My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 708: The Embarrassing Scene

Chapter 708: The Embarrassing Scene

“Senior, I understand.” Qin Feng said seriously after feeling embarrassed.

“What did you realize?” Xuan Yi was curious.

“Women are nothing but painted corpses in the end. I should wholeheartedly seek the path of the wise and do what I can for this world and its people!” Qin Feng declared resolutely.

“The child can be taught,” Xuan Yi nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, the surrounding scenery began to rewind like a slide show.

Qin Feng found himself back in the present world, with the long line of people still present, while those who had accompanied him were completely defeated.

Someone over there mimicked the movements of a jackhammer against the air, making huffing and puffing sounds.

Someone else kept muttering, “Money, money, money.”

Qin Feng looked at those warriors with powerful waists and still felt a lingering sense of fear.

If Senior Xuan Yi hadn’t used the Heart Cleansing Mantra to dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, Qin Feng feared that he might have become one of those imitating jackhammers.

Among the group of people, he found Zhan Qingfeng. Unlike the vulgarity of the others, he stood straight with a solemn and dignified demeanor.

Listening carefully…

“My dear concubines, will you not help your emperor bathe and dress?”

Qin Feng’s eyes widened. How could he have imagined that this guy actually wanted to become an emperor?

On the other side, Bai Wushuang continued to make shoveling motions with his hands and muttered, “Little sister Qiu’er, don’t take this food, it’s all mine.”

Qin Feng’s expression froze: “After feeding her so much, she still wants to eat… Speaking of which, where is Ya’an?”

As he scanned the surroundings, he couldn’t see her white-robed figure anywhere.

‘Ya’an has been reading the books of the sages since childhood, and as an imperial princess raised in luxury, she may indeed be less susceptible to the seduction of desire.’

‘Perhaps when she saw us trapped in this illusion, she went to the City God Temple to seek help,’ Qin Feng thought.

The City God had previously said that he would intervene at the crucial moment to catch the Night Wandering Ghost off guard.

But who could have imagined that they would all be defeated before they even entered the temple grounds…


At that moment, Qin Feng heard a faint murmur.

This voice was quite familiar to him, is it Ya’an?

Following the sound, he saw Ya’an in a corner by a stone wall, hugging her knees, curled up with flushed cheeks and parted red lips.

As Qin Feng approached, he heard her murmur, “Qin Feng, don’t… don’t do that, there… mmm~”

A moan that stirred the soul.

‘I treated you like a brother, yet you want to sleep with me…’ Qin Feng’s outstretched hand froze in the air, his heart pounding.

Suddenly, the expressions of those who were trapped in the mirage changed and became extremely pale.

There was no need to guess that they had encountered danger in their dreams.

And within the illusory forest, any harm they received would affect the real world. If they didn’t wake up in time, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Thinking about this, Qin Feng didn’t hesitate and asked Xuan Yi in the Divine Sea, “Senior, can you use the Heart Cleansing Mantra to awaken them?”

“It is possible, but who should I save first?”

Qin Feng looked at Ya’an in front of him. If others saw her current state, it would make future interactions between them awkward.

“Save her first…”

In about the time it takes for a stick of incense to burn, everyone was awakened by the Heart Cleansing Mantra.

Compared to the potentially serious consequences of being trapped in the dream realm, they were more concerned about the social death of their exposed inner desires.

The Jackhammer group turned beet red.

Those who were gripped by greed were a little better off.

As for Zhan Qingfeng…

“Your Majesty, are your concubines taking good care of you?” Qin Feng joked.

“Please… don’t say any more,” Zhan Qingfeng covered his face, completely humiliated.

As for Ya’an, she looked at Qin Feng and hesitate to speak, a mixture of fear and embarrassment in her eyes.

After a moment, she finally mustered up the courage to ask, “I… I didn’t do anything just now, did I?”

Qin Feng said admiringly, “Brother An is truly remarkable. Even when you were trapped in that dream, you maintained your self-control. That’s why you were the first among us to wake up.”

Ya’an, relieved by his words, let out a breath: “A noble person should temper himself with a boundless spirit. It’s too bad that my cultivation is still lacking, otherwise I wouldn’t have fallen into this illusion.”

“Compared to that person, you have reason to be proud,” Qin Feng said, and everyone followed his gaze to see Bai Wushuang with a dazed expression. Although she had been awakened by the Heart Cleansing Mantra, she still seemed to be lost in the delicious food of the dream.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was annoyed. He had hoped that this girl could help turn the tide at the crucial moment, but she turned out to be the most unreliable!

“I thought you said you were full?” Qin Feng asked with a frown.

Bai Wushuang scratched her head: “After walking a few steps, I got hungry again.”

Qin Feng couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of this. From the City God Temple to here, there were only a dozen streets at most.

Then, someone said admiringly, “Brother Qin is indeed impressive, being completely unaffected and even waking up the rest of us.”

No, I was affected as well… Qin Feng’s face flushed, but fortunately, his skin was thick, so he solemnly said, “A noble person should cultivate tranquility and moderation to nourish virtue. If you were all like me, this would not have happened.”

The group hung their heads in shame.

At that moment, Bai Wushuang and Qin Feng’s brows furrowed.

“Be careful!” Qin Feng shouted, waving his right hand to instantly manifest the Heavenly Mirror and shielding everyone above.

Then, there was a deafening clang! A powerful fist smashed into the Heavenly Mirror, shaking the ground.

The bone sword in Bai Wushuang’s hand took shape, a clear sword cry sounded, and a sword light slashed out like a bright moon.

Not far away, the leading attacker suddenly closed his palms and used the air waves to resist Bai Wushuang’s sword energy!

The sudden change happened too fast. When everyone came back to their senses and looked ahead, everyone was shocked and angry.

The visitors were none other than a group of people from the Suiyang City Demon Slaying Department headed by Liu Qing!

“Just like Brother Qin had said, you traitorous scoundrels!”

“You disregard the lives of the city’s people and instead choose to become the lapdog of that thing in the temple. Aren’t you afraid that when Master Nan Tianlong finds out, you will die without a complete body!” Zhan Qingfeng shouted angrily.

Liu Qing remained unperturbed and laughed coldly, “Those who sense the trends are talented. I have been cultivating hard for most of my life and have only reached the Fifth Realm.”

“But after following Lord Night Wandering Ghost for only half a year, I have already advanced from the fourth stage to the third stage! In this world… power is the root of status. Everything else is nonsense!”

“As for Nan Tianlong’s side, you need not worry, for no one will know about today’s events. From the moment you entered Suiyang City, your life was no longer your own.”


Liu Qing shouted as his followers unleashed their internal energy and rushed towards the Heavenly Mirror to attack. But with their strength, how could they break through Qin Feng’s defense?

The sound of “dang-dang-dang” was endless, but it was useless!

Seeing this, Liu Qing narrowed his eyes and coldly said, “As expected from the famous Qin Feng who turned the tide at the Battle of Zhenling Pass. Your skills are indeed impressive. But I wonder how many people you can protect.”

As his words fell, Liu Qing shockingly unleashed another fist strike – but this time, his target was not Qin Feng’s group, but the citizens of Suiyang City who were still trapped in the illusion!

Such a heartless, insane act was completely beyond the expectations of Qin Feng and the others!

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