Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2093 Illusion Palace (2)

Chapter 2093 Illusion Palace (2)

The surrounding crowd shifted slightly, their gazes flickering between the bulky man and Yun Lintian's group. Whispers erupted, filled with a mix of curiosity and morbid amusement.

Yun Lintian remained impassive, his eyes narrowed as he assessed the approaching figure. He could sense a powerful aura emanating from the man, likely at the peak of the High God Realm.

A hint of helplessness flickered across his face as he looked at Lin Xinyao and the others. Despite altering their appearances, it wasn't enough to deter these men from seeking trouble.

"Who are you?" Yun Lintian glanced at the man and asked coolly.

The man threw his head back and laughed, a harsh, grating sound that echoed through the chamber. "You don't have to know, little boy. You will be dead anyway."

Yun Lintian remained unfazed. Ignoring the man's threat, he turned to his companions, his voice calm amidst the rising tension.

"Step back a bit. It's going to be messy." He said gently.

Lin Xinyao and the others smiled and took a few steps back.

Tang Wei and Tang Yumei weren't concerned much after witnessing Yun Lintian's power along the way here. They looked at the bulky man with sympathy. This man had no idea what he had just provoked.

The bulky man narrowed his eyes slightly. He looked at Yun Lintian with a hint of amusement. "At least you know what is going to…"


Before the bulky man could finish his sentence, Yun Lintian lunged forward with inhuman speed. He vanished from sight, leaving only a faint blur in his wake.

The bulky man caught off guard, barely had time to register the movement before a fist materialized inches from his face.

The impact was like a meteor colliding with a mountain. A sickening crunch echoed through the chamber as the man's nose exploded in a spray of blood and bone. His gargantuan body was sent flying backward, slamming into the crowd with enough force to knock them down like dominoes.

Silence descended once more, heavier and more profound than before. The crowd stared in stunned disbelief at the scene before them. The mighty warrior, who moments ago had exuded an aura of invincibility, now lay crumpled on the ground, whimpering in pain.


Yun Lintian landed gracefully on his feet, his expression devoid of emotion. He raised his foot slowly, bringing it down to hover menacingly over the man's head. The pressure from his aura alone pinned the man to the ground, rendering him incapable of even raising an arm in defense.

"Anyone else wants to test their luck?" Yun Lintian's voice rang out, clear and cold, carrying a hint of the power he had just unleashed. His gaze swept across the stunned crowd, daring them to challenge him.

The effect was immediate. The warriors who had been eyeing Yun Lintian with avarice earlier shrank back, their bravado replaced by a healthy dose of fear. The message was clear: mess with him and face the consequences.

Yun Lintian stood tall, his figure radiating an aura of dominance. In that moment, he had established himself as a force to be reckoned with, a predator at the top of the food chain.

The trial grounds, once filled with whispers and anticipation, were now eerily silent, a testament to the respect, or perhaps fear, he had commanded.

Several God Ascension Realm experts in the crowd stared at Yun Lintian in astonishment. Though it was a split second, they could clearly discern a trace of the Law of Space within his earlier punch. If he had wished it, the bulky man would have been disintegrated by now.

Simultaneously, doubt crept into their hearts regarding Yun Lintian's true cultivation level. The immense power he displayed was entirely anomalous. Perhaps, he was a God Ascension Realm expert like themselves, masquerading as a Lower God. After all, the notion of a Lower God vanquishing a High God in a single strike defied all logic.


A guttural roar shattered the reverent silence. The bulky man, fueled by a mixture of fury and humiliation, managed to heave himself off the ground. Blood streamed down his face, a grotesque tapestry adorning his already fearsome visage.

"You… you dare!" he bellowed, his voice thick with rage. "Brothers! Help me teach this little prick a lesson!"

He hadn't expected Yun Lintian's strength, much less his audacity and the pain served as a stark reminder of his predicament. With a sweeping gesture, he called upon his comrades.

In his opinion, he suffered a loss because Yun Lintian launched a sneak attack.


From the throng of spectators, four figures emerged. Each radiated a powerful aura, their appearances mirroring the fallen warrior: immense physiques, scarred faces, and a shared air of arrogance.

The God Ascension Realm experts in the crowd recognized them instantly – the 'Iron Fists,' notorious for their brute strength and ruthlessness. These four people were all in the High God Realm. They wanted to see how Yun Lintian was going to deal with this.

The whispers in the crowd intensified, shifting from stunned awe to morbid anticipation. Four against one, they didn't believe Yun Lintian could handle this.

un Lintian, however, remained unfazed. His eyes glinted with a steely resolve, a silent promise to weather this storm.

Seeing this, Yun Huanxin turned to Long Qingxuan. "Should we join the fray?" she inquired, eagerness sparkling in her eyes for a chance to test her strength.

"Just watch." Long Qingxuan responded calmly.

Yun Lintian looked at the four High Gods in front of him, his voice laced with a dangerous calmness.

"So, you want a lesson, do you?" he inquired, a challenge ringing clear in his tone. "By all means, come and get it."

Yun Lintian's words hung heavy in the air, a challenge that echoed through the vast chamber.

"Arrogant!" The Iron Fists, enraged by their fallen comrade and emboldened by their numbers, roared in unison. Their combined bellow vibrated the very foundation of the chamber, sending dust raining down from the crumbling ceiling.

One of the Iron Fists, a hulking brute with fiery red hair and a beard to match, charged forward with reckless abandon. His massive fist, wreathed in a faint crimson glow, whistled through the air, aimed squarely at Yun Lintian's head.

A flicker of amusement danced in Yun Lintian's eyes. With a swift movement, he raised his right hand, palm facing the incoming attack.

As the fiery fist neared, Yun Lintian's hand shimmered, and a wall of water materialized out of thin air, seemingly plucked from the very essence of the atmosphere.


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