Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2121 Nightmare (2)

Chapter 2121 Nightmare (2)

The cavern shuddered violently, raining down debris.

From the corner of his eye, Dian Lei saw a massive boulder teetering precariously on the edge of the collapsing ceiling. It was aimed directly at Yun Lintian.

In that split second, Dian Lei knew what he had to do. With a final, desperate roar, he lunged towards the boulder, channeling the last vestiges of his power into strengthening his body.

The impact was earth-shattering. The boulder exploded into a million fragments, showering Dian Lei and the unconscious Yun Lintian beneath a cascade of rock and dust.

The white light emanating from Dian Lei flickered and died. Silence descended once more, broken only by the groans of the collapsing cavern. The fate of the True God and the young man, both caught in the aftermath of a forbidden technique, hung in the balance.

As for the rift, Dian Lei's desperate attempt had only bought a moment's reprieve. The chaotic tendrils writhed more violently, pushing against the white light barrier with renewed vigor. It was a battle of wills, a desperate struggle against an entity yearning to break free into their world.

Whether the barrier would hold, or whether the monstrosity from beyond would succeed in breaching the veil, was a question left unanswered amidst the swirling dust and the impending collapse of the cavern.

A moment later, the dust settled, revealing a scene of utter devastation. The already crumbled cavern was now a tomb of crushed rock and rubble. The air hung thick with the scent of destruction, a fitting testament to the epic clash that had just transpired.

Amidst the debris lay Yun Lintian, his body buried beneath a smaller pile of stones. He remained blissfully unaware of the new danger that had emerged from his desperate gamble. The corrupted Heaven Piercing Sword, devoid of its earlier glow, lay abandoned inches away from him.


Suddenly, a shimmering light shot out of Yun Lintian's interspatial ring, piercing through the oppressive darkness. It emanated from a point far above the rubble, near the gaping hole in the cavern ceiling.

As the dust cleared further, the source of the light became apparent – a translucent figure with a flowing white dress, her features obscured by a soft, ethereal glow.

The figure descended gracefully, her movements as silent as falling snow. She landed softly beside Yun Lintian, her shimmering form casting an otherworldly glow upon the young man.

A wave of unease washed over the scene. This being, whoever she was, radiated an otherworldly aura that defied comprehension. It was a mix of power and serenity, a stark contrast to the raw chaos that still pulsed from the rift in the distance.

The figure knelt beside Yun Lintian, extending a hand towards him. Her touch was cool and ethereal, yet it sent a jolt of energy coursing through the young man's battered body. A faint pulse of life force flickered within him, a sign of his lingering resilience.

As the light surrounding the figure intensified, a voice echoed through the cavern, soft and melodic yet resonating with power.

"Such a reckless gamble," the voice spoke, laced with a hint of disapproval. "You always walk a dangerous path… just like your father."

The voice belonged to the woman, though her lips remained motionless. It seemed as though she communicated through a form of telepathy, one that bypassed the limitations of the physical world.

Yun Lintian, however, remained oblivious. The desperate battle and the subsequent collapse had taken their toll. He was lost in the realm of dreams, his body teetering on the edge of life and death.

The figure sighed, a sound that echoed like the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze. It was evident concern tinged with a hint of urgency.

She placed her other hand on the hilt of the corrupted Heaven Piercing Sword, her eyes narrowing as the dark veins on its surface pulsed faintly.

"The consequences of your actions are far-reaching," the woman spoke again, a flicker of worry crossing her otherwise serene countenance. "This blade… has lost its edge."

With a gentle motion, she lifted the sword, its dark aura momentarily suppressed by her touch. The remaining tendrils of energy within the blade dissipated, leaving behind a faint hum that resonated with the woman's own aura.

The Heaven Piercing Sword returned to its original appearance but its former sharp aura had disappeared.

"This should be enough. You will eventually regain your power in no time." The woman said softly.


Suddenly, a tremor shook the cavern. The rift, weakened by Dian Lei's last stand, pulsed with renewed intensity. The chaotic tendrils writhed more violently, threatening to break through the white light barrier at any moment.

The woman's eyes flickered towards the rift, a flicker of coldness replacing her earlier concern.

"Unfortunately," she declared, her voice laced with an unwavering resolve. "This world… it is not yet ready for such a burden."


With a swift gesture, she raised the purified Heaven Piercing Sword high above her head. The blade glowed with an ethereal white light, its earlier corruptions seemingly purged by the woman's touch.

A wave of pure, unadulterated power surged from the woman, filling the cavern and pushing back the oppressive darkness. The tremors ceased, and the rift, momentarily stunned by the sudden display of power, faltered.

However, she knew it wouldn't last. The entity behind the rift was a being of immense power, its hunger for release an insatiable force. A single, decisive blow was needed to seal the breach and ensure the safety of this world.

"This is not your place," the woman uttered coldly.


As she spoke, the white light surrounding her intensified, engulfing the cavern in a blinding glow. Then, with an ear-

splitting shriek, the woman lunged towards the rift, the purified Heaven Piercing Sword held aloft like a beacon of hope against the encroaching chaos.

Suddenly, a cold voice, as smooth as obsidian and dripping with malice, echoed from the churning chaos within the rift. "How long can you protect him? He is but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. A mere pawn, destined to be consumed by the inevitable."

The woman, bathed in the ethereal glow of her own power, ignored the taunt. Her focus remained unwavering, her translucent form almost blending with the white light emanating from her.

With a flick of her wrist, the purified Heaven Piercing Sword sang a crystalline note, its white light intensifying into a dazzling beam that pierced the very fabric of reality….

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