Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2099 Eternal Slumber (1)

Chapter 2099 Eternal Slumber (1)

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed deeply. There was no doubt the other recipient was Si Junyi. While he had anticipated this outcome, it still proved troublesome.

He didn't think that Si Junyi in real life would be as easy to defeat as the one he encountered in the illusion. Not to mention the Hell Asura.

The spectral figure continued, "The inner area of the God Tomb is where ancient gods find their eternal rest. The arrival of people like yourselves has disturbed their slumber. Be wary."

Yun Lintian studied the spectral figure intently before asking, "You are the Tomb Protector. Why do you allow everyone to enter?"

The spectral figure's amusement dimmed slightly, replaced by a hint of melancholy. "The God Tomb…" it began, its voice echoing with a sense of long-forgotten history, "is not just a resting place for the dead. It is a repository of knowledge, power, and even fragments of divinity left behind by the fallen gods."

A long pause followed the spectral figure seeming to reminisce about a bygone era. Finally, it spoke again. "The trials within were not created by me, but by the will of the gods themselves. They serve as a filter, a way to test those who seek their legacy. Only those deemed worthy by the trials are allowed to venture deeper."

Intrigued by the spectral figure's explanation, Yun Lintian pressed, "Are you saying this is the intention of the gods themselves?"

The spectral figure sighed, a sound like wind whistling through a desolate graveyard. "The gods… they are but echoes of their former selves now. Their consciousness faded with time, leaving behind only fragments of their power and memories."

"Perhaps," it continued, its voice gaining a hint of hope, "the arrival of those seeking their legacy might reignite a spark within them. A chance, however slim, for them to awaken once more, or perhaps… to find a new form of existence."

Yun Lintian pondered this revelation. It wasn't just about obtaining power or knowledge; the God Tomb might hold the key to reviving these fallen deities. "What about the corrupting influence I witnessed in the trial? Was it just an illusion?" he inquired, the memory of Si Junyi's dark transformation still fresh in his mind.

The spectral figure's expression turned grim. "That… is a consequence of tampering with forces beyond mortal comprehension. The Great Law of Death is a double-edged sword. It offers immense power but at the cost of succumbing to its corrupting influence."

"The trials," it explained further, "were also meant to identify those susceptible to such corruption. Ideally, only those with pure hearts and unwavering resolve would be allowed to proceed."

A flicker of concern crossed Yun Lintian's face. "Then Si Junyi…" he started, but the spectral figure cut him off.

"He… is a cause for concern. The darkness within him seems… different. More potent, more malicious than what is typically encountered." The figure shook its head, the white light around it shimmering faintly.

"However," the figure continued. "Si Junyi has absolute control over his power. The one you saw in the illusion realm earlier was an illusion created by the tiny understanding of his power."

Yun Lintian nodded slowly. It made sense. After all, Si Junyi, as the true heir of the God of Death, wouldn't struggle to control the Great Law of Death. That would be a mockery of his heritage.

A sudden realization struck Yun Lintian. But what if he, himself, couldn't control it?

The spectral figure looked at Yun Lintian and said. "The power you are holding… is something I have never seen. Your arrival here must be an arrangement of fate."

It took a deep look at Yun Lintian and continued. "You have passed the trial. Good luck."

With a final nod, the spectral figure began to fade. The white light particles swirled and coalesced, forming a shimmering portal in the center of the arena. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, beckoning Yun Lintian forward.

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed in confusion. Could it be the protector truly wasn't aware of his identity?

Shaking his head, Yun Lintian took a step forward and disappeared into the portal.

The shimmering portal deposited Yun Lintian into a world bathed in an ethereal twilight. Gone was the sterile white of the arena, replaced by cavernous walls that seemed to stretch endlessly into the darkness. The air hung heavy, thick with the scent of dust and something else – a faint, metallic tang that sent a shiver down Yun Lintian's spine.

Above, a breathtaking vista unfolded. Instead of a ceiling, a canopy of swirling mists stretched as far as the eye could see, punctuated by countless shimmering points of light.

Were those… stars? Or something else entirely? The sheer scale of it all was overwhelming, leaving Yun Lintian feeling like a speck in a cosmic ocean.

The ground beneath him was a mosaic of cracked and worn stone tiles, remnants of some ancient structure long lost to time. Moss and strange, luminescent fungi clung to the edges, their bioluminescence casting an eerie, green glow on the surroundings.

In the distance, colossal pillars, carved with indecipherable glyphs, jutted up from the gloom, hinting at a forgotten civilization.

Silence, heavy and oppressive, hung in the air. It wasn't the peaceful quiet of nature, but a silence charged with an unspoken power, a sense of something ancient and terrible slumbering beneath the surface. Every so often, a ghostly moan or a distant, echoing shriek would pierce the stillness, sending shivers down Yun Lintian's spine.

Yun Lintian stood on the ground, waiting for Lin Xinyao and the others to appear.

He waited for a long, tense moment, but the shimmering portal remained silent. No Lin Xinyao, no Long Qingxuan, no familiar faces emerged from the swirling gateway.

Disappointment gnawed at him, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of worry. Had they failed the trials?

Yun Lintian closed his eyes, trying to perceive the connection between him and Qingqing. However, nothing could be found.

Regret gnawed at Yun Lintian. He berated himself for not prioritizing everyone's safety. He should have asked them to stay in the Land of Beyond Heaven before attempting the trial.

Fueled by this realization, Yun Lintian summoned the Gate of Beyond Heaven and stepped through. His first priority was to locate Lan Qinghe and Li Shan.

After a swift explanation, Yun Lintian led the two towards the God Tomb.

Lan Qinghe and Li Shan quickly scanned the surroundings. Even seasoned True Gods like them felt a disquieting sense from the pervasive atmosphere.


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