Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2079 A Strange Trial (1)

Chapter 2079 A Strange Trial (1)

As they entered the second region, the air grew heavy with a strange energy. The lush greenery thinned, replaced by twisted, gnarled trees with bark that seemed to pulsate with a faint, purple glow. The ground crunched underfoot with an unsettling hollowness, and an unnatural silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional low growl that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Yun Lintian scanned the surroundings, his eyes narrowed. "This region feels different," he murmured, a hint of curiosity lacing his voice. "The miasma is thicker here, and the energy is… chaotic."

"Yes," Tang Wei agreed. "From what I've heard, this region seems distorted by chaotic energies."

"It is said," Tang Yumei explained, "that they have put a seal on this place when they buried gods here. However, as time passed, the seal began to lose its efficacy, and the gods' auras started to seep into the outer region."

"I see," Yun Lintian nodded slowly. Through the Eyes of Heaven, he detected a trace of a True God's aura lingering in the air. It was extremely ancient and decayed.

However, even this tiny fragment of the ancient aura demonstrably affected the land. It spoke volumes of the owner's immense power.

The distorted landscape continued as they ventured deeper. The twisted trees, their bark a canvas of faint purple, seemed to writhe subtly, like silent observers. The ground remained eerily silent beneath their feet, broken only by the occasional crunch of a displaced stone.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement in the distance snagged their attention. A clearing emerged amidst the gnarled landscape, revealing a sight that halted their advance.

Dozens of practitioners, clad in various robes and wielding various weapons, gathered around a towering structure. The structure, intricately carved from an unknown black stone, pulsed with an otherworldly light. It was unlike anything they had ever seen.

"This is one of the trials here," Tang Wei explained. "It's called the Tower of Limit. A test of strength, wit, and the challenger's resilience. So far, I have never seen anyone emerge victorious."

"Interesting," Yun Lintian said as he looked at the tower curiously. "Never seen anyone succeed? Sounds like a challenge worth attempting."

He turned to Tang Wei. "Is there any reward?"

Tang Wei shook his head. "There's no record of anyone receiving one so far."

"The benefit," Tang Yumei added, "seems to be self-evaluation. We normally use it as a test of our current strength. You can quit the trial at any point, and we can always choose to bypass it and head to the next region."

Yun Lintian nodded. "Anyone interested in attempting the tower?"

Yun Qianxue furrowed her brow. "Would this delay us significantly?"

"No," Yun Lintian reassured her. "It shouldn't take too long."

"Let's try it." Yun Huanxin spoke. She was eager to know her true strength.

Yun Lintian didn't say anything further and walked towards the gathered practitioners.

The air crackled with a strange tension as they neared the imposing black tower. The other challengers, upon noticing their arrival, turned towards them with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

One of them, a burly man wielding a massive axe, lumbered forward. "Newcomers, eh? You'll have to wait a bit. The tower only allows a hundred challengers at a time."

Yun Lintian met the man's gaze steadily. "Thank you for the information," he replied gently.

The man gave Yun Lintian's group a cursory glance before refocusing on the towering structure.

Yun Lintian turned his gaze to the tower. Its intricate carvings seemed to pulsate with the same faint purple energy that permeated the air. Through the Eyes of Heaven, he sensed a faint, almost imperceptible hum emanating from the very core of the structure.

A question gnawed at Yun Lintian: why were there so many trials here, within the confines of a tomb? What purpose did they serve?

As Yun Lintian pondered the tower's purpose, a booming voice echoed across the clearing. The murmurs and chatter of the gathered challengers died down instantly, replaced by a profound silence. The voice emanated from the tower, resonating with an otherworldly power.

"Attention, challengers!" the booming voice echoed. "A hundred slots remain for entry into the Tower of Limit. Those who seek to test their mettle, step forward!"

A ripple of anticipation surged through the crowd. Some challengers faltered, their expressions etched with hesitation. Others, like Yun Huanxin, vibrated with excitement, their eyes gleaming with a competitive fire. Nervous glances flickered between them, betraying the tension in the air.

"Hold on a moment," the burly man boomed, his voice breaking the sudden tension. "Where did those who previously entered the tower go? I haven't seen anyone come out."

A wave of unease washed over the crowd as they exchanged worried glances.

"Don't fret about it," Tang Wei said with a nonchalant shrug. "They've already gone. They were too stubborn, I guess, and wouldn't quit even when they had the chance."

The burly man and the other challengers whipped their heads towards Tang Wei, their curiosity piqued.

"This ain't your first time, little brother, is it?" the burly man inquired. "Care to share what you know about this Tower of Limit?"

Feeling the weight of everyone's attention, Tang Wei cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "Like I mentioned before," he began, "you can always quit the trial by simply thinking about it. Poof, you'll be right back outside. Just don't be a bullheaded fool about it."

The burly man frowned and said. "Even so, it should be impossible for all the hundred people to stubbornly go further, right? There must be someone who gives up."

Tang Wei shrugged. "How would I know? I just talked about my experience. You don't have to believe me."

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed deeply. The notion of a hundred stubborn challengers refusing to quit simultaneously struck him as improbable. There had to be more to this tower than what they were being told.

However, Yun Lintian saw no deception in Tang Wei's eyes. Perhaps the situation within the tower had indeed changed.

"I'll be the first to try," he declared, turning to Yun Qianxue and the others. "Something doesn't sit right with me about this tower."

"No, let's just skip it," Yun Qianxue countered, her brow furrowed in worry.

"Don't worry," Yun Lintian reassured her with a smile. "This could be a good way to gauge the next trial."

Lin Xinyao, knowing his resolve was unyielding, simply said, "Be careful."

Yun Lintian gave her a gentle nod and entrusted Linlin and Qingqing to her care before striding towards the looming tower.

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