My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 625: The difficulty of travelling

Chapter 625: The difficulty of travelling

The Poetry Festival was held on the largest platform in the Flying Sky Courtyard, surrounded by banquet tables.

Beautiful women were dancing gracefully on the stage, their graceful figures inspiring reverie.

At this moment, however, the crowd’s attention was focused not so much on the delicious food and beautiful women, but on the impending confrontation between the Peaceful Academy and the National Academy.

Earlier, Mo Siye had taunted Master Qin, and the low-born scholars, heated by the moment, had agreed to a duel.

However, as they calmed down, a strong feeling of uneasiness arose within them.

They were afraid of losing the duel and bringing shame on Master Qin and the Peaceful Academy.

Moreover, their poor backgrounds from the common people made them feel a natural timidity when facing the powerful and influential.

Although Qin Feng didn’t know what they were thinking, he could see some clues.

The most direct manifestation was that even though the delicious food and wine on the banquet table were readily available, the incident caused by the dandy earlier had made them hesitant.

A cup of tea was passed, but not a single person touched the food on the table!

“Why aren’t you eating?” the prince asked curiously.

Lu Rong swallowed a mouthful of saliva and smiled awkwardly, “We ate before we came, so we’re not hungry now.”

If even the boldest Lu Rong was like this, what about the others?

In this atmosphere of unease and tension, the Poetry Festival was about to begin.

The women on the stage bowed and saluted and slowly left, and then it was Mo Siye who stepped onto the stage, holding a scroll of poems.

“Since this duel was proposed by our National Academy, allow me to take the lead. I believe the gentlemen from the Peaceful Academy have no objections, right?”

Qin Feng glanced sideways at the impoverished scholars and said calmly, “Please continue, Lord Mo.”

“That’s fine then.” Mo Siye took out the four treasures of the study that were shimmering with white light, and began to write with his brush flowing like a dragon and a snake.

The fact that Mo Siye had been appointed Supervisor of the National Academy naturally meant that he was no ordinary talent, but possessed real knowledge and skill.

When the poem was finished and thrown into the incense burner, white smoke rose up to five zhang, revealing it to be a rare masterpiece!

The students of the National Academy shouted their praises, while the students of the Peaceful Academy bowed their heads, some clenching their fists, others clutching their trouser legs.

All because of the content of Mo Siye’s poem!

He compared the National Academy to a phoenix and the impoverished scholars to chickens.

The implication was clear: no matter how hard chickens try, they can never rise to the phoenix.

The sarcasm was obvious.

As the crowd applauded and praised, their eyes turned to the scholars of the Peaceful Academy with unmistakable mockery.

Poetry is the most expressive form of feeling and emotion, and Mo Siye’s actions were aimed at shattering the confidence of the scholars of Peaceful Academy!

“I present my humble work in the hope of inspiring others. May I ask who from your academy will step forward?”

As the words fell, the Peaceful Academy fell silent.

The Crown Prince saw the situation and thought to himself, ‘This is bad. Poetry is meant to express one’s true feelings, to speak from the heart. If their literary pride is destroyed, how can they produce anything decent?’

Anya’s brow furrowed slightly. As a teacher at the Peaceful Academy, she tried to offer words of encouragement, but they seemed to sink like stones into the sea, with no one daring to respond.

In the attic, Emperor Ming couldn’t help but feel disappointed as he watched the scene unfold.

The tricks of Mo Siye from the National Academy were obvious to everyone. However, if one could not withstand such a setback, even if they possessed real talent and knowledge upon entering the court, they would not be able to withstand the attacks of political opponents and would end up being insignificant in the eyes of others.

“Perhaps it’s too early to let scholars from poor backgrounds enter the court,” Emperor Ming muttered to himself.

Beside him, Eunuch Li sighed softly upon hearing these words, then looked at Qin Feng, who stood silently at the front of the crowd.

The events unfolded as expected. Mo Siye’s smile was triumphant on his face as he continued, “Since the scholars of the Peaceful Academy have run out of ideas and can’t produce a masterpiece, let the students of my National Academy continue to compose poetry and save time for the rest.”

With these words, he gestured to his companions.

The confident students of the National Academy took this as their cue, and one by one they stepped onto the platform and threw their poems into the incense burner.

Most of the poems were two or three stanzas long, and two were four.

Writing poetry had long since ceased to be a mainstream activity for scholars, so to achieve such results was already considered above average.

The students of the National Academy felt that victory in this battle was within their grasp. Even if Qin Feng could produce a masterpiece, the Peaceful Academy wouldn’t be able to turn the tide, because this competition was about quantity!

Looking at those inferior students of Peaceful Academy, who looked like defeated curses, it was likely that they couldn’t even produce a decent poem!

With this in mind, Young Master Jiang sneered directly, “If you dare not fight, you can surrender early to avoid further embarrassment.”

“Yes, the outcome of this battle was sealed the moment you accepted the challenge.”

“The common folk dare to study, truly a great jest upon the world.”

Mocking laughter resounded incessantly, like thorns piercing into the hearts of the poor students.

But at this moment, Qin Feng spoke up, “Do you still remember the first lesson I taught you when the Poor Scholar Academy was founded?”

As the academy expanded and was later renamed Peaceful Academy, new students naturally joined in abundance.

However, regardless of when they arrived, the first lesson taught by Qin Feng was always talked about enthusiastically among the students and passed down from mouth to mouth.

The earliest group of people lifted their heads, memories of Qin Feng’s resounding words echoing in their minds—”Heaven bestows great tasks upon those it favors, first, it must toughen their minds…”

A hint of guilt appeared on their faces, yet not a single person dared to meet Qin Feng’s gaze directly.

Qin Feng turned around and glanced at the crowd, speaking earnestly, “One’s birth merely determines their starting point but cannot dictate their end.”

“In my eyes, you are no inferior to those privileged children, and in fact, you may even surpass them.”

“But the prerequisite is that you must first respect yourselves.”

“If even a caterpillar can one day transform into a butterfly, and a carp can leap through the dragon’s gate, then why can’t you?”

His words echoed like thunder in the ears of the students.

Qin Feng walked slowly onto the platform, and upon seeing him, the mocking laughter from the National Academy ceased abruptly, even Mo Siye’s expression darkened, his brows furrowed.

All because Qin Feng’s reputation was too illustrious!

The scene of him single-handedly challenging the National Academy without falling behind remained a nightmare in the hearts of National Academy students to this day!

“He hasn’t given up yet?” Mo Siye thought to himself.

Of course, Qin Feng had not given up!

Since the students of Peaceful Academy had their rough edges smoothed by the hardships of the past, they lacked the courage to move forward.

Then let him come and give them courage!

Arriving at the writing stove, with a single thought, the four treasures of the study leapt out, and a blank scroll floated in the air!

Qin Feng grabbed the brush, the literary qi within him surged and gathered at the tip of the brush, and the three-inch brush tip suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

Then everyone saw golden words appear on the blank scroll.

“Pure wine costs, for the golden cup, ten thousand coppers a flagon,”

“And a jade plate of dainty food calls for a million coins.”

“I fling aside my food-sticks and cup, I cannot eat nor drink….”

“I pull out my dagger, I peer four ways in vain.”

“I would cross the Yellow River, but ice chokes the ferry;”

“I would climb the Taihang Mountains, but the sky is blind with snow….”

“I would sit and poise a fishing-pole, lazy by a brook -”

“But I suddenly dream of riding a boat, sailing for the sun….”

“Journeying is hard,”

“Journeying is hard.”

“There are many turnings -”

“Which am I to follow?….”

“I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves”

“And set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.”

The moment the poem was finished, a golden light rose into the sky, illuminating the night as if it were day.

The white smoke from the writing stove rose nine zhang high, shoulder to shoulder with the golden light!

Amidst everyone’s astonishment, Qin Feng had already put down his brush, turned around and said, “Those who accomplished great deeds in ancient times were not only extraordinary talents, but they also had unyielding determination.”

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