My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 64: The Storm is Coming

Chapter 64: The Storm is Coming

In the water basin, the Heart Devouring Gu struggled and contorted. After about half an incense stick’s worth of time, this dying Heart Devouring Gu directly transformed into black blood, resembling ink and vanished into nothingness.

Qin Feng, observing this, wore a peculiar expression. The mysterious and unpredictable Heart Devouring Gu, rumored to be fearsome, was actually afraid of spicy things.

“This is interesting. ‘Strange Insects’ didn’t mention this characteristic.”

Upon reflection, it made sense. Heart Devouring Gu were rare, and Vermilion Fruits usually grew in the southern regions of Great Qian. Due to their spiciness, they were not well-received. It was difficult for these two to intersect.

“This is quite a discovery.”

While Qin Feng was pondering with his chin in his hand, the Literature Qi in his sea of consciousness began to surge and flow into the steps of the Heart Questioning Platform continuously.

When the commotion in his sea of consciousness settled, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Literature Qi had filled half of the third step!

Qin Feng was both excited and astonished. Based on past experiences, applying the knowledge from books to practice would trigger a surge in Literature Qi only once. So why was it different this time?

After a moment of contemplation, he found the answer.

“The first time, I used the methods from the book to cure an illness, accumulating Literature Qi. The second time, I discovered something not mentioned in the book, so I gained additional Literature Qi!”

Upon comparison, it was evident that breaking through existing knowledge and gaining Literature Qi far exceeded the Literature Qi obtained through practical application!

Qin Feng clenched his fist secretly. Although this new method of acquiring Literature Qi couldn’t offer substantial help immediately—surpassing predecessors and pioneering new knowledge was no easy task—it was still good to know about another cultivation method.

“Moreover, with my intelligence, I might be able to further develop and refine this cultivation method.” Qin Feng smirked, shamelessly self-assured.

“Young master, what’s making you so happy?” Lan Ningshuang curiously asked.

“Ah, it’s nothing.” Qin Feng cleared his throat and turned to the other side. “Physician Song, I came here to seek advice. If I were to open a medical clinic, what should I pay attention to?”

“Open a medical clinic?” Physician Song was surprised and asked about the reason behind it.

Naturally, Qin Feng had nothing to hide and explained his thoughts in detail.

“I see.” Physician Song nodded after hearing his explanation and then said, “In your situation, Young Master Qin, you don’t necessarily have to open a medical clinic. What you need is a place to practice medicine, to improve your medical skills and gain more experience.”

Qin Feng contemplated this. It was indeed a feasible option. After all, he also needed to visit Listen To Rain Pavilion to read books and couldn’t stay in the medical clinic all the time. If he could find a place to practice medicine, he could save money and have more flexibility with his time.

However, the problem was, where could he find such a place?

Perhaps sensing Qin Feng’s thoughts, Physician Song stroked his beard and said, “Young Master Qin, what do you think of my place?”

Qin Feng looked at him in surprise. Physician Song sighed, “I’m getting old, and my ability to practice medicine is waning. I originally planned to hold on for a few more years before considering closing the clinic. But when I saw Young Master Qin’s exceptional medical skills, I completely understood. A young physician’s duty is to help the people. If Young Master Qin doesn’t mind, I’m willing to entrust my clinic to you.”

Touched by his words, Qin Feng said earnestly, “Physician Song, please rest assured. I will definitely make Bao Yi Tang prosper and uphold your reputation.”

Bao Yi Tang was the name of Physician Song’s clinic.

“Good, good.” Physician Song looked pleased.

However, Qin Feng still had some concerns. “But Physician Song, if you give the clinic to me, how will you make a living in the future?”

“Give? What do you mean by give?” Physician Song was greatly surprised. He continued, “I’m lending this place to you to practice medicine. You can keep one-tenth of the earnings as my fee.”

Qin Feng was taken aback by this revelation. He hadn’t expected there to be a financial aspect involved. His initial sense of gratitude was slightly tainted by this realization.

Qin Feng’s lips twitched, but in the end, he agreed. After all, he wasn’t losing out in any way.

Just when Qin Feng thought everything was settled, Physician Song suddenly spoke again, “Oh right, Young Master Qin, you treated Master Qian in my clinic earlier. According to our agreement, should I receive one-tenth of your earnings for that as well?”

Silence filled the air for a moment. The old saying was true: old hands were more cunning. Qin Feng eventually handed over the five hundred taels of silver. Physician Song probably thought he had struck gold, so he willingly handed over the clinic’s deed.

Looking at it this way, combining the one-tenth share of medical profits and the five hundred taels of silver, in exchange for a clinic, seemed to be a profitable deal for Qin Feng.

Moreover, Qin Feng also agreed with Physician Song that if he didn’t come to Bao Yi Tang, Physician Song would continue to manage the clinic. The latter readily accepted the arrangement.

In this way, Qin Feng’s path as a physician officially began.

On the other side, in the middle reaches of the Qiyuan River, two figures stood on the trunk of a towering tree. One was tall, and the other was stout.

They were wearing black and white robes, with red ghost masks on their heads, exactly the same as the costumes of the thousand puppets that appeared in Jinyang City! The only difference was the numbers embroidered on their chests, one with the number five and the other with the number nine.

Suddenly, a bulge appeared on the right arm of the tall figure wearing the ghost mask. A small white creature, about half the size of a palm, pierced through the black robe, revealing its head with sharp teeth.

The tall figure sensed something and turned his head towards the south.

“What’s wrong, Bai Chong?” The plump figure beside him made a muffled sound from his belly.

“A little insect, dead,” Bai Chong replied indifferently.

“Will it affect our plan? I don’t want Ghost Bodhisattva to criticize us,” the plump figure said.

“It’s a minor issue. There are plenty of Heart Devouring Insects flowing into Qiyuan City anyway.”

Plop, plop.

That was the sound of saliva dripping continuously.

“Bai Chong, let’s make a deal. Since you have so many insects, can I have some? It shouldn’t be a problem, right?” the plump figure said.

“These insects aren’t even worthy of getting stuck in your teeth, and besides, you haven’t eaten your fill yet,” Bai Chong replied, glancing towards the fallen trees behind him.

The mountains and forests were in ruins, bloodstains covered the rocks, and there were countless severed limbs and bones.

Clearly, a bloody massacre had taken place here.

At that moment, a deafening roar echoed from deep within the mountains. A giant white ape suddenly landed not far from the two figures, causing rocks to crumble and the earth to shake.

The giant ape glared at them with its red eyes, exuding a powerful aura that indicated it was at least at the fifth-level of Calamity Power!

Such a terrifying monster would have surely frightened an ordinary person, but—

Bai Chong said calmly, “Is it here to avenge its offspring? Jingyun E, your lunch has arrived.”

The white giant ape pounded its chest with its arms, and the airwaves swept around like a tsunami, making the black robes of the two figures rustle.

It leaped into the air, arms crossed like a battle hammer. Although the attack hadn’t landed yet, the pressure had already crushed the giant tree where the two were standing into splinters!

However, when the white giant ape was less than three yards away from the two figures, a massive mouth appeared out of thin air.

With a cracking sound, the once arrogant giant ape was reduced to half a body, and blood rained down like a storm.

Jingyun E’s stomach rumbled continuously, the sound of gnashing echoed in the air.

“Remember to eat it all,” Bai Chong glanced at the remaining half of the giant ape’s body.

“I never waste food,” Jingyun E said confidently.

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