My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 89: Treatment Completed

Chapter 89: Treatment Completed

The next morning, as sunlight bathed the surroundings, after a day and night of hard work, the people infected with the Gu worms had mostly been treated by the physicians.

Qin Feng looked into the divine sea; the fifth-level staircase was already filled with Literature Qi, and the sixth-level staircase was half-filled. The speed of accumulating Literature Qi seemed to be faster than before.

He initially wanted the physicians to push through and treat all the patients at once. However, seeing their exhausted expressions, he abandoned the idea.

Extracting the Gu worms from the heart was a delicate task. With the physicians so fatigued, there was a high risk of shaky hands leading to danger. Qin Feng, witnessing this, could only say, “Physicians, you’ve worked hard. Take some rest in the nearby houses.”

Upon hearing this, the physicians felt as if they were granted a reprieve, dragging their tired bodies as they left.

Some citizens observed this and said, “Physician Qin, you should also take a break. The remaining patients can wait.”

“No need, I’m not tired. While I have the time, if I can save one more person, I will,” Qin Feng replied. After just one day and night, he had accumulated so much Literature Qi that he was currently full of enthusiasm, with no signs of fatigue. The citizens were moved by his dedication, feeling fortunate to have such a selfless physician.

In the Governor’s Mansion, Li Mingxuan had also not rested for a night, constantly reviewing official documents.

Despite successfully defending Qiyuan City, there were many issues left to address.

Firstly, the damaged city needed reconstruction, a major undertaking that required resources. Fortunately, Heavenly City had an abundance of manpower and money.

Secondly, there was the matter of the protective city barrier that could no longer be activated. Ordinary people couldn’t repair it; they had to wait for the craftsmen from Imperial City’s divine workshop.

Lastly, there were the citizens infected with the Heart Devouring Gu.

Li Mingxuan furrowed his brow and summoned someone, asking, “How is the situation with the Demon Slaying Department?”

“Reporting to Governor Li, under Physician Qin’s leadership, after a relentless day and night of effort, the majority of patients have been treated. The remaining citizens should be completely treated by tonight.”

“Excellent,” Li Mingxuan said with delight. “This Physician Qin is truly remarkable. After this is over, he deserves a generous reward.”

“Indeed, Physician Qin is outstanding, not only in medical skill but also in medical ethics,” an official commented.

“Oh? Why do you say that?” Li Mingxuan asked curiously.

“Governor may not be aware that just recently, after a day and night of exhaustion, all the physicians went to rest. Only Physician Qin continued to treat patients alone. When people advised him to take a break, he said, ‘While I have the time, if I can save one more person, I will.’ It’s truly admirable.”

Hearing this, Li Mingxuan was also moved.

Outside the Demon Slaying Department, after resting for the morning, the physicians woke up one by one. They leisurely ate some food, took their time, and finally stepped out of their houses.

Then, they saw Qin Feng still busy at work.

Hadn’t he rested at all?

The physicians looked at each other, a mix of surprise and embarrassment in their eyes.

A physician hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Physician Qin, even if you care about the patients, there’s no need to mistreat yourself like this. Leave the rest to us, and you should take a rest.”

Others echoed, and even the people persuaded him to rest.

Qin Feng hesitated for a moment, then glanced at his spiritual sea. As long as he treated all the remaining patients, the sixth-level ladder in his spiritual sea would be filled with Literature Qi.

At such a critical moment, how could he rest?

”No need to worry. Compared to the people still suffering from the Gu plague, what does a little exhaustion matter to me!”

With these words, he once again gained the admiration of everyone.

To motivate the other physicians, Qin Feng pumped them up, “Everyone, put in more effort. There are not many patients left. As long as we persevere, the dawn of victory is just ahead. At that time, you will be praised by the entire city, and you may even be recorded in the local chronicles of Qiyuan City! This is a great honor!”

Chronicles, local historical records, generally passed down from generation to generation for later generations to read.

If they could really be recorded in the chronicles, they would have brought glory to their ancestors.

The physicians looked at each other, excitement in their eyes. They gladly drank the motivational words Qin Feng had given them, feeling that the previous hardships were all worth it. Their eyes were filled with high spirits!

”Physician Qin is right. Everyone, let’s put in more effort!”

”Let’s do it!” Qin Feng clenched his fist, encouraging everyone.

“Let’s do it!” Everyone echoed, once again becoming laborers accumulating Literature Qi for Qin Feng.

Watching these physicians work hard after being motivated, Qin Feng couldn’t help but recall a joke from his previous life.

As long as the workers work harder, the boss can replace the Audi with a Lamborghini next year.

Put in more effort, and the Literature Qi in my sixth-level ladder will soon be filled. Qin Feng added in his mind.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was dusk.

Under Qin Feng’s continuous encouragement, the group of physicians finally treated all the people infected with the Heart Devouring Gu.

The people cheered and rejoiced, and the physicians also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much lighter all over.

Qin Feng looked at the Heart Questioning platform in the Divine Sea, a smile playing on his lips. The stairs of the sixth level were finally filled with Literature Qi!

The gratitude towards Qin Feng overflowed from the people, and many wanted to invite him to their homes.

However, Qin Feng was too exhausted and declined the invitations, wanting to rest.

With significant progress in his cultivation, his main concern now was the reward and compensation for the True Manifestation Of Life Source.

After bidding farewell to everyone, amidst the reluctant gazes of the people, Qin Feng took away all the frozen Heart Devouring Gu, heading towards the Demon Slaying Department with Cang Feilan.

As soon as the two stepped through the gates of the Demon Slaying Department, they saw Yang He and Si Zheng talking to each other.

“Hey, young man, you’ve worked hard these past few days,” Si Zheng said with a smile.

Yang He also respectfully said, “Physician Qin, thanks to your help, the people in the city have recovered.”

Qin Feng waved his hand dismissively, “Skip the pleasantries; I’m here for my reward.”

“That’s natural,” Yang He nodded.

“By the way, have all the Heart Devouring Gu in Qiyuan River been eradicated?” Qin Feng asked.

“We were just discussing this matter. Lord Si and I followed the Qiyuan River all the way, using the gourd to collect a large number of Heart Devouring Gu. The problem is, Lord Si’s gourd can’t eliminate these Gu, and we can’t ensure that there are no stragglers in Qiyuan River,” Yang He expressed his concern.

Qin Feng thought for a moment and said, “No need to worry about that; I have a solution.”

With that, he took out all the Heart Devouring Gu he had previously extracted from the people’s hearts and poured out many crimson fruits from the Spatial Ring.

Si Zheng recognized the crimson fruits from the hot pot and asked curiously, “Kid, what are you doing with these?”

“To eliminate the Heart Devouring Gu, besides the method of freezing them with ice for forty-nine days, the fastest way is to rely on this thing,” Qin Feng said while throwing the crimson fruits into the container with the Heart Devouring Gu.

In less than a moment, to the astonished gaze of Yang He and Si Zheng, all the Heart Devouring Gu turned into bloodwater.

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