Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2052 Move Forward

Chapter 2052 Move Forward

A frustrated sigh escaped Yun Lintian's lips. The revelations from the scroll and Lin Yitong's deductions painted a far more intricate picture than he'd ever conceived.

"Senior," he said, his voice thick with worry, "the Chasm of Uncreation… how do we even begin to contend with an entity like that?"

Lin Yitong mirrored his sigh with a helpless shake of her head. "I confess, I have no answer."

Yun Lintian opened his mouth, words failing to form on his tongue. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, leaving him speechless.

Lin Yitong met his gaze. "But giving up isn't an option. We simply take things one step at a time. Whatever the ultimate outcome, we can at least say we tried."

"Yes," Yun Lintian inhaled deeply, willing himself to calm. Life had to go on.

Lin Yitong dropped another bombshell. "I've detected recent activity from the Primordial God Tribe. They're heading for the God Tomb, apparently drawn by something within."

Pausing briefly, she added, "The treasury holds scant records on the God Tomb. Aside from the ancient gods, who know what they're after."

Yun Lintian nodded slowly. "I'll investigate the God Tomb upon reaching the Lower God Realm."

Lin Yitong studied him intently, then offered a smile brimming with hidden meaning. "The technique seems remarkably effective. Perhaps you'd consider another addition?"

Yun Lintian grasped the underlying message instantly. "No, Senior," he replied swiftly. "I've never harbored romantic feelings for Fifth Sister. Please, let's not revisit this topic."

Lin Yitong let out a gentle laugh. "Think of it as mutually beneficial. Are you truly opposed to the idea?"

Yun Lintian met her gaze. "Senior, I always thought you were a gentle and reserved individual."

Lin Yitong chuckled. "Appearances can be deceiving, young one. Many around you might surprise you."

Yun Lintian rose. "I'll take my leave now," he announced. With a resolute turn, he launched towards Earth, his distant form shrinking into a speck against the vast expanse.

The smile on Lin Yitong's face faltered, replaced by a solemn frown. While disclosing this information to Yun Lintian had caused her hesitation, ultimately, she believed it was the right course of action. After all, there were many secrets he wasn't yet privy to.

His reaction, however, had been far better than anticipated. He had handled the revelation with surprising composure. Lin Yitong found a flicker of relief – she had made the right call.

However, the truth about the entity – rivaling the Creator itself – was undeniably explosive. To claim she wasn't experiencing a surge of paranoia would be a lie.

Lin Yitong exhaled a long breath. There was room for improvement for her as well.

"Hmm?" A sudden prickling sensation snagged her attention, a feeling akin to unseen eyes boring into her.


Her spiritual sense flared, encompassing a radius that instantly stretched ten, then a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand kilometers. Yet, a frown creased her brow.

One breath... two breaths... three!

Her confidence in her senses was absolute. But still, she detected nothing.

Who could it be? The question gnawed at Lin Yitong. She lingered, her gaze fixed on the vast expanse before her for a long time. Finally, with a silent shake of her head, she vanished from the spot.

Several kilometers away from Lin Yitong's original position, a faint purple glow flickered into existence. It lingered for mere seconds before vanishing without a trace…


You're back!" Inside the Cloud Haven Orphanage, Ye Ling's eyes

widened in surprise as she saw Yun Lintian standing before her.

"Yes, I returned to check on things," Yun Lintian offered a warm

smile as he pulled her into a gentle hug. "How have you been?"

Ye Ling was momentarily taken aback by his unexpectedly

intimate gesture but dismissed it quickly. Perhaps he simply

missed her.

She returned the smile. "It's only been two months since your

departure. Not much has changed, though the recent shift in

air quality has become a major talking point."

"I see," Yun Lintian acknowledged with a smile. Leaning closer,

he whispered in her ear, "It's been a while since I've seen you.

Let me check if there's any difference in your cultivation


A blush crept across Ye Ling's face. She playfully swatted him

on the arm, her voice barely a whisper. "What's gotten into you?

You've become… a pervert?"

For Yun Lintian, however, ten years had passed since leaving

Earth. It was natural for him to feel this way after such a long

time apart.

Without further comment, Yun Lintian scooped her up amidst

her scream and vanished from the orphanage.

Two hours later, Yun Lintian gazed down at the sleeping Ye Ling

cradled in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll

have to leave now, but I'll visit often."

"Mhm…" Ye Ling mumbled a drowsy response, too tired to fully

comprehend his words.

Gently tucking her back into bed, Yun Lintian returned to the

Land of Beyond Heaven to find Long Qingxuan.

Long Qingxuan regarded Yun Lintian with a knowing look.

"Perhaps acquiring a few additional sisters wouldn't hurt."

Yun Lintian sheepishly rubbed his nose. "I blame it on the

Dragon God bloodline."

A smile played on Long Qingxuan's lips before she deftly

changed the subject. "I'm taking them over there. It'll benefit

them to learn how to socialize with others."

Yun Lintian followed her gaze, spotting a group of children in

the distance – the new generation descendants of the Dragon

God Clan.

"That's a wise decision," he readily agreed.

"Let's depart," Long Qingxuan declared, whisking everyone

away to Nine Firmament City.

With matters settled, Yun Lintian and Long Qingxuan retreated

back to the training chamber, resuming their cultivation



A desolate wind howled across the shattered landscape,

whipping Ren Yuan's robes around him like spectral dancers.

Once thick with divine energy, the air now felt heavy and


He crested a crumbling hill, his gaze falling upon a sight that

sent a tremor through his soul – the ruins of the Heavenly


Once the glorious seat of power in the Nine Heavens, the

Heavenly Court now stood as a monument to a bygone era.

Crumbling palaces, their facades adorned with faded murals

depicting celestial battles and mythical beasts, stretched out

before him like the skeletal remains of giants. Jagged spires,

once reaching for the heavens, clawed at the sky like broken


Since the Primordial War, the Heavenly Court had been rebuilt in

a new location, for the original one lay heavily sealed by an

unknown power.

Ren Yuan drew a deep breath and touched the invisible barrier

before him.


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