Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2043 Deterrence (1)

Chapter 2043 Deterrence (1)

The Tower of Fate loomed, a solitary monolith piercing the heavens. Its obsidian surface, usually smooth and reflective, pulsed with an otherworldly luminescence tonight.

Jagged mountains, their peaks clawing at the twilight sky, encircled the tower like a ring of slumbering giants. Strange flora, unseen in any mortal realm, clung impossibly to the sheer cliffs.

Here, the laws of nature seemed to bend. Luminous flowers, alien in their beauty, bloomed in impossible shades of violet and indigo. Their petals shimmered with an inner light, like captured starlight scattered across the dark landscape.

Gnarled trees, twisted into unnatural contortions, reached their skeletal branches towards the heavens. Their bark, usually rough and ancient, glowed faintly with an ethereal light, casting an eerie luminescence on the ground below.

The very air crackled with chaotic energy, a storm brewing just beneath the surface of serenity. Wisps of smoke, not from fire but from pure essence, danced around the tower's base like ethereal flames.

Celestial birds with feathers that shimmered like pearlescent clouds circled overhead in an endless dance. Their mournful cries echoed through the desolate plains, a haunting melody that resonated with the loneliness of the place.

At this moment, a woman descended from the heavens like a whispered luminescence. Clad in robes the color of twilight, embroidered with constellations in threads of stardust, she seemed to bring the night sky with her.

Her long, raven hair flowed behind her like a celestial river, each strand seemingly tipped with moonlight. Her face, flawless and ageless, held the wisdom of eons and the untamed beauty of a wilderness bathed in moonlight.

She was Yue Bingyao, the Primordial Moon God.

Yue Bingyao's eyes, pools of liquid moonlight, scanned the beautiful, lonely plains surrounding the tower. They held a melancholic serenity, the weight of ages etched within their depths.

"Tianming." With a voice that resonated like a silver chime, she spoke, her words carrying the power to move mountains and calm raging storms.

A tremor ran through the desolate plains as Yue Bingyao's voice echoed. The celestial birdsong faltered, replaced by an awed silence – a silence acknowledging her arrival.

"Are you truly unwilling to see me?" Yue Bingyao asked softly, a hint of sadness lacing her voice.

Only silence responded.

Yue Bingyao sighed gently. "You must be aware of the situation. Can you offer guidance?"

The silence stretched long before a male voice boomed through the air. "Do as you wish." It seemed to originate from a faraway place.

A flicker of joy lit Yue Bingyao's mesmerizing eyes. "You are willing to speak to me now."

There was no reply.

Unfazed, Yue Bingyao continued, "I will help. However, Tian Wudi will surely demand an explanation. I fear I cannot handle it alone. I will ask Sister Xi to intervene."

Still, no response.

Yue Bingyao lifted her gaze toward the tower, murmuring softly, "I don't know what awaits me, but I know you foresaw it. From what he said, it seems I will perish in the war… Can I see you one last time?"

"Go back," the male voice echoed. "You will be fine."

"What about you?" Yue Bingyao pressed quickly, but again, met with silence.

"If something happens to you, what purpose does my continued existence serve?" Tears welled in Yue Bingyao's eyes, reflecting an endless tenderness.

She cast one last lingering look at the tower before turning and taking flight. The moonlight surrounding her dimmed, mirroring her mood.

As she departed, the celestial birdsong resumed. However, a faint sigh seemed to emanate from the tower itself…


Outside the Kunlun Realm, a man stood amidst the starry expanse, his gaze fixed on a silver-haired woman before him. He was Shang Yuhang, a subordinate of the God of Heaven.

"Go back," Yue Yin spoke calmly. "This place falls under the Moon God's protection."

Shang Yuhang offered a faint smile. "This is my master's territory. I have every right to be here. You, on the other hand, should return to your own domain."

A tense silence stretched between them. The very air vibrated with suppressed power, threatening to erupt at any moment.

"Shang Yuhang," Yue Yin spoke, her voice laced with ice. "Why don't you show me how far you've improved over the years?"

Shang Yuhang laughed. "You're still the same arrogant woman. Don't worry, it will be just you and me here."

As his voice fell, his hand snapped shut into a fist. A celestial blade, its length stretching across the vastness of space, materialized in his grasp. It pulsed with a frightening power, stirring the surrounding space.

With a wave of his hand, the celestial blade cleaved through the starry expanse, leaving a trail of shimmering sparks.

Yue Yin watched the celestial blade hurtle towards her, its celestial light casting a distorted shadow across the starry expanse. A flicker of amusement danced in her silver eyes. In one smooth motion, she raised a hand, palm facing the oncoming attack.

The air around her shimmered, condensing into a swirling vortex of silver moonlight. It pulsed with an otherworldly glow, emanating a power that rivaled the celestial blade. This was Yue Yin's signature technique—Lunar Embrace.


As the celestial blade struck the vortex, a deafening explosion ripped across the cosmos. The shockwaves sent ripples through the fabric of space, distorting the constellations and flinging distant asteroids into chaotic trajectories. Yet, the Lunar Embrace held firm. The silver moonlight swirled turbulently, absorbing the celestial blade's celestial energy.

Shang Yuhang's eyes narrowed. He braced himself against the countervailing force. His celestial blade vibrated violently within the vortex, threatening to be ripped from his grasp. A cold glint flashed through his eyes as he poured more celestial power into the weapon.

Yue Yin, her silver hair shimmering like moonlight on a river, remained serene amidst the celestial storm. With a flick of her wrist, she channeled even more moon power into the Lunar Embrace. The vortex intensified, its silver luminescence pushing back the celestial blade inch by inch.

Suddenly, the vortex pulsed once more, and with a final surge of power, it entirely engulfed the celestial blade. The celestial light sputtered and died, replaced by the eerie glow of the Lunar Embrace. Shang Yuhang, his connection to his weapon severed, groaned.

Yue Yin, her eyes gleaming with newfound power, held the captive celestial blade within the vortex.


The air crackled with divine energy as she slowly clenched her fist. The celestial blade, unable to withstand the immense pressure of the compressed moon power, began to distort and splinter…

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