My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 74: Unusual Pair

Chapter 74: Unusual Pair

Qin Feng was really suffering while riding on horseback.

For someone who couldn’t ride, the jolting motion would make one’s stomach feel like it’s turning upside down.

What made it even worse for Qin Feng was the gourd that Si Zheng carried on his back. It would frequently bump into him, especially when the horse jumped. The enormous gourd would press against him, causing an indescribable discomfort.

If they were traveling on mountain or river roads, it would be tolerable since the terrain would be relatively smooth, with fewer bumps and holes. The horses would also jump less frequently.

But Qin Feng had no idea what possessed Yang He and the other person to avoid the main road and choose to traverse the mountains and forests. The horses frequently stumbled, and he wondered, could any man endure this?

No, this couldn’t go on. My life will be ruined at this rate, thought Qin Feng, his face contorted in pain. He wanted to ask to switch to another horse.

Just then, Yang He pulled the reins, and his steed neighed before coming to a halt. Zhang Tiannan, who was at the back of the group, reacted swiftly. Without a word, he pulled the reins, and his horse came to a stop.

“What’s going on?” Si Zheng asked.

Yang He replied, “Yesterday, my and Zhang Tiannan’s steeds traveled a long distance. The horses are already very tired. We don’t need to rush back to Qiyuan City today. Let’s take a rest here.”

Can we finally rest? Qin Feng sighed in relief.

He quickly dismounted, shook his body, and felt much lighter. The others also dismounted, but none of them sat down. Yang He and Si Zheng were busy feeding water to their steeds, while Si Zheng took out a small gourd from his pocket, took a sip, and looked quite satisfied.

As for Cang Feilan, she chose to lean against a towering tree and closed her eyes to rest.

Qin Feng wasn’t surprised by this. After all, if there were any sudden situations, people standing would react faster than those sitting. Their professionalism increased his sense of security.

Of course, Si Zheng drinking alcohol while on the road was a point deducted in Qin Feng’s mind. He casually approached Cang Feilan, found a comfortable spot, and sat down. After all, he was just a mediocre fighter; there wasn’t much difference between sitting and standing. He couldn’t afford to be too hard on himself.

Glancing at the beauty beside him, even though half of her face was covered by a black scarf, the exquisite profile that was visible still made his heart race.

Speaking of which, he had never seen Cang Feilan’s full face, and he couldn’t help but feel regretful.

At that moment, seeing Yang He and Si Zheng taking down the saddles and drinking water, Qin Feng seized an opportunity. He casually took out a water bottle from his bag and, as if he had just remembered something, offered it to Cang Feilan, “Miss Cang, you must be thirsty after such a long journey. I have some water here. If you don’t mind, you can have some.”

Cang Feilan, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, opened her eyes lazily in response. She glanced at him, her eyes a pale blue that still seemed alluring. The outline beneath the black scarf moved slightly, and she said lightly, “No need.”

The plan failed.

Qin Feng could only awkwardly retract the water bottle and took a sip himself to ease his embarrassment. To divert the topic, he asked, “May I ask why Miss Cang is heading to Qiyuan City this time?”

Cang Feilan’s eyes flickered with a hint of unease. “It’s just a coincidence.”

She didn’t want to say more, and Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, understanding that he shouldn’t press further.

Meanwhile, Si Zheng had approached them without Qin Feng noticing. He took a sip of his wine and said, “What coincidence? It’s clear that you heard in the Demon Slayer Department that we were taking this kid to Qiyuan City and decided to follow us.”

Cang Feilan’s eyes narrowed, their coldness apparent. She had already unsheathed the two daggers hanging from her waist, twirling them in a threatening manner, the blades glinting with a chilling light.

Si Zheng shook his head, swayed, and turned away, saying, “My tolerance for alcohol has been getting worse lately. I only had a few sips, and I got drunk, talking nonsense.”

Qin Feng looked puzzled and turned to Miss Cang, asking, “And then what?”

Cang Feilan didn’t answer. She sheathed her dagger, left the big tree, and said, “It’s time to set off. If we delay any longer, who knows when we’ll reach Qiyuan City.”

Yang He and Zhang Tiannan exchanged a glance and nodded.

Going to ride again? Qin Feng’s face stiffened, and he was about to request a different horse.

But before he could speak, a sudden change occurred.

A giant snake, as thick as a person’s body and about ten yards long, suddenly shot out from the forest. It targeted Yang He and Zhang Tiannan, opening its enormous mouth wide enough to swallow a horse whole!

In this critical moment, just as Si Zheng was about to act, Zhang Tiannan, who hadn’t spoken a word from the beginning, stepped forward with his right foot and threw a punch. The giant snake’s massive head turned into a spray of blood in the blink of an eye, and its enormous body crashed to the ground.

Yang He and Zhang Tiannan didn’t seem bothered. They wiped the blood off themselves and mounted their horses. “Let’s go.”

But at this moment, the expressions of Qin Feng and the others changed slightly.

This snake was called a Forest Python, recorded in the “Records of Hundred Demons of The Great Qian.” Its innate ability was a giant transformation; at the second level, its size could reach ten yards, and at the fourth level, it could grow up to twenty yards, possessing immense strength!

Looking at the Forest Python just now, it clearly already had the power of a Second Calamity Cycle!

But a problem arose.

Qin Feng had observed the token at Zhang Tiannan’s waist earlier; it was just a one-star wooden spirit token, equivalent to at most the peak strength of the ninth rank.

How could a person like him nonchalantly kill a Forest Python with boundless strength in one punch?

The only explanation was that he was hiding his strength!

As for Yang He, he remained calm in this situation, showing no panic or disorder. There was clearly something off about them.

Qin Feng swallowed hard and looked at the two men with widened eyes.

Yang He, with his gaunt face, was surrounded by a dense green aura, not much different from Si Zheng. Even if he hadn’t reached the fifth rank Puppet Shadow realm, he was quite close.

Zhang Tiannan, who rarely spoke and kept to himself, had abundant blood energy within him. A continuous flow of golden energy surrounded him. Combined with the power he displayed in that punch, he was likely a master at the peak of the sixth rank Gathering Energy Realm!

These two clearly possessed such strength, such was Qingyu’s power. Why were they pretending to be wooden token demon slayers?

Qin Feng felt an inexplicable sense of panic, his scalp tingling. He pinched his palm discreetly, trying to calm himself down, pretending everything was normal.

He dared not mention changing horses again. At this moment, staying close to Si Zheng seemed to be the safest option.

All five of them mounted their horses and continued their journey. Yang He remained at the forefront of the group, while Zhang Tiannan stayed at the rear. It seemed they had reached some kind of unspoken agreement, intending to trap the three of them in the middle!

During the journey, when Yang He and Zhang Tiannan weren’t paying attention, Qin Feng whispered, “Sir Zheng, they…”

A shadowy hand made of darkness instantly covered Qin Feng’s mouth, cutting him off.

Si Zheng swung the reins, his mouth unmoving, but a voice entered Qin Feng’s ears, “No matter what happens on the road ahead, do not leave my side.”

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