment, a bolt of azure light, channeled by Long Qingxuan through the Dragon God's Soul, shot towards her.

This time, Xi Hong intervened. His hulking bear form lumbered forward, a gargantuan earthen shield manifesting in front of him.


The azure bolt slammed into the shield, sending shockwaves rippling outwards. The earthen shield itself crumbled under the impact, but it succeeded in protecting Dongfang Lou.

Li Shan, still calmly seated, continued to spin his teacup. The silver liquid splashed out in a continuous stream, forming a shimmering curtain around him.

"Argh!" Xi Hong's face contorted as the silver liquid touched his fur, leaving behind smoking welts.


Xi Hong attempted a different tactic. He slammed his massive fist into the ground, creating a tremor that shook the very foundation of the battlefield. The tremor caused the silver curtain to waver, momentarily exposing Li Shan.

Just as Xi Hong was about to charge, a booming laughter echoed through the ravaged plain. It was Li Shan, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Finally, a decent show of power! But brute force alone won't win you this battle, my furry friend."

With a flick of his wrist, the spinning teacup increased its speed, the silver liquid forming a miniature tornado around Li Shan. The air crackled with electrical energy, and the scent of ozone grew even stronger.

As the tornado spun faster, a low hum resonated through the air. Then, with a blinding flash of light, the silver liquid transformed. It solidified, morphing into a shimmering silver spear with an intricate design etched along its length. The hum intensified, a sound that vibrated the very core of one's being.

This was Li Shan's true weapon – the Storm Spear, forged from the essence of countless thunderstorms and imbued with the power of pure lightning.

The sight of it sent chills down the spines of even the True Gods, a stark reminder of Li Shan's true fearsome nature hidden beneath his relaxed demeanor.

Bei Cong, Dongfang Lou, and Xi Hong were surprised by the appearance of the Storm Spear.

"You are… the Nine Firmament Li Shan?" Bei Cong uttered with a hint of doubt.

Li Shan was a well-known figure as the city lord of the Nine Firmament City under the Yellow Emperor. Although he had never met Li Shan personally, he had heard his fearsome reputation.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Xi Hong couldn't understand. As far as he knew, Li Shan had long fallen along with the Nine Firmament City. How could he appear here?

Li Shan's laughter boomed again, a sound that echoed through the devastated landscape. "Dead? Now that's a story for another time, my friend. But for now," he pointed the Storm Spear at Xi Hong, the tip crackling with raw lightning energy, "perhaps we can focus on the matter at hand?"

Xi Hong, facing the true might of the Nine Firmament Li Shan, felt a surge of unease. The calm demeanor of the tea-sipping man was completely gone, replaced by an aura of cold, calculating power. The Storm Spear seemed to hum with a life of its own, a hungry predator eager to unleash its fury.

"Looks like we've miscalculated this time." Xi Hong said coldly.

"A common mistake," Li Shan replied, his voice devoid of humor. The silver spear in his hand sparked as he twirled it with practiced ease.

Xi Hong, despite his apprehension, wasn't one to back down from a challenge. His bear form bristled with energy, the air around him crackling with an unseen power. "You want a fight? You'll get one!"


With a roar that shook the very heavens, Xi Hong charged. This time, however, he wasn't just relying on brute force. A faint black light emanated from his bear form, swirling around him like a protective aura.

The black light intensified, coalescing around Xi Hong until it formed a complete armor, each piece intricately crafted, adorned with an archaic script that pulsed with otherworldly energy.

Xiao Shou and Lan Qinghe turned solemn. They recognized the armor – the embodiment of Xi Hong's True God form, a manifestation of his deepest understanding of the laws of the earth.

For a True God, achieving a True God form was a monumental feat. It represented the culmination of their cultivation, a physical manifestation of their mastery over the fundamental laws of the universe. Each True God form was unique, reflecting the individual's chosen path and domain.

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