Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2103 Eternal Slumber (5)

Chapter 2103 Eternal Slumber (5)

A tense silence descended upon the group as they stared in awe and trepidation at the colossal metal statue.

"Though it doesn't possess life force," Yun Lintian broke the silence. His voice echoing in the vast chamber, "it seems to be connected to the True God energy we sensed earlier. Perhaps it's some kind of vessel."

Li Shan glanced at the path ahead and said, "The trail of metallic dust leads to a hidden passage. Someone, or something, has been tampering with this statue."

Tang Wei, still shaken by the sight, managed to stammer, "But... who? And why?"

Yun Lintian, his eyes narrowed in thought, shook his head. "There are too many questions and not enough answers. We need to explore this hidden passage and see where it leads. Perhaps it will shed some light on who built these constructs and their purpose in this sanctum."

Yun Lintian sighed inwardly. It would be good if Lin Yitong were here. With her vast experience, she must know something.

"Are we sure this is a good idea, Brother Yun? Who knows what dangers lie beyond that passage?" Tang Wei asked hesitantly.

Yun Lintian glanced at him and said, "You can stay here or return to the outside."

Tang Wei subconsciously glanced at his sister, seeking her opinion.

Tang Yumei considered for a moment before firmly stating, "We will go with you."

Though aware of the danger, she believed their chances of survival were better by sticking with Yun Lintian's group.

"Then let's go," Yun Lintian spoke up.

With a shared glance of determination, Yun Lintian took the lead, following the trail of shimmering dust through the narrow passage. It was a tight squeeze, the rough-hewn walls scraping against their clothes. The air grew thick and stale, carrying a faint, metallic tang.

After a seemingly endless trek through the oppressive darkness, the passage finally opened into a cavernous chamber. The sight that greeted them was unlike anything they had encountered before.

In the center of the chamber stood a vast metallic platform, pulsing with a faint blue light. Towering above it, a single flickering lantern cast an ethereal glow on the scene. But it was the objects scattered across the platform that truly captured their attention.

Dozens of metallic tubes, each roughly the size of a human, were arranged in a complex formation. Runes, similar to the ones adorning the walls of the corridor, glowed faintly on their surfaces, hinting at their arcane purpose.

"These symbols..." Lan Qinghe said, her voice laced with wonder. "They bear a striking resemblance to ancient texts on the metallic core we saw previously."

Meanwhile, Yun Lintian and Lin Xinyao exchanged glances. This setup was similar to the Hell Church lab they saw back on Earth. The place where Project Eve was being experimented… What happened here?

"Look!" Tang Wei suddenly exclaimed, his voice sharp with urgency. He pointed towards one of the tubes. Unlike the others, this one pulsed with a faint red glow, and a swirling mist of dark energy emanated from its surface.

Yun Lintian and the others stared at it carefully, a chilling realization dawned on them. The dormant True God energy they had sensed earlier was now active, contained within this very tube.

Tang Wei let out a strangled gasp, his eyes wide with terror. "This... this is bad, isn't it?"

Yun Lintian didn't answer. His gaze remained fixed on the pulsating tube, a sense of foreboding churning in his gut. This discovery changed everything. Someone, or something, had awakened a dormant power within God's Sanctum. And the feeling of unease gnawing at them intensified with every passing second.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed throughout the chamber, resonating with a power that made their very souls tremble. It emanated from a disembodied source, seemingly from the very walls themselves.

"Welcome, chosen ones," the voice reverberated, laced with a sinister amusement. "You have arrived at just the right moment."

Yun Lintian and his companions glanced around vigilantly, trying to locate the owner of the voice.

A tense silence descended upon the chamber, punctuated only by the rhythmic pulse of the metallic tube containing the awakened True God energy.

"Show yourself," Li Shan said coldly. The silver spear silently appeared in his hand.

The voice boomed once more, its tone heavy with arrogance.

"A True God? Not bad." A chuckle could be heard.

Suddenly, the platform housing the metallic tubes began to rise, bathed in an ominous crimson glow. The air crackled with a malevolent energy, causing goosebumps to rise on Yun Lintian's and his companions' arms.

A figure materialized from the blinding light, its outline vaguely humanoid but shrouded in a swirling vortex of dark energy. Its presence was overwhelming, radiating an aura of power that crushed the spirits of those present.

Tang Wei collapsed to his knees, his face contorted in terror. Tang Yumei stood beside him, her hand gripping her brother's shoulder tightly, her own body trembling.

Yun Lintian narrowed his eyes, activating his Eyes of Heaven. Through the swirling darkness, he glimpsed a skeletal figure within the vortex, its bones a sickly green and pulsing with an unnatural light.

"A corpse refiner," Lan Qinghe suddenly spoke. Her face turned serious. "I remember it now. Those texts are the forgotten carrion texts."

The black figure glanced at Lan Qinghe curiously. "Hmm? This aura… You must be someone from the Nine Heavens Realm."

"Are you a member of the Flesh Weaver Sect?" Lan Qinghe asked calmly.

The black figure chuckled and said further. "It seems you possess more knowledge than you let on."

"From the look of it, you must be Gu Buxiu, the sect founder." Lan Qinghe said further.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The black figure clapped his hands. "I will give you a full score. Indeed, I am Gu Buxiu. I never expected someone to recognize me after all these years."

Lan Qinghe ignored him, turning to Yun Lintian. "The Flesh Weaver Sect was created after the Primordial War," she explained. "Gu Buxiu seized the opportunity during the chaos to rise in power. Rumors say billions were refined into his puppets. Later, he was hunted down and vanished."

Yun Lintian nodded gently. There were many forgotten histories he had never known and he wasn't surprised much at the appearance of Gu Buxiu.

A chilling grin spread across Gu Buxiu's skeletal face. "Vanished? No, my dear. I merely bided my time, searching for the key to ascend beyond the limitations of this world."

He gestured towards the pulsating tubes with his skeletal hand. "And now I have found it."

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