My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 687: These Two Little Ones Are Not Ordinary

Chapter 687: These Two Little Ones Are Not Ordinary

During the meal, the entire family gathered together. Qin Feng recounted all the events and encounters he had experienced in the past half year.

He couldn’t help but boast about his own great achievements, much to the envy of his younger brother beside him.

Qin Feng glanced at the empty seat at the head of the table from time to time.

‘If Father were still alive, he would surely mock me for bragging like this,’ Qin Feng thought to himself.

He did not show his grief on his face, as it would only make his Second Mother feel worse.

Turning his gaze to his two wives, Qin Feng asked worriedly, “How have you two been feeling lately?”

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan were already ten months pregnant and approaching their due date, so they naturally needed extra care.

As the saying goes, carrying a child for ten months results in a single day of labor.

“I have been feeling its movements for a while now,” Liu Jianli replied softly, her eyes filled with tenderness.

Cang Feilan nodded slightly, her words echoing the same. She caressed her belly, looking forward to the birth of the little one. After all, it was her and Qin Feng’s child. 

Thinking that he was about to become a father, Qin Feng was naturally filled with excitement.

‘I wonder if the two little ones are boys or girls.’

Thinking about it, Qin Feng couldn’t resist activating his Dual Pupil ability to look at the wombs of his wives. There, he saw balls of golden qi coalescing – the Ancient Divine Breath!

The embryos of the two little ones had already formed, but the golden qi concealed them, making it impossible to tell if they were boys or girls.

What astonished Qin Feng the most was that these two little ones were constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan, nourishing themselves as if they were cultivating.

‘No wonder, when I returned, I felt that their spiritual energy had weakened compared to before – it’s because these two little ones have been absorbing it.’

Qin Feng couldn’t help but be astonished. If they were like this in the womb, what kind of incredible talent would they possess after they were born? 

As their father, the pressure on him was immense!


At that moment, the babies in the wombs of the two women kicked in unison, as if protesting and telling Qin Feng not to look.

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan said in unison, “It kicked me.”

At the same time, the previously starry and moonlit sky suddenly rumbled with thunder.

Qin Feng turned his gaze to the outside of the main hall and saw lightning snakes swirling in the high sky, although they had yet to strike.

Sensing the crisis, the lightning qilin in his Divine Sea proactively leapt out of the Divine Sea and hovered above the Qin Mansion, baring its teeth at the thunderous sky.

The crimson arcs of annihilating thunder flashed, causing the thunderclouds in the sky to immediately shrink back and curb their power.

The dark clouds disappeared in an instant.

The Lightning Qilin returned to Qin Feng’s side and nuzzled his leg as if seeking praise.

Qin Feng patted its head, then looked up at the sky again, his expression grave. If his senses were correct, the thunder he just heard should be some kind of Heavenly Tribulation!

But why would Heavenly Tribulation appear now?

Qin Feng suddenly turned to look at his two wives, and the two little ones in their wombs had already retracted their legs and returned to a calm state.

An absurd thought formed in Qin Feng’s mind, ‘Could this Heavenly Tribulation be targeting these two little ones?’

It was well known that the appearance of the Heavenly Tribulation was the world’s way of testing and warning against the appearance of existences that were too powerful, lest they disturb the balance of Heaven and Earth.

If the thunder that appeared tonight was really caused by sensing the existence of those two little ones, how terrifying would their innate abilities be?

At this moment, the younger brother spoke up, “Big Brother, don’t worry, the climate in the Imperial City has been quite strange these past few months. Things like this happen frequently, so there’s no need to worry.”

Qin Feng swallowed hard, further confirming his own suspicions. He then asked his two wives, “Whenever there is thunder, do the little ones in your stomachs get restless?”

Lan Ningshuang looked surprised. “How did the Young Master know? At that time, I thought it was just the little babies in the young mistresses’ bellies getting scared by the thunder.”

Cang Feilan’s delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly as she calmly replied, “As the descendants of the Dragon Clan, they shouldn’t be afraid of thunder. Once they are born, I will have to train them properly. If they really can’t handle it, I’ll take them to the Heavenly Pool and have Grandpa summon lightning to temper their courage.”

In reality, Cang Feilan’s actions also contained a small hidden thought – since she had little chance of surpassing her Elder Sister Jianli, she could only pin her hopes on the next generation…

Qin Feng frantically waved his hands, “There’s no need to go that far.”

At this point, Qin Feng was convinced that the Heavenly Tribulation was directed at the two little ones.

And his wives and Ningshuang were wrong about one thing – it was not because the little ones were afraid of the thunder that they were restless, but rather the opposite – the restlessness of the two little ones had attracted the thunder!

‘They are not even born yet, and are already causing such a commotion. Their arrival will be something else,’ Qin Feng rubbed his forehead, wanting to make early preparations for the birth of these two extraordinary children.

“Oh, right, Feilan, I don’t see your aunt and father, have they not returned from the Southern Domain?”

According to Dragon Clan’s temperament, they should be eager to hold Feilan in their hands at this moment. 

Cang Feilan replied, “A while ago, there seems to have been a problem at the Heavenly Pool, so Grandpa called them all back. I talked to Aunt last night, and she’ll be back in a few days.”

“I see.” Qin Feng nodded, not inquiring further.

Meanwhile, at the Dragon Clan’s Heavenly Pool.

Cang Xuan and the others were all gathered in front of the massive bronze coffin, their expressions deeply grave. For the coffin had revealed a crack, and a terrifying aura was seeping out, sending shivers down their spines.

“Father, could it be that the ancestor is about to awaken?” Cang Zong frowned.

According to the historical records of the Dragon Clan, thousands of years ago, when the gods and demons descended, the Dragon Ancestor single-handedly killed countless demons to protect the Dragon Clan’s home.

The Ancestor had ascended to the heavens in an attempt to penetrate the gap between the Immortal Realm and the mortal world to wipe out the gods and demons at their roots, but he was severely injured, which even drove the Ancestor into a deranged state where he devoured several of his own kind!

When the Ancestor, distraught by his actions, regained his senses, he had the Dragon Clan elders imprison him in the bronze coffin buried deep within the Dragon Abyss.

Before falling into slumber, the Dragon Ancestor had once uttered a phrase: “If danger descends upon the Heavenly Pool, I will awaken again.”

Now, with the changes in the bronze coffin, the Dragon Clan members were naturally filled with worry. They were worried about this so-called “danger”, and they were also worried about the Ancestor himself!

After all, no one knew if the Ancestor had regained his mind after thousands of years. If he broke out of the coffin, would he unleash another massacre on his own kin? 

The unknown was the most terrifying thing.

Cang Xuan sighed helplessly, “Feilan’s child is about to be born, and I wanted to stay by her side, but now this has happened. Cang Mu, I and Cang Zong will take care of things here. You should return quickly so that Feilan doesn’t feel lonely.”

“Understood.” Cang Mu nodded, then looked up at the bronze coffin, her pale blue eyes filled with worry.

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